Weight Watchers~~~SUNDAY~~~


Morning ladies! Woke up bright eyed & bushy tailed at 4am.. Went to bed at 7pm & was sound asleep before 8pm! My body was SO TIRED yesterday!
Heavy Lifting + Circuit Max Cardio combined with this ridiculous Yeast Free / Dairy Free / Sugar Free "diet" my Dr has me on for 30 days is just making me CRAZY!!:D I was so hungry yesterday I could have eaten a horse but I get that way when my body is tired. I have read that its your bodys way (hunger) of trying to find energy sources if you arent going to give it the sleep it wants. WHO KNOWS! All I know is that I want my dang Fit n Lite Yogurt (I can steal Amys) mixed with FF Cottage Cheese! Its a staple for me to keep me going!

Enough complaining... Bright side- 3 days down/ 27 to go! I bet I'm getting Yeast Free already!! WooHoo!!!!!!!!;-)

Today is Slim Series Firm it Up (Lower Body) - no additional cardio for me as I havent had a day off at all (including from cardio) for 10 days. I know you do that all the time Cheryl but you are more fit & fabulous than I! I may be taking a rest day real soon!

Triceps are feeling yesterdays workout:D and Chest is tight but not toasty like I like. I am heading to Academy tomorrow to try and find the 17#'ers ... I use 15 but the jump to my 20's is just to big.

Gotta go find out scoop on you ladies from yesterday so I can talk about YOU and not my stuff!!!

:eek: AMY: So sorry to hear that DH isnt doing well. You 2 have a lot on your collective plates right now and that can takes its toll. I am praying that your world takes a shift soon and all things fall into place. There really is little comfort in knowing that eventually life levels out again and all your work getting thru togh times does make most stronger and better. Never worry about TMI! We are the TMI Queens! {{{ amy & dh}}}. ***On a happier note- WooHoo on loving your new Cardio Kicks! I so hope Cathe does another kick this year with tons of premixes! I only do her, P90X & Amy Bento for kick as the rest I have tried are just not my cup of tea. I think theres 6 in my inventory and doing Kick once a week as a staple leaves me feeling stale quickly. Interesting on the calories.... Mine have always been way high too when calculated. I even calculated at my goal weight maintenance level and that was 1850. I just dont see that happening eating clean... There must be 25#s of clean food in that calorie count! :+ *** On Dr, Hope you are keeping a list.. sometimes docs have their agenda of direction of conversation and you really do have to take charge! I somehow see you having no problem with that!!!:+ ***Soy Creamer... I Use Silk brand (same as my milk) I cant find it at Walmart but Kroger always has it. Also my Kroger doesnt carry the Lite Soy Creamer so I mix it with my Soy Milk Lite to extract some of the calories. Have a great sleep day today!

:eek: Belinda: Hope your rest day was delightful! Thy go by so fast dont they? Do you have CTX? There is a great 35 minute Kick on that one too!

:eek: Gidget: I had to LOL at dial up- my mom too! My DH owns a tech company so our house is like Star Trek 3000! If its a new product we have it! Drives me CRAZY but I sure love my DSL. Going home to see mom is always like going back in time for me! ***Sending good vibes for WI today! You'll be just fine!*** Great job on being prepared with alternate workouts! You go girl!

:eek: Jane: Oh thats wonderful about DS! I'm sure mom felt better after seeing for herself! ***BBQ is a trigger for most people here in Texas... I guess my California roots are what keeps me free of that desire! My mom is from Louisiana originally tho so all the Fried this & that is my food of choice! Can you say Paula Dean? Thats me if I could be!*** Girl Scount Cookies!!! YEAH!!! Thank GOD our girl scouts moved out of the neighborhood 2 years ago! We used to buy a standard 12 boxes and just stick them in freezer! Oh yes, those were the days I was 25 pounds higher- any correlation????

