Watercooler Wednesday

Hello everyone from Luxembourg... You must have wondered if my plane crashed somewhere over the Atlantic...but no, here I am crazy as hell but alive...LOL:p
I had to search a few pages as I couldn't find the Xers... but I'm glad I found you again. I know I am not very regular, but I value and cherish the interaction I have with all of you. And all the great information... priceless...
Life has been a little hectic to say the least and is about to get even crazier... I have travelled with DH and I am back here in Lux until next Wednesday at which point I return to Detroit for a few weeks. It is the time of year that I start my garden. I tried the last time I was home but we still had snow fall so I couldn't. Bummer...x(
DD is in good spirit. She was flying yesterday to San Francisco as she has been invited to a private audition with a contemporary ballet company there. She must be auditioning as we speak, so please send plenty of vibes her way. The artistic director in NYC is still very interested in her and she should have some news soon. So we are keeping our fingers crossed that something positive will happen in the near future.
Well as far as I am concerned, I finished P90X as you all know and did 2 weeks of recovery as my back was not doing too well. I thought I'd be OK with one but my body told me otherwise...x( So I filled the 2 weeks with cardio, Pilates and plenty of Yoga and stretches. I started the P90X+ maintenance today with Upperbody+ and Abs/Core + which I liked but OMG what it though!!!! after 2 weeks of no weights. It's amazing how fast you loose your muscle endurance in 2 weeks. I had to sub all the abs pull with the bar as I don't have one here in Lux but I am looking forward to do them in MI. I will do a quick stretch for the back with Classic Stretch before diner.
Now onto some personnals.:+ :+

Traci~~ Hi girls and thank you as always to start us up. I might do it tomorrow morning. We are back to 6 hours difference with MI. You are as chippy as always I see. Hope you had a good packing session. You are like me...I pack the lastt minute, although I can't say I travel very light... a girl needs options...:9

Lea/Mia~~ I am glad to see you have started regular w/o. I take it that your back is better. Still be careful as once a back patient, always a back patient...at least that's what they told me.x(

Wendy~~ Nope you didn't loose me. Life just got in the way... I am glad that Phil will take you to the airport. I agree with you about the possible modifications for the injured, intermediate, moody...whatever...:D :D :D . I remember a while ago posting this very suggestion to Cathe and OH MY... all the comments from the advanced. Although I consider myself more advanced than intermediate...it's just that very often one need a modification for whatever reason, so it's good to have a choice.:+

Laurie~~ I had a chuckle when you talked about Cami joining you in bed. I miss out Tiger so much. He wouldn't do that as he was not allowed in bed but he would sure do it if we were on the carpet or sitting. Just coming and squeezing his nose under our arm...precious...;-)

Sandra~~ Well it seems I have the same sleep pattern as you; 11pm-7am is about my time. I need at least 7 hours to function. DH can do it with 4-6...no can do for me.}(

I have to say I envy all of you that will be traveling this week for the retreat. Trust me if I could have done it I would have. I hope there will be a next time. As I said perhaps I can organize one. OK I have to admit that coming to MI is not as nice as NC but we have enough place to have a lot of fun... Having said that ENJOY YOURSELF...:+ :+ :+

Back for some catch up time!

Christiane Great to see you back! I see your life is as crazy as always!

Nicole- Congrats to your parents! How long have they been married? have a great weekend with your sister!

Debra- Hope you have a great time with Jeannette today! Great pics thanks for sharing!

Tracy Hope you had nice run with with your ds yesterday. My guess is that Mark will win TBL although I would love to see Ali win.

Traci- I'm very much looking forward to getting back to my running and Cathe dvds. I definitely need a break from Tony.

Laurie- What is with all the crying on the TBL?? Maybe they are just so tired and homesick? Seem to be over the top yesterday.

Sandra- That's so neat about the golf course named after your dd's!! I'm sure your dd will have a great time at her grandparents. Oh yes I'm glad to be done with KenpoX. Three more P90X workouts and then I'm done (X-stretch, CS, YogaX) I'm sticking with it to the bitter end, no substitutes for me.

