What to do with all these DVDs?

Maybe this belonged in the Video/DVD question section, but here goes:

Once STS Cardio is in our hot little hands, what becomes of all the Cathe DVDs we have collected over the years? Will we ever need for any of the strength series (PS, S&H, GS) not to mention the individual ones (MIS, MM)? What about all the cardio DVDs? Can you ever imagine a rotation that would encompass everything? Will you hold on to everything for sentimental reasons?

I guess I can rationalize hanging on to all of the cardios just for variety's sake, but now that I'm doing an STS rotation, I'm not sure about the strength stuff. Yard sale?
If I come to Yard sale, I will buy them all. I will never say no to more variety. Change is good and fun!
I agree...I love variety, particularly since (as someone on another thread mentioned) our interests can be cyclical. I just did a video yesterday that I hadn't done in over a year. I wasn't interested for that period of time but I am again. Also, I did not get STS and do not have any desire to do so (although I did just preorder STS Cardio) so I will always have use for the other strength workouts. Goals change, interests change, and it's always nice to have lots of options for workouts. I would be happy to visit your yard sale if you hold one!
I will never say no to more variety. Change is good and fun!

Same here. I love STS but I don't want to use it so much I dread it. I'm going to finish my 5 month rotation, and move on to some different rotations before I revisit STS again. I'll do a 3 month rotation the second time around.
By that time, STS cardio should be ready!:D
Not to be overly dramatic, but you would have to pry my Cathe strength DVDs from my cold dead hands! I will most assuredly use them all again in the future- I am already thinking about what post STS rotation I want to do. :) Change is good and I love the variety Cathe offers- getting one out after a long break is in some way like having a new DVD all over again.
Don't sell them! Trust me, one day you'll be in the Muscle Max mood, and you'll be happy you kept your entire collection.

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