:eek: Cheryl: I think you are so right on about SH ... I can only do it as 1 part per day because of missing fun factor but LORDY its funny hearing Cathe in this one. She doesnt sound any happier about it than I am! lol. I love the results tho so thats my focus!*** You are really a great business person arnt you? We sound similar (when I was working) ... Understanding the human element and Psyche is a key to getting things to happen isnt it? *** Sorry about your cancelled run but good lord woman MIC + TM 45??? MIC absolutely drains me! I have never been able to feel energized after doing both parts. Actually was thinking yesterday that Circuit Max Cardio Only "feels" very similar to MIC and 10*10*10*. Hope your Heavy Lifting today has you walking around FLEXING all day! Cant you just taste summertime so we can walk around in tanks & shorts??? I am so excited for that day!:7

:eek: Lori- Hope you get a chance to pop in and let us know how your weekend went!

:eek: Claude: Always thinking of you

Happy day to all!:7
Good morning!

Amy {{{{HUGS}}}} to you and DH. Sometimes life has a way of dragging you down the hole. I can relate about situational depression, been there and done there a few times when life has thrown curves you never say coming. Traci is right though, life usually has a way of leveling off after the valleys and even the mountains. Stick in there and get what you need out of your doctor's visit. Remember the visit is all about you while she is in there in that room with you, so make sure she listens to you. {{{{HUGS}}}}

Traci - my goodness, a yeast free, dairy free, sugar free diet. YOWEEE! They'd find me in a ditch somehwere:p ... I do need to follow you on the sugar free though. Yesterday was a disaster of major proportions with my diet. I am starting YET AGAIN to try to get a handle on this ridiculous overeating I do (okay we'd might as well call it what it is - bingeing). It is not healthy and I need to find a way to control it. I sat down last night and entered all my food on SparkPeople through next Friday. I know what I'm having at every meal. I usually do this a day ahead but let's see if this works.

Hello to everyone else, hope you are having a nice weekend.
Thanks for the hugs!!! I think that it's interesting that I've never had any problems with the situational depression (love that term, Jane!!) until I started getting older! DH will probably tell you otherwise, but then again, he's got a different spin on life! I'm not worried about the doc paying attention to me, she's really good about "being in the room" with you and not elsewhere!

Traci- No yeast, No dairy, no sugar....WTH do you eat???? I think that it's hysterical that I've got at least 3 people at work addicted to the Naturally More!!! Speaking of which, just finished a banana with some on it! I don't know if they make #17 dumbbells, but if they don't, some PlateMates may be in order. They are #2 plates that magnetically attach to the ends of the dumbbells to add smaller increments of weight...perfect for rear delts and tris!

Was super shocked (but not really) when I went to prepare my lunch pail for work last night. I had plenty of protein in the fridge (had to break out the second 1/2 gallon of egg whites!!) but had to resort to the freezer for the veggies! I had NO fresh! Of course, It really wasn't a surprise since I haven't been grocer shopping for a couple of weeks! So, I had to stop on the way home.....I happened to have found some lovely blackberry turnovers for DH. Since the accident, all I've been able to get him to eat was a single bowl of cereal and a couple of nutty bars. At this point, I'm game for anything that will get him to eat something!

Hugs and kisses to everyone else. I'm off for bed!
Hi, everyone!

Traci, did you not get to go to the Bay? I was thinking we wouldn't get to hear from you over the weekend, so this is a bonus.

No sugar, no yeast, no dairy... ohmigosh! Does dairy include our beloved egg whites? Does no sugar include the very low glycemic alternatives like agave nectar? If you can have a little of that you can make some PB/oatmeal muffins - they have no yeast. I'm imagining you don't want to have artificial sweeteners either? If she's okay with that, you could break down and have a little diet root beer during this horrendously hard month. Maybe have some oatmeal cooked with egg whites and add cinnamon and raisins? I'm trying to imagine how I'd cope. Tortillas don't have yeast, do they? you could have some chicken fajitas with salsa and guacamole, just skip the cheese...

It's raining cats and dogs here in Utah this morning, so no outdoor run today, either, unless it stops. I'll peek outside and see. I am thinking of gym style legs and also chest and tri's this morning since I have time for a long workout and could sure use the burn.

Yesterday DH and I went for a date to Chilis. Had the cedar plank Tilapia with mashed potatoes and steamed vegetables and some ice tea. Yum! Traci, you could have that - maybe you can just go out to eat today :9 :7

Amy, can't wait until you get in for that doctor's visit. It should help you on so many fronts - probably depression included. I am so excited for you to get some answers, at last!

