Warning: Political Topic-possibility of controversy


Someone at work gave me this political DVD yesterday. It's called the OBAMA DECEPTION. It is almost 2 hours in length. I've watched it and well it is frightening if there is any truth to it. Which I think there is at least to a certain extent. I'm trying to take it with a grain of salt and keep my mind open.

I've recently just started waking up from my "self induced political Coma of the last 4 decades" and found it online on youtube in it's entire length. It's put out by Alex Jones. I have no idea who this was before yesterday.

It talks about the New World Order, how bankers have engineered the financial collapse, 'secret societies such as Bilderberg Group and Trilateral Commission, Kennedy's assassination because he would not cooperate with 'thier' plans, the CAP and TRADE bill and all the items that will be taxed from cows flatulence to laundry to taxes by driving by the mile, light bulbs, all plastic products will have a carbon tax added, space heaters, fireplaces, water and thousands of other products will be taxed. Also talks about illegal immigration and many other hot topics.

If you want to see what it says specifically about CAP and TRADE that starts at about 1:23:45 and it talks about that for a few minutes saying that Cap and Trade services are owned by Al Gore and the like which means we the people will be buying cap and trade credits from them and making them rich(er).

At the very end at 1:52:08 Alex jones give a short summation.

Anyway in the other CAP and TRADE thread some of you/us wanted more information. Well here is a start.
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Anyway in the other CAP and TRADE thread some of you/us wanted more information. Well here is a start.

What's the information about Cap and Trade? That global warming is pseudo science? And that we will get taxed on everything? Where is the data that prooves his statements and scare tactics.

Sounds to me like yet another piece of right wing conspiracy theory "masterpieces".

When someone states the scientific proof that our output of greenhouse gases is just a way to put the world into slavery and compares that science to Hitler's race hygiene theory, I can't take anything they say seriously.
Oh my goodness Tami! LMAO! Did she also reveal that Jimmy Hoffa is buried under the Meadowlands? :D:D:D

Be very wary of stuff like that. Anything touting a conspiracy--esp. one that insists a fed govmt initiative is simply to make a single wealthy man wealthier--is likely to be, how shall I say, a bit biased. ;)

We'll have a nice long talk in about 3 weeks. :)
i wouldn't pay any attention to it... there are always things like this being put out by left wing and right wing nuts. i do believe that people in politics use their power to benefit themselves financially, some do care for our country, but most think of themselves first and how they can get ahead. i'm sure al gore is benefitting in some capacity from global warming, but so did dick cheney with the oil crisis. they are all in love with themselves.
Who produced the video?

I think Alex Jones and I've never heard of him so I'm taking this with a grain of salt and trying to keep my mind open to new ideas.

What's the information about Cap and Trade? That global warming is pseudo science? And that we will get taxed on everything? Where is the data that prooves his statements and scare

Did you watch it? This is almost 2 hours long and only talks about Cap and Trade for a few minutes and global warming for a few minutes. If you want to see what it says specifically about CAP and TRADE that starts at about 1:23:45 and states what they plan to tax. I don't think there is any proof out there but just alot of theories at this point but many have the same opinion that this bill will hurt farmers and the middle class etc. If it does pass and these predictions come to pass at that point it will be too late-we won't be able to change it back.

Sounds to me like yet another piece of right wing conspiracy theory "masterpieces".

Maybe, but since I've never heard anything in the media about Cap and Trade except from my DH who has been yapping about it for about a year now and his sources are not what I had considered 'reputable news sources' but what I considered fanatics like the radio talk show hosts. I've told him you can't trust what those people say, they are fanatics and just ranting and wanting to stir up trouble etc. Now that this stuff is starting to happen, well now I'm starting to wonder if there is any substance there.

Dh has also been yapping about the NAU and Amero. Google these things up. He thinks that they are trying to drive the Dollar to the point that it's not worth anything then the Amero will be introduced.

When someone states the scientific proof that our output of greenhouse gases is just a way to put the world into slavery and compares that science to Hitler's race hygiene theory, I can't take anything they say seriously.

All these years politicians have denied global warming. Now, all of a sudden they are on board???? Seems odd to me. Now that someone has figured out how to make it profitable for them NOW they are on board. They don't care about global warming, they care about $$$.

Oh my goodness Tami! LMAO! Did she also reveal that Jimmy Hoffa is buried under the Meadowlands? :D:D:D

She who? :confused: Not sure of the relevance of Jimmy Hoffa but his body has to be somewhere.

