We're In This Together (02/03-02/10)

Hi Friends.
How are you? Lots to do today. Plan to head to northern MI and Detroit next week. Also, I need to interview at least 10 people who admire/respect me so I hit FB for that.
The new connection is now also on FB, it's great I can see him and he can see for who we truly are.
My workout might be high reps tonight.
Really tired right now and its only 723AM.
Have a good day.

Question about VF video exchange, you got me interested now. I have so many DVD's that I would love to exchange for Cathe and Jari. Do you think people would be interested? What exchanges well there? Billy Blanks and Jackie Warner, how about them? I did not get into their w/o's and I don't think I will ever be able to.
Question about VF video exchange, you got me interested now. I have so many DVD's that I would love to exchange for Cathe and Jari. Do you think people would be interested? What exchanges well there? Billy Blanks and Jackie Warner, how about them? I did not get into their w/o's and I don't think I will ever be able to.

Well, one thing I've noticed is Bob and Jilian don't trade very well...I think it's because their available at retail and reasonably priced. Billy and Jackie may trade better. I know I got a lot of Cathe's from those hardcore ex-fans who are now getting into less intense (intermediate and beginner) workouts. It's been a gold mine! Alot of people are getting into Pilates, Barre workouts, yoga, Leslie Sansone walking DVD's, Ellen Barrett, Tracy Anderson and basically anything less intense it seems. There are some people really into kettlebells so those trade exceptionally well too. They also loooove Kelly Coffey-Meyer and Amy Bento over there!

Did disc 15 of STS Meso 2 today! I love working the back...I swear my posture is better on those days when I do!:D

Have a great day girls!
Well, one thing I've noticed is Bob and Jilian don't trade very well...I think it's because their available at retail and reasonably priced. Billy and Jackie may trade better. I know I got a lot of Cathe's from those hardcore ex-fans who are now getting into less intense (intermediate and beginner) workouts. It's been a gold mine! Alot of people are getting into Pilates, Barre workouts, yoga, Leslie Sansone walking DVD's, Ellen Barrett, Tracy Anderson and basically anything less intense it seems. There are some people really into kettlebells so those trade exceptionally well too. They also loooove Kelly Coffey-Meyer and Amy Bento over there!

Did disc 15 of STS Meso 2 today! I love working the back...I swear my posture is better on those days when I do!:D

Have a great day girls!

Thanks! Not looking to trade Bob or Jillian. I like them both.

KCM and Amy Bento? Really? Hmmmm, questionable IMO. I saw clips of Kelly on Collage, and thought, no not for me thanks. I did an Amy Bento Kettle Bell w/o once (rented from the library) and her style just did not jive with mine. Paul Katami is the Kettle Bell master!! Hot stuff!!

Hey, how long are you doing that rotation for? Maybe when you and Sarah are done, we can all do a rotation together. A get ready for spring/summer one or something? I was checking out the rotations and saw some kick a** ones I wanted to try. This one is literally kicking my booty as we speak.

Talk later ;)
I absolutely agree with you on Amy Bento and KCM! I can't stand Amy Bento...her cardio is ridiculously fast paced with frantic all over the place movements and very little decent cueing. I like some high impact but I need it in a controlled manner, not flailing all over the place. KCM I don't mind. I was on a kick for awhile acquiring her workouts but then I realized I just didn't dig her that much. I did her workouts a few times then just traded them away. I still have her Circuit Burn but I never reach for it. I'm not sure why, but I just didn't click with her.

I'm in the middle of my 3 1/2 month STS rotation so I should be done the middle of April. I'm loving it but I'm excited to get back to circuits and kettlebells! I miss Paul! He's so cute in Burn and Build and ASAP 4x4, he's always saying for the next exercise "now this next one is tough too" in that sweet voice of his...it just makes me smile even though I know I'm about to get my booty kicked! I also really miss some of Cathe's circuits like Drill Max and some of her total body weight workouts. I did STS total body, Supersets/Push-Pull, PUB/PLB and High reps a lot before I started STS and those were fun! Unless something drastic happens in my life to disrupt my working out I know I won't fall off the fitness wagon because I love so many of my DVD's! I get totally excited and want to do them all! In fact, there's not enough time to do all the ones I want!;)

