What have I DONE???


Cathe, I ordered Cross Train XPress this morning!!!

Any tips on slooowly easing into this series of tapes? Interval Max is in the VCR ready to go. This time I'm actually going to use it, as I've previewed it about 4 times :)

Pray for me...:-wow
I'm not Cathe, but OH OH, am I in trouble too? I just ordered Cross Train XPress yesterday! I haven't received it yet, but am really looking forward to it! I'll be interested to see any comments on Kimba's post about slooowly easing into the series
No, no,, no! Don't ease into CTX. Jump right in! ;-) I did my first rotation with this series last week. I LOVE it! The cardio is very intense, but short, it's much easier for me to commit to 30minutes as opposed to 60minutes of tough cardio. The strength training is some of the best Cathe has ever done, IMO. You guys will love this series. I did it for a full week, but repeated the strength sections so I hit each body part 2x in that week. I'm planning on doing CTX every other week til the kids get out of school. What a bang for your buck!
I've heard so many rave reviews about CTX, and really like the fact it combines cardio with strength, all in 1 hour - can't wait til it comes in the mail!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Mar-08-02 AT 11:36PM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Mar-08-02 AT 11:35 PM (Est)[/font]

I just received mine today and am planning my rotation starting next Monday, and will do it for as long as I feel challenged (but will stop before Christmas :p ) Can't wait!
You have done something wonderful! don't ease into it - DIVE! CTX was my first foray into the wonderful world of Cathe. I had no clue what a "Rythmic L" or an "Over Facing Over" was, but I just tried it. My CTX rotation came to an end last week so I order PS and Imax which I have yet to try, but I am already missing the CTX series. I agree, the shorter cardio really does wonders. It is intense, but short enough to not burn me out and it gave me gobs of energy. ENJOY!!!!
I want the CTX DVD. I want it NOW. Small problem though, we don't yet have a DVD player and our finances are a little tight at the moment - too tight for fitness stuff (or should I say any MORE fitness stuff). Oh well I'll just have to be patient. Pity it never was one of my strong points. Sigh.

You'll love CTX. These were my first Cathe tapes that I've done. I'm still trying to get some of the choreography, but I really like them! I like the shorter cardio then on to weights. Just jump right in! Oh - one more thing - if you don't have a lot of upper body strength - you might want to use some lighter "test" weights at first - the first week I did CTX, I couldn't move my arms for a couple of days! [smile]
Kimba, CTX is without a doubt the best used tapes in my collection. They're so versatile and there's so many ways to use them.

That said...

I remember from previous posts you have said that you sometimes have problems with high impact. The cardio in CTX is VERY high impact - fun, but high impact. So, you can either take care to modify, OR you can do a schedule where you only do 3 cardio portions a week, and double up on the strength portions

eg. Step N Intervals (chest) plus triceps from 10-10-10 one day, Power Circuit (back and legs) plus biceps from Kickbox.

I did my first week of CTX last fall as is, then soon modified it to a schedule like this. It also gave me an extra day for a long cardio, or yoga, or whatever.

Also remember that Power Circuit has a leg workout included as well as back work, so don't do it the the day right before or after Leaner Legs.

And last, leave All Step for the last cardio tape you try! It's by far the hardest choreography wise (IM0) so build your "vocabulary" and confidence with the other tapes first, then do that one last. It's super fun, but can be frustrating the first time through...hang in there.

Most of all, have fun! They're a blast. The only reason I'd ever get rid of my CTX set is so I can get the DVD!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Mar-09-02 AT 08:50PM (Est)[/font][p]sheesh, sorry for yet another double post...

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