Weighted Down


Help! I'm at the highest weight I've ever been in my whole life and I can't seem to lose it! I used to be an aerobic instructor eons ago so fitness is not new to me. But, over the last 5 years 15 lbs has found a way to become my new buddy. To make a long story short, I've tried diet and exercise and make small progress but then get depressed and what do I do when I'm depressed....eat, of course :( Where is the willpower that used to come so easy?? I guess what I'm looking for is some much needed support and words of encouragement to break my downward emotional spiral.

Thanks guys,

Man, oh man, do I know that feeling of total frustration. I am 30 now, and as long as I can remember I have struggled with weight. Never much, usually about 30 pounds or so, but when you're 5'3" that's enough and it can really take its toll on you. In high school, by senior year, I got myself down to 115 pounds and a size 4, I was working out like crazy and I started to binge and purge. I did it on and off for years and years. I'd stop for a year or two and then go back to it. By the time I was 20 or 21 I was heavy again and worked in bars where the late hours and constant boozing made it impossible to be healthy. Add chronic severe asthma on top of that and having no immune system strength from a lifetime of overuse of antibiotics.

So, about 2 years ago, my honey and I moved to LA for a change of pace and a new job for him. We lucked out bigtime and I was referred to an intriguing doctor who combined chiropractic care, holisitic healing and Chinese Medicine. She helped me to identify one central health problem that was causing me the following chronic symptoms; vaginitis, heartburn, asthma trouble, terrible allergies, food allergies, painful bowel movements, indigestion/gas, achy bones, mood swings, depressiona and anxiety, inability to lose weight no matter how much I exercised or what I ate. She felt that my problem was in inner yeast imbalance, called Candidiasis. It was causing a chain reaction of awful symptoms in my body and the only way to know for sure if that's the problem when you suspect it is to try the elimination diet for a week or so and see how you respond. You actually get a little worse for a few days as toxins are exiting the body through every means possible and you feel a little like you have the flu and your symptoms exacerbate. But then things start to rapidly improve and then you know you've hit the nail on the head.

Now, I am not saying that's what you are faced with, but it is an inner imbalance that is thought to effect millions of people. It's become a modern epidemic thanks to everything from the common diet, to environmental factors to medications of every kind. So you might want to check out "www.bodyecologydiet.com" and take their self test to see if you think you might have a similar problem. But if you are fortunate not to have this condition (which is very easily correctable through diet and supplementation with natural things like probiotics, or good cultures) I just want you to know that so many other people have felt the frustration that you do. For over 10 years I struggled and beat myself up and bought into every gimmick and gadget and idea imaginable until I almost accidentally stumbled onto what would finally be my solution.

I began my yeast balancing diet and working out with Cathe tapes a year ago, almost exactly. Then, I weighed about 160 pounds, was a size 12 to 14 and was just miserable. Moody, down all the time, no energy. Today, I am a completely different woman physically and emotionally. I'm 130 pounds of muscle (thank you Cathe!), I'm a size 6, and I am sooooo happy and have just tons of energy. All of this has inspired me and moved me so much, I am enrolling in school full time to pursue a degree in Kinesiology or nutrition or both, to help people the way my doc helped me by idnetifying this problem and walking my through correcting it naturally.

It's been a long, tough road and I wish I would have known these things years ago. But who knows? Maybe back then I wasn't ready and I wouldn't have seen it through. I like to think it was fate that I found this doc and that she so capably helped me get healthy and strong. Once your body is in the proper balance, everything functions better, you waste less energy on disgestion of the wrong foods and have more energy available for things like exercise, going out and having fun and burning fat. And I haven't had so much as a sniffle since I got "clean." This, from a girl who used to take antibiotics (thanks to crappy doctors) all the time, like Pez, for my constant colds.

Don't give up and don't feel alone, because you're not. Just know that the solution could be completely different for everyone, but I can tell you with certainty that if you get yourself balanced and truly strong health-wise, the lean body will definitely follow. My initial weight loss of 20 pounds happened within the first few months but I was focusing totally on my symptoms and how I felt, so it snuck up on me. After all those years of obsessing over my fat butt, when I stopped thinking about it I made a breakthroug. Go for total health and you can't possibly go wrong.

Take care.
Hi Stacy,

Hard to follow Lex's inspiring story! But I want to give you some encouragement. If it took 5 years to gain those unwanted pounds, then it's going to take awhile to get rid of them. Let's face it, the quick solutions either fail or put your health at risk. It seems that people get too fixated on the goal (especially the quantitative ones) & forget to enjoy how good fitness & healthy eating feels no matter what size jeans they're wearing. So enjoy the journey!

Many people use the weekly check-in as a motivator. It's not a competition. It motivates me to get in one long stretching video each week, which pays great dividends but is hard to squeeze in sometimes. I also find I do a better job of balancing my workouts. So join the check-ins if you think that will help you pursue your fitness goals.

Hi Stacy!

Just wanted to say that we're glad your here! Hang in there. Are you doing Cathe's tapes? I am an aerobic instructor and I know for a fact, I used to beat myself up for not having what I would view as an "instructor's body". Sometimes, I think that we get in a rut and I know that ever since I found Cathe's tapes, I have a whole different outlook on myself. (Not that I think I am perfect by any means) I feel stronger, more defined and just have a better attitude about fitness and what is does for a person's self esteem. Lucikly, I have always enjoyed teaching aerobics, but the Cathe tapes gave me an all-new dimension to my workout program. Come here often because there are sooo many people that can relate and can give you helpful advice. Hang in there! We're rooting for you! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
RE: Hi Stacy!

I just wanted to say, Debbie, that your posts are always so friendly and so positive. I noticed that a while ago, and it's interesting that you mention not feeling like you have an instructor's body. I want to get certified and start my own part-time personal training business, but I keep waiting to feel more like I have a body that will motivate. maybe I'm just stalling and expecting a certain standard that's unrealistic. Even if I did have a motivating shape myself, would I eve know that? After years of being overweight and daydreaming of being fit, can I recognize it in myself? Might you be the same way? I always thought that being a certain size would make me perfectly happy, but now, partially thanks to Cathe's tapes, I have a different set of criteria for being happy with myself. It's about how hard I work, how much I enjoy my workout time, how I feel in between workouts. That's what I daydream about now; mastering Interval Max without asthma trouble and doing it all with a smile, or at least not such a grimace, and handling a little heavier weight while maintaining good form.

I think that's been a really good change, and I'm so glad Cathe keeps cranking out more videos for rotating and growing.

But just know that I always look forward to your positive posts, and I'm sure lots of other people do too!

Take Care!
Thanks Lex!

Thanks for the kind words! You are right when you say that sometimes we may not even recognize that our bodies are just fine. I have many people tell me that I look good but sometimes, I guess because we see every bump & bulge, it is easy to be critical. I honestly can say that I have developed a much better image of myself since starting the Cathe tapes. Yes, they have helped to define & strengthen me, but most importantly, I have a new-found respect for all the hard work I do. (& I DO WORK HARD!!)I give you a lot of credit for overcoming all the obstacles that have come your way. You are amazing. I love reading all your informative advise. I think you would be a very good instructor with a wealth of knowledge to share. You truly seem like a "people-person", so GO FOR IT!!:D It's so much fun. Sometimes, I wonder, what did I do before I found this wonderful, supportive place??? I have met so many great friends! Thanks again Lex and good luck! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)

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