I was noticing in your earlier post you mentioned doing Afterburn instead of CCC... if you already have glute DOMS that may compound it! My butt really talks to me after that one! I can't wait to do AB...I have it on tap for Saturday!:D
I decided I would do Bootcamp today since it's one that I have only done 2-3 times before. I put the disc in and started to look for the remote. I couldn't find it anywhere, those darned kids. I looked high and low, even in the cushions with all of the crumbs and popcorn kernals. After 1/2 hour, I finally decided this might be a good thing because then I won't be able to pause or rewind it. I went ahead and pressed play after hearing the trailer music for 1/2 hour (it's motivating the 1st time after 1/2 hour it's really annoying). Then proceded to spill my water bottle everywhere all over the sofa, table, floor, and even down into the heating vent. Then I had to clean up and wipe down everything. I went to wipe down inside the black hole (flashback to Flash Gordan). I reached inside the vent with a rag and wiped as far as I could reach. Pulled the rag out and in was riddled with mouse turds. Please don't think that I am a bad housekeeper. I live in the middle of nowhere and mice are normal in our vehicles, but ijn my house, I was digusted. The scattered brained person in me would have normally decided to forgo everything and clean all the vents out. However, I stuck to the plan and did Bootcamp anyway and loved it. Thanks for letting me vent (bad joke, sorry).
P.S. I found the remote sitting on the table, by the TV, behind my laptop. I guess I was so focused on Cathe that I couldn't focus on finding the darned remote.

Oh my! ROFL! This is a very close picture of me! I totally understand you, Sarah, even about the remote thing ... Btw, I grew up in the countryside and had a couple of experience with mice as well ...so I really know what you went through :D
Hi everyone!
I am sticking with the rotation and yesterday did 40/20 followed by a core max premix but had to stop earlier my ab routine due to sudden pain in my transversus abdomini. Today my abs are sore but my transversus is still a bit aching. This morning I managed to do legs and glutes- timesaver version- and my legs were FRYING!!! I skipped the abs portion and did some extra work using the ball and this evening DOMS are settling down.Hope to be able to do CCC tomorrow:(

Natty: I get really upset too when my son wakes up too soon from his nap as I really miss my workout time...I don't know how I will do my Cathe hour when he does not nap anymore!

Colleen: I love circuits so much that I wouldn't be able to stay away from them for so long! Btw, Drill max is so much fun!I use a lot all the premixes of the 4DS also because a lot of circuits are offered and you get always a different workout!

The day is almost over....night night !
OMG Cathe answered my questions today!! If I did not love her enough before, now I am totally CRAZY for her :eek: I feel over the moon right now.

Today was a beautiful, sunny, balmy +5c (Oh I forgot you guys go by F not C). For Canada, that is HOT for winter time. Took a nice long walk to the store, back roads and side streets. Too bad they are calling for snow and crappy weather again next week :mad:

I really need a vacation. Cuba is calling my name. Have not been there in 4 years and I'm going through withdrawal. Man, it's so beautiful there. I have been 7 times and loved every minute of it. The people are so friendly and accommodating. The drinks are FANTASTIC! Cuba Libre (rum & coke) oh dear heaven almighty :eek:

Have a good night everyone :)
Natty-Cathe is totally awesome! She had a long conversation on CrossFit and a former Cathelete was on Facebok there so the discussion hit on some key issues. Another showed a video of it. It was warm here too. Snow tomorrow and Saturday, the day I planned for IKEA-Canton.
Ellie-hopefully, your baby will be in school when the naps end.
Myself. Not much done today, I wrote a draft of my new resume-career focus plan. Posted for a position, got a rejection letter on another.
Natty- I was giddy for you too when I saw Cathe answer you! Doesn't it give you such a high when she does? Hee!:D
I'm so jealous you Canadians can go to Cuba. My uncle goes almost every year! I've always wanted to see it. I love the Carribean islands so much. My husband and I were married in Key West...just 90 miles from Cuba! We've been to Jamaica, did a cruise where we went to Nassau and a few others, the Dominican Republic and of course we always love going to Florida and the Keys whenever we can!