Gotta head over to the OD to see what all the fuss is about. Kim
Just a quick fly by before I head to finish up errands (like picking up dd from school...lol) before I head to get Jeanette...

bad news...CBL and I had a HUGE blowout this morning...so don't know if any of you will be meeting him or not....

bad news....my XDH's company was raided by the Russian government and some people were arrested (not him), but there is a good chance he won't have a job tomorrow

good news....some of my very best friends are going to be here this weekend so that I cry on their shoulders if necessary!

Sorry to be such a downer...but I gotta tell you it has been a really shi**y day...and I needed to vent a bit...

Kisses to all..



To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Tons of postive vibes to you. I hope the situation with CBL gets under control real soon and you 2 mends things off.
That's really bad news for XDH. As you and I said I really don't trust those Russians...not one bit. Even if it's XDH hopefully nothing too drastic will happen with him.
It's good that your friend will be with you this weekend. THe more the merrier...;-)
Just wanted to let you know that Jeanette is here safe and sound!!! We are headed out to dinner right now....I was planning on cooking...but my day got a bit out of hand!!



To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

OMG Debra, what an awful, terrible wretched day you had, until Jeanette arrived! I hope she's helping you see things clearly through the bottom of a whine-glass right now!!

Jeanette, How was the flight? I'm glad to see Debra took you out for dinner instead of putting you right to work on her yard. Thank heavens you're there to offer an ear.

Lea, If I'm hosting next year, then I'll make a note to start making the itty-bitty individual cakes right now. Oh heck, who am I kidding? If I ever host something like this, I'd hire everything: maid, cook, actors to be family members....

Wendy, I'm not going near that thread with a ten foot pole! I think you said it best. You do it.

Kim, I've done CC#5 once, running, and loved it. But it was definitely tough! I love how it starts with the long tempo runs, then pyramids down to those killer sprints at the end. You did 4.5 *miles* in 53 mins? And think that's slow? I think that's a lot of distance in only 53 minutes! I applaud you on your tenacity to finish the recovery week as written. Yay! Yeah, the golf course thing is kinda neat. I think my daughter, Paris, is more impressed that there's an entire city in France named after her, but whatever :)

Christiane, Nice to see you! I was wondering whether you were done with us when you were done with the X. Oops! I'm sorry you had to send out a search party for us. We spent a good week or so debating about a name change, because most of us are done with the X, but want to stay together as a group. Watercooler won the vote. Don't feel badly at ALL about your Plus performance today. Those workouts are completely different than the X. Due to the compound nature of almost all the exercises, you should not be using heavy weights at all. My heaviest weight used in any of them might be 12lbs, which is also the lightest weight I ever used in the P90X workouts.

Have a great evening! And if I don't catch the travellers before they leave tomorrow:

BON VOYAGE!!!!!!!!!!

Jeanette signing on here,
I arrived safe and sound at the Greensboro Airport this afternoon. This country is so gorgeous. Home is all desert and pine trees. Here it is beautiful flowering trees, green grass and mini-donkeys! Didn't have to look thru the throngs of people here at the airport, saw Debra and Julia right away. Debra is beautiful and healthy looking. Debra is the diva divine. And what a lovely home they have! Polly has a blast running in the back yard and is currently resting her head on my feet. My DH would love, love, love Polly. After settling in a bit, we left for dinner. Wish I could say I ate healthy, but instead I can report that I ate tasty french onion soup (mmmmmmmmmm). Following that, I had chocolate pecan cheesecake, with black coffee. After dinner, we ran by the store to get some coffee and skim milk. I thought I'd help Debra by unpacking her Mr. Coffee maker, but instead, I broke the brand new carafe. We will see about getting another one tomorrow. Sorry girls, but we will have our coffee, just not first thing tomorrow morning. Tomorrow morning I will meet with my ex-neighbors from my town for breakfast, then be ready to meet Traci, Laurie and Wendy at the airport. Too much excitement!!!!

Well, I'd better sign off for now.



To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn


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