what is your fave Cathe cardio (so far)


susan p


I just did Step Works and I gotta say I LOVE LOVE LOVE this tape!! It makes me feel like a kid skipping down a sidewalk on a sunny summer day. Heck, at times you literally ARE a kid skipping down a "sidewalk"!! --but aside from the skip across alone, the entire tape is filled with little hoppy, kicky, HAPPY moves. I LOVE the power mambo into a run-run among others. This isn't a tape full of big masculine power moves (there are just a few, a couple of power sevens in one section and those lengthwise lunges in the third section). It doesn't really have a heavily athletic feel, it has a little girls playing hopscotch feel to it. I love it, can you tell?? It is my all-time fave Cathe cardio. What about the rest of you??
oooohhhh I love...

the step of BodyMax and the step of MIC...people are probably tired of hearing me say that...but I just love those two together.
The part that just is down right fun and makes me giddy...that last interval blast with the hops on the bench...the music is awesome and I just love it!


Do you do the BodyMax cardio then the MIC step portion? How long is the workout? I haven't heard it before, so love to hear more...

I have 2 favorites!

I just posted at the check-in that Power Max is my favorite, but I love Step Works just as well, in fact, I think I love it more! Those two are NEVER boring. It sure makes the time fly when you are having fun, doesn't it? I have found that since I've started doing Cathe's tapes, VERY few of my old ones are appealing. They are collecting dust! As far as strength training AND aerobics go, there are NO tapes even close to Cathe's!!! I'd LOVE to go to one of her live classes!
No fair, Susan!

How am I supposed to pick just one?
My all time fave HAS to be Step Fit. There's just something about the way the moves come together that clicks for me. In almost any combo I do, SOME part of Step Fit has a role. But I have to agree with Nancy that the step section of MIC is FANTASTIC. Then again, you're right too, Susan, that Step Works really feels like playing in the park.
I'm an agreeable gal. As long as it's Cathe, it has to be great, right?
Not long now until May 1!!!

more on that combo..

Hi Joanna,
yup, you do the cardio step of BodyMax-(8 min warm-up, 24 min step)...stopping at the heartrate check (I think???) and starting with the step portion of MIC-(30 min step, 3 min cooldown, 4 min stretch). It comes out to a little over an hour


I'll try it...I have really enjoyed both those sections of both those tapes but this will be my first adventure with a 'mix.'
Hi Joanna..

I will be looking for your report next week in the check-in

Me too, Erin!

Step Fit, without a doubt! I just love those V-ups, the flying angels, and yes, even (especially) the macarena cooldown. And the stretch at the end is the best! Weird as it may sound, I will always have fond memories of this tape since this is the one I was doing, for the first time, when I badly sprained my ankle in 1998 (I was doing the power mamboes). As soon as I was able to, I got out Step Fit again and did it (couldn't let it conquer ME, now, could I?
). But I like Step Works and Power Max lots and lots, too. We just ordered a DVD today, and right after that I told my husband what I wanted for Mother's Day and he ordered it--you guessed it--Cathe's Cardio Hits!

My favorite, too!

I love Step Fit! My absolute favorite cardio tape of Cathe's. The only part I'm not crazy about are the flying angels, but the rest of the workout more than makes up for that. It's a blast!
I like Step Fit

I like Step Fit a lot too, but you know there are parts of that tape I STILL don't get??????? That is very unusual for me and a Cathe tape!! What I need to do is just do it each week for about a month and just get the moves through my head. Somehow they feel less intuitive and natural than some of the other tapes I have, ALTHOUGH, as I said, Step Fit is another fave of mine, in fact was THE fave until the fall Cathe trip where I acquired StepWorks!! And Step Heat ranks right up there. . . I just love richochets!
and hey, a question. . . .

What IS that word Cathe is using in the cooldown of StepWorks?? She is standing sideways toward the board and taps the front corner, then the back, then does-this-word. . . it's like a morph between a cha-cha-cha and a shuffle. I can't figure out WHAT THAT WORD IS!!!! Ack.

And speaking of workout words, what is the difference between a "chassee" (pronounce "shah-say) and a "sashay" (sp??) pronounced "sah-shay"?? --they seem to be used interchangeably, but I'm pretty sure that chassee is the right word for the movement. . . unless maybe I am just TOTALLY ignorant! So I will shut up and wait for the consensus on this one!
Sounds like...

...'pot-er-ma-ray', whatever that means. I've muttered a lot over that move. Even though I feel like I 'know' the tape, I still mess up on it...sigh.
is it that..

pom-er-rae thingee??? Not sure on the spelling so I sounded it out...well kinda. Is that the one Susan??? If it is...I always goof on that one..not the least bit graceful

hehehe we posted at the same time:O)

Joanna...and you spelled it out better than I did
. Glad to know, I am not the only one goofing on it!
Oh, I know what you're talking about now

Cathe is saying, "pas de bourre." It's taken from ballet. Nancy, it's kind of like a pony in a way
-- the counts of the move are similar.

IMax without a doubt!

I love IMax-I'm an intensity junkie and this one certainly fits the bill. I've had great results, my endurance level has skyrocketed, and it's just plain fun! A close second would have to be StepWorks-it was the only Cathe that I had to rewind to get the moves right...but it is SO worth it when you get it! I hope to have a new favorite (or at least ANOTHER favorite) Cathe cardio challenge in the near future


I HAD Imax, did it once and only got through THREE intervals!! Must've been a bad day though, because the next time I got through seven. . . One time I did do the whole tape but for every recovery I was just doing 4 right basics and 4 left basics, over and over!! If I kinda "skipped" the recovery moves I could get through all 10. I ended up trading it thinking "I'll never be that advanced!" --several times since I have thought "I shouldn't have done that. . . " --but that's OK, just means there's another Cathe order in my future! I mean even AFTER May's pre-order!
My favorite

is Step Works with Power Max and MIC Hi Low a close second. I just love the entire workout including the warmup and cooldown. It's just plain fun and time flies while doing it. Also, it has a special place in my heart since Cathe taught portions of this tape to us VFers. :)

I wonder if one of the cardio segments that will be coming out in a few months will replace my favorite. It will be interesting to find out.

Step Jam

I love to mix up step sections from various tapes, but for overall fave tape from start to finish, I love Step Jam. It's just such a kick - when I'm done I can never believe that I just worked out for over 45 minutes cuz it's so much fun!

I do like the BodyMax step section too, though. And let's see, I like Step Fit alot too. And then there's Step Works . . . . .(you get the picture!)

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