Weight Loss Support Group Check-IN


Hi ladies,
My week went good as far as exercise goes. My eating was maybe a 3.0 or 3.5. The eating is definitely the harder of the two, huh? I am enjoying the PS series strength training. However, I am having trouble with the thought that I will probably gain weight at first. But I'm still gonna keep weight training. I'm trying to change my mindset altogether and stop trying to reach a certain weight on the scales. I am so sick and tired of trying to reach a certain weight. I can't remember a time in my life when I was not "trying" to get to a certain weight. Do any of you guys feel this way? Thanks for letting me vent.

Hey Lisa,

I know EXACTLY how you feel. I have struggled all my life to be a certain number. I have relaxed my stress about in my later years (ha, I'm 32). I really try to go by how I feel in my clothes and how I look in the mirror. BUT I still struggle with the scale thing. Since I was about 10 to 12 I have had a minor weight problem and it is always in my mind to lose weight, lose weight, lose weight!!! Oh well, I'm trying to get away from that, like I said. Keep up the good work. Lifting weights has changed my body more than cardio ever did and I actually enjoy it most days. I still like cardio better.

Have a great week!

Checkin' in

Good day gang!
I got one workout in last week as I was sick with a cold AGAIN and since it was in my throat and chest I didn't exercise. I did however begin to improve my nutrition. I bought and prepared MUCH more healthful foods and took my supplements.

This week now that I am feeling better, I hope to put nutrition and exercise TOGETHER. This is a WEIGHTLOSS check-in and it's time I started LOSING WEIGHT. I will start weighing & measuring regularly every Sunday. I have had over a year of half hearted efforts and stand stills, now it's time to report PROGRESS. I feel very positive. Now I'm off to drink some water. Have a PROGRESS filled week.
Keep Up The Good Work!

Yeaaah Lisa, Kelly and Crystal!!:-jumpy Just keep on truckin' and before you know it, the results will start happening. The measuring is much better then the ole scales! By summer (still 3 months away) you will feel looser clothes and that's what it's all about. Have a PROGRESS-filled week!! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
weight loss

Hi all,

Sorry for the late check-in, My kids are both sick again. I've been doing well- eating a 5, excercise a 5- had a 2 lbs loss at weight watches- 7 lbs total since I joined 5 weeks ago.

Lisa, I know what you mean, my whole life I've been trying to reach a number lower than what I was- even when I was thin. I have promised myself that once I reach my WW goal, I will be happy!!

Crystal, Sorry you have a cold, you and my kids both. I hope you have a great week.

We can do this ladies, we will be looking great by summer :)


I hope the wee ones are feeling better. I finally decided to do WW this week. I'm doing the at home program and this is day 3.
The first day I went waaayy over my points range but I'm determined to get the hang of this.

Congratulations on your weightloss. I hope to be reporting progress 3/19
RE: Marci

I was wondering what the "weight watchers" at home and "Points" are? How does this work? Very interested in this, I wonder if you could provide some info?



I would like to join your weight loss check-in. Yesterday was my birthday and I was supposed to lose at least 10 pounds by then. Well, time to start over. Between stressful situations with family, work, and school, exercise has become my last priority.

My first goal is to throw out the ice cream in the frig! Maybe, replace it with sherbert if I get a craving. And to concentrateon fruits as snacks.

Helen Z

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