Weight Loss Check-In 4/21/03


Hi Everyone.

To get us started this week, I am happy to report that I lost two of the five pounds I had recently gained while I was using the CTX series and eating poorly. I am really going to try to watch my eating this week and have started my "cardio outside, weights inside" rotation now that the weather is getting better.

How did everyone else do? Hope everyone had a nice Easter or Passover.

Hi everyone :)

Linda I'm right with you, I dropped 2# this week, but that's 2# of the 5# I gained a month ago so now that makes 4# down out of 5# and I have 1 more pound to go until I'm back where I started and can then REALLY consider it a loss!

Funny how 5# can go on in a snap but take so d*mn long to get rid of!

Hope there are plenty of "losers" this week, have a good week everyone,


Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
Well, I am not even going to weigh this week. I was a VERY BAD GIRL for Easter. I ate too much, BIG TIME. I was like a maniac. :9 I will be good this week and weigh next Monday.

Congrats on the losses!!!!
I don't normally post here, but I have lost 4 pounds recently and I am soo happy, I have stopped eating after 7:30 at night and that seems to have broken my plateau. I just need to keep this up and see how many more I can lose. I am even spacing out my kids chocolate that they don't want to eat or are willing to share.
Congratulations on your 4# loss Annette, that's great. :)

Kelly: Isn't it amazing just how "badly" you can do sometimes!? I've had moments when not only should someone have stopped me, but I probably was breaking some law somewhere eating so much! :( But hey, life is short and these things happen! This is why we workout! :)


Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
Annette, Linda, Donna - I'm going to count you all as losers this week! Take inspiration wherever you can get it!!!

I maintained which is a good thing since my exercise slipped but my eating didn't. Hopefully I can get back on track and not have a gain for next week.

Easter was great - we've had weeks of sunny, warm weather. I even got a little sunburned before I dug out the old SPF 30!!

Hope you all have a good one.

Another week of maintaining. :-( However, my home scale shows I'm heading downward since Saturday so I'm going to try and hold onto that this week. Have a great week everyone!
Hi All:
Sure, I'm a day late, but I wanted to check in anyway. No loss this week - went up a pound but not upset about it. It's rag season (TOTM) so I expect some water weight gain.
I wasn't bad over the weekend but today - forgettaboutit! Cravings for chocolate were out of control. Oh well, the only thing I can do is get home and work off the M&M's I had today.
Congrats to everyone who lost or maintained this week! For us gainers - hang in there :)

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