weight train and cardio same day??


Is it ok to weight train and follow up with cardio the same day? Or is it slowing your muscle building down when you do that?
Hi Boxer - I'm not Cathe, but this is just my personal experience. In order to meet my own goals, I double up all the time on weekends - I'll do about an hour of cardio, then an hour of weights (Upper body on Sat, legs on Sun). I've been quite satisfied with the results and haven't noticed any problem with muscle building. Hope this helps.
because i work sales floor my hours are very flexible. i usually have 2 days off. those days i do 2 hrs or more since i'm too tired to workout the other days. sometimes weights,then cardio or legs or core or everything. if i work that day legs and/or weights.

I also do 1 hour of cardio and 1 hour of weight training (split routines) on each of my 3 days off and I haven't had any problems building muscle. I also do 30-60 min of cardio 2 days during the week and then I do a total body weight training workout on a different day during the week.
Hi Boxer, I'm not Cathe but.....

Like Shannon, I double up on weekends as well. The big question with doing weights & cardio on the same day is which to do first. Many prefer to do their lifting first b/c they're too tired after cardio.

Personally I prefer cardio first, for a few reasons:

1) cardio is more important to me than strength training
2) even though cardio is more important to me, the lifting is the fun part, so I like to get cardio out of the way rather than dread it during what I'm supposed to be enjoying
3) it gets the blood flowing to my muscles, reducing the risk of injury when I finally do get around to lifting
4) I'd probably never get around to cardio if I did lifting first

Amybajamy: This training schedule seems like it may work for me...when you say split routines what do you mean....could you lay out a typical week for me, and how often do you work legs? What is your goal, to lean out or build? Sorry so many questions.
I do this all the time and not just on weekends as the other posters have said. I run, so the days when I run I don't do weights. On my days "off" from running, I do legs one day, usually Gym Style Legs or something comparable, and then 30 minutes on the elliptical. The next "off" day I'll do upper body and then 30 minutes on the elliptical. Trainers have told me in the past that you should always do your weight training first because doing cardio fatigues your muscles and lessens the number of reps/intensity during your weight workout. It makes sense, and I've found it's true for me. On the weekends I do a combo weight/cardio routine like Boot Camp. Hope this helps!
Split routines are broken down into body parts as opposed to a total body workout like Muscle Max or Power Hour. They can either be an upper body and lower body split like PUB/PLB, or they can be broken down further like the gym style series or the slow and heavy series. CTX upper body would be another example of an upper body split and Legs & Glutes or Leaner Legs would be lower body splits. I change what I do about every 4 weeks. This is what I'm doing this month:

Friday-GS chest and triceps + 30 min cardio + abs
Saturday-GS legs + 45-60 min cardio
Sunday-GS back, shoulders, biceps +30 min cardio + abs
Tuesday-30-45 min cardio
Wednesday-Muscle Max (this includes abs)
Thurday-30-45 min cardio

For other rotations I will replace the gym styles with PUB/PLB or the S&H series or CTX upper body and Legs and Glutes. On my total body workout day I will replace Muscle Max with Power Hour or Muscle Endurance. Legs get worked out twice a week not counting the work they get from cardio.
On one of the weekend days I usually do the cardio and ab portions only of Boot Camp that way I get cardio and abs done in about 30 minutes. I do kickboxing on one of the other weekend days. For the other cardio days I do step or hi-lo. I don't always get all that cardio in, but I try to do as much as possible.
My goals are to lose weight (I've lost 60 lbs, but want to lose about 20 more) and build and define muscle, though I don't want to go overboard on the building. This is the first time I've done the GS series and Muscle Max, and I'm really starting to see a difference in muscle size and definiton.
I hope this helps you out. Let me know if you have any more questions, you can email me if you want to. Good luck!

so does this mean you work each body part once per week? Some people think you need to work each body part 2x/week to get results, but I have found that if I work say, legs, once per week and hit it hard, I get good results.

Did I misread your workout schedule? Just curious.

Hi cass i agree with doing one body part once per week i've seen excellent results.
Here is what I've been doint the past two weeks:
Gym style workouts twice in a row (second time i go ligher) then MM just once for the body part that i'm on, then 30 min cardio
But when i get to legs I do gym style legs then L& G ankle weight workout only
I am seeing great results even thought this workout rotation is very hard!:)
OK, I know this is "off subject" but I haven't gotten a response on the other thread. Any idea where we can buy the black barbell with the weight attachments that Cathe uses in the Pyramid DVD?

I've got money to burn!

I've been out of town so that's why I didn't respond until now. I work each body part twice a week because I do a total body workout like MM or PH on Wednesdays. I work abs 3 times per week.


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