Ellie-how are your abs feeling today? Do you think you pulled a muscle? I did that once with a hamstring, it wasn't a bad pull but it sure hurt for a few days!

Jen-good luck with the job postings! Hang in there, I know how tough it is right now and how easily I would get frustrated. We're all here to cheer you on!

Nikki and Sarah- how are you guys doing? Getting those workouts in?

I was going to workout this morning but I've still got that little mild sore throat. I had it a little last week, then I was fine this week but now it's been bothering me the last 2 days...I may just have to take today off so I'll be good to go for Afterburn tomorrow!:)

Have a great day girls! Colleen
Good (late) morning :)

My day started too early, 4:30am my daughter was up. I tried to get her to return to sleep, but nope, she wanted out. 6:00am I gave up (that's the time she usually wakes). God, I hope she takes a nap today :(

I got my morning workout in since DH is home. CCC was on the rotation. I am so tired right now, mainly from getting up so early but also cuz' that workout is insanely hard. Lot's of modification just to finish.

I wanted to start a new week, but I am posting here anyway since Colleen already posted this morning.

I am so sorry to hear you got a rejection letter. Don't get discouraged. Just try to stay positive and strong. My fingers are crossed.
Yes, Cuba is breathtaking. I can't describe into words. I have been to the DR twice, but it does not hold a candle to Cuba IMO. When Bella gets a little older, we plan to resume traveling again.

Gotta run, I am dripping like a faucet. TTYL :)
Yesterday I took a rest day. Since it's my rest week, I don't feel too bad. I spent the whole day cooking. Curry turkey-peanut soup, turkey barley soup, turkey stock, chicken stock, turkey chili. I freeze alot that way I have good options the nights the family wants to do take out pizza. Plus my daughters love soup in their lunch. Today I really want to do LoMax beacuse I haven't done that one in a long time and I used to love it. I also have to get ready for a bazaar I'm participating in for tomorrow in Portland. I already feelings nervous and trying to tell myself if I sell 1 I should be happy (but it isn't working). I'm having sleepless nights and even a nightmare about missing it. When I don't sleep is when I start eating everything in sight. I'm going to try to take a nap, I think.

Nat- I remember feeling very crabby when the kids wouldn't take their naps so I could exercise. I totally can relate. So you had such an early morning. I did Bootcamp from the Intensity series. I will pre-order new ones but just have to wait for the right time. "What time is that" you say, after I have just had a date night with the husband ; )

I would love to do a rotation at the same time that woyld be really fun. But I won't be finished till the second week in May. I could speed things up by one week if you want to plan for something.

Ellie - Good for you for sticking with the rotation. I feel even more accomplished when I stick with a rotation.

JT - Rejection is a hard one for me. I keep trying to tell myself that you end up coming back stronger but for me, it's really hard to push through. My tendencies are to give up. You are having to push yourself everyday, I can take a break from my business whenever I feel discouraged. You keep getting back up and dusting off. More power to you! I have no idea what it's like to walk in your shoes (even if they are Ryka's ; ) )

Even though it wasn't the most optimal position for me, the fact I got one from my former industry is sometimes a slap in the face. That's why I am glad to be in the program that I am. Yesterday, I posted for a position that I am confident about right now.
Thank you for your encouragement.
Tonight hopefully is Lower Body Blast, maybe shovel max. Canton might not happen now because of the roads and homework. Still in good communication with my new aquintance.
One more thing, I just got a call from the person who cornered me last week. She is trying hard to be my friend. Proceeding with caution.
Good evening everybody,

This week has been a struggle. TTOM. I usually feel pretty drained during that time. Yesterday, I had no energy so I took a rest day, but managed to workout Mon-Wed. Today I was glad that I woke up with my usual energy. I did Kick, Punch, & Crunch. I used the heavy bag during that last cardio section with the kick/punch combos. That was so much fun. As you can see, I'm really desperate for Cathe to make another heavy bag boxing workout. Although I still thoroughly enjoy the heavy bag workout on MMA Boxing, I've worn it out.

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