Weight Watchers - 2nd week of May, 2011


Happy Mother's Day to the Mom's.

Up a little. Not Panicking. I think last weeks dip down was a bit of a fluke.

Hope everyone has a great day.
Not even gonna weigh myself this morning, it will be too ugly. I hope to stabilize by my official Wednesday weigh-in day.
Good Morning all
Scale was down 1 Yeah... I am hoping slow and steady wins the race..;)
I am so proud I stuck with the tracking all week and managed to not use even one of my accumulated activity points!
My goal this week is to avoid the late night cookie meltdown. I hope to do so by going to bed at 6:30 pm every night this week...LOL:D seriously I am going to try using crest whitestrips after supper or going for a walk..(no rain this week in the forcast...last week it rained every day)

Have a great day ladies:D
Of course you know I couldnt stay away from the scale! I'm up 1.6 lbs, but I know I'll be down a bit by tomorrow as some is water weight. I definitely want to push hard to break thru this plateau as I'm very close to my lowest weight since starting WW.

B--banana, granola bar (5)
L--pretzels (4) Too busy at work for a real lunch today :(
D--have planned grilled shrimp, grilled veggies and basmati steamed rice

I'm feeling muscles today I didnt know I had thanks to the yoga I did yesterday. I've done yoga before but this one really fried the upper part of the booty! I usually feel it in my lower butt so definitely a good yoga workout!

If I'm feeling motivated I'll take a walk later but kinda tired, long day at work. We'll see how I feel after dinner, right now I'm enjoying the sunshine and nice weather for a change sitting on the deck unwinding.
Great Job, Shereta!!

I think I'll break even. I was down 1.2 lb this morning from yesterday but it was expected water weight. I'm up 1/2 lb from last week still. Tomorrow is weigh-in.

I worked out today. I'm into Week 3 of Mesocycle 1. I did the Chest/Shoulder/Bicep workout and then walked 40 min on the treadmill alternating btwn a 3 degree and 7 degree incline every 2 minutes.

Diet today....munching on nothing in particular so far...a few cubes of cheese, 1/2 a bagel thin, some apple slices, a granola bar....
I'm sick of the same old breakfast. Prevention had some good meal ideas. i'll be trying some new stuff tomorrow. Wish me luck.

Where is everybody?

Great job on the loss, Shereta!

I have good news and bad news. Good news is that I lost 2 lbs last week!!

Bad news, the scale was up a pound today, plus I went a little crazy today. I just got some ridiculous cravings for sweets and totally gave in! Yikes!
something must be in the air...I have had a whopping 49 points today:(
Bad day with the kids...or should i say worse than usual.. I actually feel pretty disgusting :eek: I had a chocolate meltdown basically and ate lots of pasta at supper..So i am going to go for a walk and get a measely 4-5 activity points that won't even make a dent in my 49 points... I can't believe I ate 20 points morew than i a supposed to for the whole day...its almost like i ate 2 days worth of food:eek:

Oh well I am gpoing to brush my teeth and hope that i can stop myself from sliding any further for the rest of the day...its only 6pm and if i don't stop the slide it could get pretty ugly!

Good work Shereta!

Boilerchick...stick with it...we too shall conquer that darned scale1
Well, I turned my bad day around some.

Anyway, here’s a list of everything I ate today with calorie counts.

One Oreo Drumstick (300)
Two Plain Drumsticks (270 each, 540 total)
Some leftover corn (70)
A Piece of homemade bread (100)
A grilled cheese sandwich (320)
A Strawberry Cheesecake Jello Temptation (150)
A few tortilla chips with salsa (100)
At friends house for dinner (estimated):
Texas style taco (350)
A piece of homemade bread (100)
Some pineapple (70)
Grand total of calories consumed: 2100; Calories burned in workout: 505; Net Calories: 1595

Okay, so you see the calories themselves aren’t even that bad – pretty close to what I’d need to maintain. Once you count the exercise, it’s actually a losing day! Like I’ve said before the true damage will come if I let this one bad day turn into a whole string of bad days. It’s so easy to allow myself to dwell only on this failure and forget the literally hundreds of times in the past weeks that I’ve made the RIGHT decisions. Chocolate just won this one little battle, but it won’t win the war!

It was also a huge moral victory for me that after eating all that junk throughout the day, I didn’t throw in the towel and skip my workout. And let me tell you, I wanted to. Not only did I already feel completely defeated (along the lines of “I already ruined the day. What good is a workout going to do?”), but I just was NOT in a workout mood. Not at all. There were other things I really wanted to do and nothing about a workout sounded fun. But I got out there and just forced myself to do it. Once I got on the elliptical, I started feeling great, got into the workout, and burned over 500 calories in 55 minutes!

Then at my friends house for dinner, I did well. I bypassed the tortilla (which I like but don’t LOVE) and had just the filling ingredients, saving 120 calories. Often, after a day like this I would just say, “I’ve already blown it. Why not just eat what I want?”
Excellent job on not just throwing in the towel! And you worked out too!! That's a HUGE step and you should be proud of yourself!!

Today was weigh-in day for me. I was up 1/2 lb from last week but considering the immense amount of food I've consumed the past few days I'm glad it's not worse!

Today is a planned rest day for me.

Diet today, severely lacking in fruit and veggies, but ok on points

B--granola bar (5)
L--pretzels, banana 1/4 can on reg pepsi (7)
S--string cheese (1)
D--Arby's reg roast beef and curly fries (18)


I really would like to balance out my points throughout the day but it's been a bit tough lately. Work has been SO HECTIC that I'm usually eating my lunch standing up or while I'm talking on the phone if I'm lucky to get time for lunch at all! Hopefully things will calm down a bit soon!
I had to take the JUST DO IT attitude this morning in order to drag my butt out of bed to workout. I did manage to do abs, the calve section from 4DS and 30 min interval program on the recumbent bike.

Now off for a long day at work...
Stacy, good job on getting that workout in.

For me today was Step Moves. i was supposed to do IM3, but I just couldnt see it. However with SM I did all the propelling and jumpy moves. i burned 677 calories and earned 8.5 APs. wow. I was so tired, though. But, I just pushed through. Right now, all I can think about is my bed.

Make it a great day, Ladies.
Hi gals..
Quick question...is there a way to more acurately enter your aps...? ie if you know how many calories based on your HR monitor???
If you mean entering them in the WWers prog, yes. If you click the tab behind the food tab - the activity screen comes up. At the bottom you can add how many APs you earned and then you can type in the activity.

Ugh, I blew it at dinner yesterday. I REALLY need to find a way to not pig out when I get home from work. Any suggestions???????

Today is our family Friday night movie and guilt-free pizza night. I was thinking alot yesterday. I am 12 lbs from goal weight but where I am right now my clothes fit better, I've gotten most of my waistline back, my double chin is gone so that's perhaps why I've become a bit complacent. I really dont think I have the desire, motivation, willpower whatever you'd like to call it to maintain my goal weight. I've considered changing my goal weight and upping it by 5 lbs. My original goal weight is close to what I weighed in high school and close to what I weighed before I ever started doing weight training. Maybe it's too unrealistic or am I just making excuses? Thoughts for me to ponder....

Have a great Friday everyone!!

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