We're In This Together (03/03-03/10)

I have today off and the house to myself for awhile! Yay! I take every other Friday off since I'm required to work two Saturdays a month. So, while it sucks I'll have to work tomorrow it's really nice to get these days to myself. The kids are at school and daycare and Mark is at work. The only thing is I never seem to get the whole day at home...I always wind up having to do some kind of running whether it's errands, appointments or getting groceries. Today I have to run to Toyota to get my car looked at...oh well, at least I'll have a few hours to do stuff at home! I'm going to try and do Cardio Supersets today...my lats and back feel better although my back was pretty stiff and sore when I first got out of bed. It seems better now that I'm walking around. I think the measures I took yesterday helped quite a bit. It might have been a lot worse otherwise!:eek:
Sarah- I'm so sorry about you and your husband not speaking before he left. That sucks. It's so hard sometimes with guys. My husband goes through these cranky/depressed phases, especially during the winter. He's always battled with depression but won't admit that's what it is. He'll get moody and claims he's "tired". That's the code around here for when he's feeling it. He seems to be getting less and less of that these days compared to when we were first together...thank god. It can be pretty exhausting propping someone up all the time:(.
Natty- that would be so fun if you started STS! I'm planning on keeping it in my rotation after Meso 3. I have this loose plan where I'll alternate weeks of STS with circuits and kettlebells and work my way back down Meso 2 and 1 (like the pyramid rotation but modified). Of course, now I realize I'm going to have to go back to my 15 lb kettlebell to start...that's going to be so weird! I was up to swinging a 25 lb bell before STS. I was even planning on getting a heavier one but there won't be a need for awhile I think!:eek: It's so weird how I'm getting so strong with STS and yet my kettlebell endurance declined. I suppose they are two totally different ways of training. Still, it's so hard to wrap my head around it! I feel like such a warrior with my STS muscles!:eek:
Okay, gotta get some stuff done! Later girls! :)
Good morning :)

Last night I decided to take it easy, so no w/o. I have been really tired lately. Mixture of PMS and sleep deprivation (not intentionally. I love sleep). I think my daughter is trying to kill me. Since she turned 2, her sleeping sucks. She was up last night from 3am-5am :confused:. I guess it's my punishment for having such a wonderful baby sleeper (Bella was sleeping 6hrs straight at 4 weeks! She rarely woke for feeds during her first year). All the other parents were talking about sleep deprivation, I had no idea what that was like......until now. I am lucky she goes to bed early I suppose. I don't know how you guys do it Colleen & Sarah. My hat goes off to you both.
Must be nice, must be nice!! Jealous!! I love running errands.....ALONE! I find it very relaxing to do things by myself. I hate shopping with Mark & Bella. Both of them are always in a rush and snippy and irritable. Your rotation after STS is over sounds great. I like your combo of circuit training with KB's. Muscles are definitely hot on women. Mark was looking at Cathe during GSL and said she looks much better in her LIS. I think he likes her softer muscles as compared to her more harder physic from The Hardcore Series. He also said she had a nicer tushy too:eek:. I appreciate Cathe in all of her video's, she looks great either more muscular or softer.

Gotta go, I'm starving for lunch! TTYL :)
My sister and her child, now 5.5 years old, is a problem sleeper to this day. She also slept well as a child. Check with her pediatrician for help.
Friend Update: Today, I decided to stay logged into FB all day long so now he is too. Cathe is posting pics from her conference today in NYC too.
Morning girls!
Today is a rest day. Today is also going to be a busy day! I have to work until 1:30, then I have to head straight to my nieces birthday party. Then, Mark and I will have to go to his work Christmas party...yep they do it in March. I hate going to his work parties since I can't stand some of the people he works with. Others are fine and I can talk to them, thank god, but there are a few select guys that are just obnoxious. On top of it, he informs me last night that the guys I don't actually like are planning on coming over to our house after dinner to play pool and have drinks. Sigh.

Natty- I'm so sorry for you and Bella's sleeping issues! Sleep deprivation is awful. I feel like I can't think straight when I haven't had enough sleep and I get so grumpy! My kids were up many times a night when they were little. It went on for both of them until they were at least 6 months. Then, they were also up a lot when they were your daughter's age too! I got screwed both ways!:confused: Luckily, now they sleep the whole night, no problems. In fact, my kids are super tough to wake up in the mornings! I have to throw all the blankets off them and open the curtains and turn on the bedroom light to get them up! Now that they have school it's a whole new chore to contend with! You just can't win sometimes!
Oh, and I totally agree about doing errands alone. I refuse to let Mark grocery shop with me. I literally can not get anything done if he tags along. He doesn't understand that I have to think about the meals I'm going to be making and that I read labels before buying. Plus he stresses out about how much things cost because he never goes!
Okay, gotta get going. Have a great Saturday!

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