Be very wary of stuff like that. Anything touting a conspiracy--esp. one that insists a fed govmt initiative is simply to make a single wealthy man wealthier--is likely to be, how shall I say, a bit biased. ;)

It's not a single man but many investors is what I believe it said in the film.

I know to be wary that's why I said that I was taking with a grain of salt and am trying to keep my mind open. Can you say the same?
As someone in another thread pointed out: everyone has a view and they all think thier view is right and so that would make them biased. Something to that effect.

Of course our government and elected politicians have never ever done anything illegal, immoral, and are completely trustworthy. None of them are corrupt. And there has never ever been a coup to overthrow any governements anywhere. ;)

'It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.’

We'll have a nice long talk in about 3 weeks. :)

I respect all your thoughts on this and I hope you all are right. I did not post this start a war. I thought this film had some interesting theories and I'm not taking it as gospel but I am trying to keeping my mind open.
I watched the entire almost 2 full hours of the film. Did anyone else?
What flavor of Kool-Aid came with the DVD?

Talk about secret societies - check out a group called "The Family." You'll find crazy people and conspiracy theorists on both sides of the aisle. Trust me that bankers did not engineer the financial collapse (well, maybe excepting Madoff). Generally, when something sounds crazy and fantastical, it is - this nonsense included.
i wouldn't pay any attention to it... there are always things like this being put out by left wing and right wing nuts.
i do believe that people in politics use their power to benefit themselves financially, some do care for our country, but most think of themselves first and how they can get ahead. i'm sure al gore is benefitting in some capacity from global warming, but so did dick cheney with the oil crisis. they are all in love with themselves.

I agree except for the 1st 6 words "i wouldn't pay any attention to it."

I think thats dangerous. Buring our heads in the sand does not make things just magically go away.
I think people need to look at all sides and then make an educated decision.

I think the goverment wants us to not pay any attention then they can do whatever they want.
What flavor of Kool-Aid came with the DVD?

Is that really necessary?

Talk about secret societies - check out a group called "The Family." You'll find crazy people and conspiracy theorists on both sides of the aisle.

I will google that up.

Trust me that bankers did not engineer the financial collapse

Money rules the world. A person with money is powerful. A lot of people with money even more so. Politicians are bought off everyday.

(well, maybe excepting Madoff). Generally, when something sounds crazy and fantastical, it is - this nonsense included.

Generally your right.
Tami, why so defensive? :confused: I'm just trying to keep things light. I most certainly did not watch the 2 hour propoganda & have no intention of doing so.

I thought he was a she. I don't know why, but I did, 'K?

Here's who Alex Jones really is. The words "paleoconservative" and "conspiracy theorist" jumped right out at me:


If you take this kind of stuff seriously, that's your choice. I prefer less extreme sources myself. While I love Bill Maher for the humor & entertainment factor, not to mention the fact that I agree w/almost everything that comes out of his mouth, I do not consider him a news source. I consider him an entertainer.

I get my news from CNN (slightly left leaning but plenty of conservatives on there too) and the good old fashioned newspaper.
Tami, why so defensive? :confused: I'm just trying to keep things light. I most certainly did not watch the 2 hour propoganda & have no intention of doing so.

I thought he was a she. I don't know why, but I did, 'K?

Here's who Alex Jones really is. The words "paleoconservative" and "conspiracy theorist" jumped right out at me:


If you take this kind of stuff seriously, that's your choice. I prefer less extreme sources myself. While I love Bill Maher for the humor & entertainment factor, not to mention the fact that I agree w/almost everything that comes out of his mouth, I do not consider him a news source. I consider him an entertainer.

I get my news from CNN (slightly left leaning but plenty of conservatives on there too) and the good old fashioned newspaper.

I'm not sure where you think I'm being defensive?

I went through the posts and addressd some of the above replies to my o/p. I don't want this to turn into some kind of flame war as past political threads have gone. I've read many and I find them educational and I want to learn more.
Laura I wish you would watch the entire film. Yes it is one sided-thier side but there is so much information in all the areas they talked about.
It has raised some questions for me. Which was his goal if you watch the final like 2 minutes at the very end after the credits. He wants people to start looking at the world around them and start investigating. What is wrong with that?
Laura I wish you would watch the entire film. Yes it is one sided-thier side but there is so much information in all the areas they talked about.
It has raised some questions for me. Which was his goal if you watch the final like 2 minutes at the very end after the credits. He wants people to start looking at the world around them and start investigating. What is wrong with that?

