What impacts do you see re: economy?

Dry beans, eggs and flour are also affected. Shoot! I live on the "use to be" cheap foods that are so natural and healthy for ya.



The idea is to die young as late as possible.
My DH is a self-employed handyman and we are feeling a definate slow-down. He has had weeks at a time with only a few days work, if a full day! People are just not getting remodels and new decks put in like usual.

I try not to go out much because that keeps me from buying stuff that we don't need and the gas might last longer. I am also growing a garden and trying to cut down on the food we buy.

Worst case, we'll be moving in with family :+ (not all together kidding on that one!) But on the positive side, we do have family and friends that would take us! :)


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