Turbo Kick info

Does any one know about Turbo Kick. I found out about them and was wondering if they are full workouts? Any info would be great. Are they just for instruction? Does any one have them or can recomend good ones and the format. I am on a kickbox "kick" and need some thing more and new.

Thank you...
You can take Turbo Kick classes (as a participant) at health clubs. The workout dvds can only be sold to certified turbo kick instructors. Here's a link with more info. HTH!

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
Thank you for you info. I know they are not for retail, but i have the chance to buy a Turbo Kick DVD as was wanting info on them. HAve you done them?
I have done them at my gym and they are very fun, sweat inducing and motivating!! I am sure that it can depend on the instructor and mine is very good, but I really love Turbo!!

I am a turbokick instructor so I have a ton of the turbokick DVD's. The are instructional DVD's for the instructor to learn the "round" to teach in a club. I was excited when I first got them because I wanted to use them for my own personal workout too. I was WRONG. They are aweful for a personal workout and I never use them this way. Instead I learn the class to teach and then give the class to myself. I would strongly recommend you get the turbojam instead.

The turbo Kick Classes you take at the gym are just Turbo Jam workouts... I have taken several Turbo Kick classes at my 24hr fitness - and they are the same music and moves as Turbo Jam...

Look up Turbo Jam and beachbody.com

ETA - the turbokick website also has a link to the TurboJam home user workouts...

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