What's Up Xers Wednesday

Hi to all,

I was so busy at work today. Next year, I am supposed to take over the job that the woman who had the lung cancer has, but since she is not coming back this year, I am trying to keep up with her job, plus mine. But figuring out what someone else had in mind is not that easy and the administrators are all on edge because of the end of the year and they are short one. Plus we have a really nasty parent of a student with down's syndrome that we have had multiple meetings with and still are pretty far away from everyone being on the same page. Ugghhh.....I always try to keep in mind that I don't have a child with a disability, so I really don't know what it would be like. Then I sat in on pre-expulsion meeting for two 8th grade males who were involved in an almost gang type beating up of another student and this is in a very reputable neighborhood. (the kid is fine)

I did catch up on the posts today, but didn't have my laptop and didn't want to post from a computer lab computer. Yes, since I don't have an office anywhere, I sometimes, not often, resort to sitting in my car between things that I have to do. You usually can pick up the wireless if you are not too far away from the building.

Yesterday I did SS leg blast, that is a great short leg workout, then I did all step and magically hips. Today I did Low Max, except for a couple of the blasts and then a Shiva concoction from Shakti.

I think that all of the yoga has really helped build up my upper body, so I'm happy with that. DH hugged my last night and commented again at how hard my upper body is. It's not as big as is was when I was doing the X, but I think that I've developed more dense muscles.

Legs are still not as tight as I'd like, but I still am not 100% yet. I can now sleep on my left side without that leg going numb. That is a great help because my right shoulder was starting to hurt from sleeping on it every night; I hate sleeping on my back.

It sucks to get old.

Hi...I'm finally back...busy pretty much all day...and I have some awful stomach cramps and gas...I think from the antibiotic I am taking for my bronchitis...great. I did walk the dog today...and then I did a short pilates dvd this evening. After the Lost season finale, I may try to do SH bis...but we'll see how I am feeling. Had a nice time at the neighborhood luncheon...it was actually a surprise going away party for me...which was really nice!

Let me try to catch up with a few personals....

Tracy...Nice to get such a good compliment from your hubby! I am still waiting for my Shiva dvd...hopefully it will come soon. I have been doing more yoga and pilates since I've been sick since I really cough a lot when I get out of breath...so minimal cardio for a few more days. I can already tell a difference in my abs and core from the pilates...so I am planning on incorporating it at least once a week. Glad your injury is still continuing to improve.

Nicole...I remember getting to the point with my biceps during the X that I wondered...do I really need to lift more than 15# per dumbbell...How big do I want my biceps?!? When I got to that point, I started doing more of a lean count instead of the shorter/heavier count. And you're coming up to your second recovery week...WooHoo!!

Sandra...DD likes the quick oats...like the maple or the brown sugar...but she is so willing to try new things...I really think that is great...Besides celery, asparagus is her favorite veggie. She always tries whatever I am eating...and she may not like it, but at least she tries it! Hope you had fun with B&G today...it's one of my faves too...which let me just add that before the X there is NO WAY I would have done that one as produced!

Amy...Glad you had such a good dinner out with DH...Hope you enjoyed your facial....I've only had one facial that didn't end up drying my skin out completely! Did you buy anything good while shopping? I certainly understand needing to add some fun back into your routine..I really struggled with that during my X rotation.

Okay...I think I am caught up for now...Hi to Lily, Katie, Mary, and Cheryl! Hope everyone has a good evening!


we do not remember days....
we remember moments
--Cesare Pavese


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