Lori, sounds like you're having a great weekend.

Gidget, sounds like you're doing surprisingly well working around your baby's schedule right now - woo hoo! Good workouts this past couple of days.

Belinda, good to hear from you.

Jane, so glad DS had a good day yesterday. Wow, what an adventure you've been pulled through this week.

Teddygirl, how are you doing??? Any new news???

Well, off to work out. I'll check back in a little later.
Only two of my sons will be here for dinner tonight. I'm thinking roast chicken and mashed potatoes, yum!!

Have a great morning, everyone!

Hi Girls,

Just a quick check in. No workout for me today, I think Sundays will be my day off.
So I weighed in today and I am down 4 lbs!:) :) Very happy with that and I also know not to expect that every week.Would be nice though:)
I also have a sick daugther today which makes it hard b/c I don't want to get to close to her and then pass something to the baby. Although they say breastfeed babies don't catch to many things.

Anyway, Im outta here. Got things to do. Have a good day everyone.
Lori - Oh. My. Gosh. 4 pounds down???? You rock, girl! Obviously you're doing something right and I hope you enjoy your day off guilt free ;) ;) :7

Well, finished up GS legs - aagh, my legs feel like rubber! Could see I didn't have it in my to add chest and tri's today, so I added B&G bonus abs (15 min) and 45 min TM, level 8. Just right. Sundays are a great day for me to do a double workout these days.... will try to do GS chest and tri's plus imax2 tomorrow morning.

What a wonderful day - we're off to a great new week.

Have a great afternoon, everyone!

Hi Guys....My eating has been horrendous. I just have the 'I don't care attitude." I hope it is over by tomorrow, or I am going to be up 5 lbs. It will be over by tomorrow. I will be back tomorrow.
Lori I'm right there with you.... I feel your pain... I started something different on Sparkpeople today. See my above post. I'll be watching for you tomorrow. It WILL BE a good day for us both.
Woo hoo, woo hoo - down to 125.2. A new level, even though it's only 1 pound down from last week. I am so excited!
Life is good. Slowly but surely :)

WooHoo with you Cheryl! Life is indeed good...

I just finished Cardio Coach #6 with Coach Sean.... 53 minutes of level 3 and 4 sprints.... oh what endorphins are flowing through my body.... this is one great high!
Hi everbody,

Amy I am sorry to hear your husband is not doing so well. Hang in there!!

Amy I am German! I was born and raised in Germany. I met my husband almost 25 years ago while he was stationed in Germany. We lived in Germany almost 17 years. In 2004 we relocated back to the States. My husband is still Active Duty. We're going to be here in El Paso for a while. I am married and lived around Amrericans for so many years I don't think I'm ever going to lose my German accent. But that is who I am!

Traci the reason I didn't work out was the pain in my feet. I thought buying Ryka Studio would help, which it did a little. Doing all that jumping around Friday and not enough stretching didn't help either. Maby I need to find Ryka Enlight II and see if that helps? No I don't have CTX, but been debating on getting it. I did KPC this morning,
WOW! On your yeast free , dairy free, no sugar diet. What do you eat?

Cheryl I don't now how you guys do it? MIC and TM 45 min. would kill me right now! Congrats on your weight loss!:) :)

I have to get ready to go to a dinner at my husband Commander's house. They always have Asian Food so my diet wont be too bad.

Have a great afternoon/evening for some!
Hey Belinda.. I noticed you said you were in El Paso... you're at Ft. Bliss right? My son and DIL were stationed there the last year before they got out. They spent two years in South Korea before then. They were both Patriot Missile operators.
Hi Jane,
Yes, we are at FT Bliss. My husband is with the Sargents Major Academy on Biggs Field. Have you ever been to El Paso?
Hey, all!

Just a quickie as work is busy.

Did Butts & Guts for the first time tonight....an abridged edition as I didn't have time to complete the whole 90 minutes, but didn't want to leave out some of the floor work that I could squeeze in.

Cardio Kicks is kicking in, I'll tell you!!! I could feel it in my shoulders and lats when I got up this afternoon!!!!! I can already feel the B&G kicking in tonight!!!

Okay, gotta go!!! Must be the nurse-y nurse that I'm getting paid for!!!:) :7

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