That would be like Rush Limbaugh sitting down & watching Michael Moore's Sicko. :D

Sorry, your post seemed defensive but I guess I read it wrong. You know I love you girl! There's absolutely nothing wrong w/investigating & asking questions. Go for it. But if you're going to research extreme right views, you should look at extreme left as well. Because "fair & balanced" doesn't mean "I'm blonde & both my implants weigh the same." ;)
That would be like Rush Limbaugh sitting down & watching Michael Moore's Sicko. :D

Sorry, your post seemed defensive but I guess I read it wrong. You know I love you girl! There's absolutely nothing wrong w/investigating & asking questions. Go for it. But if you're going to research extreme right views, you should look at extreme left as well. Because "fair & balanced" doesn't mean "I'm blonde & both my implants weigh the same." ;)

Well give me some links to left views,Laura. As I said I'm just now starting to wake up from my self induced political coma of the past four decades. It's the truth just ask my DH. I've told him I know NOTHING about government,politics economics. I asked him a question not too long ago and his reply was "My GOD you really don't know anything about government do you?" LOL. Because anytime I read or watch something it's is either boring or just way over my head and then I realize how vast big government is. I've purposely hidden my head in the sand because of how vast our goverment is and I guess I've been lazy and in denial.
Part of my problem is with the language of politics: Left, Right, Conservative, Liberal, GOP, Gubernatorial and other wierd words. It just seems all smoke and mirrors and slight of hand.

Perhaps I did get a bit defensive at the Koolaid remark but that was only because I like you wanted to keep this thread civil. Really that's the only thing I felt irritated about.

You know I've gotten a couple of pm's from people about this thread and they are afraid to post! IT should not be that way. We should not be afraid to post our thoughts in a thread. I've learned a lot from these controversial threads and while my mind may or may not be made up at times my mind has actually been changed or at least made me look deeper at the 'other' side. And it's got me to thinking which is why I started this thread. Not to get people to agree with me but to get people to think. I haven't even made up my mind about this film but it's opened my eyes and my mind to possibilities.
OK, here are some good ones. First we'll start w/the super nutty extreme liberal--smart guy but tends to exaggerate in a huge way:


This guy, probably the most liberal elected official in the country. I love him to death--he's insane but brilliant at the same time:


Believe it or not, I'm a bit to the right of both these guys. I'm actually rather conservative on one or two specific issues, but I'll never tell which ones. :cool:
I believe some people prefer to read conspiracy theories because the views are more provocative and enticing than reality. JMHO.
I get my news from CNN (slightly left leaning but plenty of conservatives on there too) and the good old fashioned newspaper.

I haven't watched CNN since 911 :eek:. So I don't know about how good of a source that is. I was riveted when 911 was happening but wasn't CNN started by Ted Turner? So wouldn't that promote Ted's views in a biased way? Not that that is bad necessaryily. But yesterday was the 1st time I've actually read something about Cap and Trade in our Newspaper and we do watch the nightly news (CBS) and I never heard anything about it until recently except from dh/radio. I know our newspaper is biased and I do not consider it to be a reliable source. I just feel that the media's are owned by someone rich. If the richest of the rich own the media's then it's no wonder most of us have never heard of the CAp and Trade because they want it to pass to make them richer.

My dh has been talking about it for a year or so. I ask him where do you hear this stuff? The stuff he's been talking about : Cap and Trade, NAU, the US Dollar being replaced by the Amero. It all sounds science fiction to me but things are starting to come about. His sources btw, Hannity, Savage and a couple of others. Incidentally he has never heard of Alex Jones so that is not one he listens to. On our days off (tues/wed) we drive into town and he turns these guys on and I can't stand listening to them because they rant and the one starts stuttering so bad I just want to reach throught the radio and slap him.I'm going to get him to watch this DVD today and see what he thinks. Incidentally he is no dummy he does have a degree in history and geology but then again George Bush has a degree too. :p

Anyway, Im rambling what i wanted to say was our paper does not always give all pertinent information. It was very obviously one sided in the elections for instance. We're just a spoon fed society.
I wanted to stay out of this thread since I'm not willing to dedicate even the time it takes to look the thing up on youtube let alone the two hours to watch it. But one of my favorite liberal commentators, if you want to hear both sides, is Thom Hartmann. You can get podcasts of his show if he's not on any local stations around you. He's a bit of an aging hippy type. On this morning's show he actually said that he hugs a tree near his house every time he walks past it! But he's extremely intelligent. He's written quite a few books on various subjects. He usually has at least one right wing guest on every day and treats them with respect.


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