TTC - November 11th


Hi ladies,
Just wanted to pop in to say Hi and hope everyone is having a nice weekend.

Hi Lisa - Where are ya girl? Hoping you're back soon with some stories to tell!

Morris - Glad to hear your bleeding has stopped and everything is o.k. Praying for a healthy and uneventful rest of your pregnancy!

Autumn - Thanks for the info on Clomid. I did decide to start it this cycle. He's having me take it CD 1-5 and we'll just do natural BD this month. Once insurance kicks in, then we'll throw some IUI's on top of that next year. DH has his appt. scheduled for surgery consult to see if we can get his count up too due to his variocele. Fingers crossed that we can do it before it comes to all that. Can I assume that you were successful with the Clomid and IUI cycles?

Jen - Hang in there. I know it's frustrating. I've been trying now since April 06 and 2 m/c, so I have faith we'll both get there soon. I have to believe that for myself otherwise, each month would just be too hard to take.

Nothing new here. Baked some pumpkin and apples pies for the church Turkey dinner today. Now, going to pull all the dead flowers out around the house as this may be the last 'warm' day we have here for a while.

Hi Melanie - How is your house stuff going? Is the old one on the market then?

Hi Kristan - How are you doing!

Wishing everyone a nice weekend!
Hi Girls,
Well, I was at my niece's birthday party, and I had a chat with one of my sister's friends who was there. She is an ob-gyn, but not where I live. I explained everything to her, and she said, "You want to know my best advice to you...STOP TRYING!". I have been obsessing too darn much over this, and it is straining my relationship with my DH. I am going to stop obsessing and let nature take it's course.

By the way, I found my Cathe DVDs...the case was under a dresser in my parents' house. I searched for about an hour, and I knew it was in that room, but had no clue where. So, I am excited to do the step workouts.

Morris-I am so glad to hear that everything is o.k.
Melanie-How have you been?
Anne-Thanks for sharing your charts with me.
Autumn-Hope to hear from you.

I will read the posts from time to time, but I think I just really need a break from trying so hard to TTC so I won't check in as often.

Thanks for all of your support and great information/advice!!!
Hi ladies. I am so proud of myself: FIVE workouts this week! Yahoo! I can't remember the last time I've been able to do that!

Anne, I like your signature addition. We have not used contraception since 2003, so would my TTC date be about 6 weeks or so after my youngest son was born? We didn't have an "offical" date, just haven't ever stopped trying.

Jen, I think it's great advice. It's so much more fun when things happen naturally. Life can become so stressful when we try to take control over situations that are beyond our control, doesn't it?

Lisa, thinking about you! Miss you, girl!

Morris, I am impressed that you caught onto Bento's Step Challenge video right away. It took me an hour of sweat-filled persistence to learn sections 1 and 3! I'd consider her hi/low...but for some reason I DESPISE floor aerobics! I don't know why!! I did step hi/low intensity combo today. I still don't have Cathe's high instensity step last section down. Anyone else find it choregoraphically challenging? How are you feeling? Have you tried the morning sickness cocktail yet?

Kristan, did you conquer Bento's dvd? How have you been feeling?

Autumn, how has your exercise video thinning been going? Have you ever counted your exercise DVD collection? Ha! What a scary thought. I have way more exercise DVDs than shoes though, and I'm a shoeaholic!!!

Have a great week ladies! Anyone ovulating or waiting to test?


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
I'm back and missed all you ladies!!!! Did I miss any major news? I have yet to go back and catch up on last week's thread. I had a lot of fun and I'm pooped out! I'll be back on tomorrow, but just wanted to say a big hello to all of you for now!!!

welcome back lisa!!!!! how was your trip? we want details!

hi everyone. big week here as dh is gone all week. i am not sure how i will manage with the fatigue and nuasea, but i will figure it out.

melanie, way to go with the workouts. how did you fit them in? yes, cathe's are challenging, and amy's. and i did not have them perfectly. but, it will be fun to try again. i am using the b6, but not unisom yet...

hi kristan - how are you feeling?

anne, how is the clomid going? when do you start?

jen, not sure if you will read this or not, but i admire your attitude and am thinking of you.

hi autumn!

i better get back to work but will bbl.
melanie, i saw your post on of regarding the cardio. i love adding on to the current workouts. this am i added kpc intense move section to the kb/bc premix just to jack it up a bit. it felt good! i too hate floor aerobics, so i am not sure why i am even considering amy's hi/lo, except people seem to think it is great. i'll need something to sub for running, though i am still thinking of an elliptical. how much are you working this week??
So I think I'm caught up on reading all your let's see if I remember everything!

Morris - Thank God it was just a little scare and nothing serious! I'll keep praying for you and your little bean to have a healthy 9 mos of pregnancy! Or more like 7-8 now! How far are you now? You are doing awesome with the workouts despite being nauseaus. Congrats on seeing the hb and for your ONE bean! Maybe the other was hiding out somewhere in your uterus...wouldn't that be a neat little surprise?

Melanie - Way to go with the workouts! I had to laugh about your age time limit because we're on the same time clock it seems. I have another 7 mos or so before turning 35 and I really hope to get pg before then. How's the house situation going? I hope your ds does better on his next exams. Things we have to deal with as parents I guess!

Autumn - I haven't touched the kbs since the one week I tried them. How do you like homeschooling? I give you tons of credit. I have enough patience for homework time and that's about it, lol!

Anne - I'm so hoping you get pg quickly with the help of clomid. How cold is it there now? It was a nice 50-60's in California and then we came home to a muggy 85 degrees here. It was nice having that cool weather.

Jen -I'm sorry for all the emotions you've been going through re: TTC. Please stop by and still post to say hello and also when you do finally get that BFP news! I do understand though that it can be unhealthy to obsess about the whole process. Hope it happens for you soon!

Kristan - So how far you on your pg? Are you ready for four kids?

Okay, so I'm back and super wiped out. Also a pound or so heavier. We did Disneyland for 3 days and that was a ton of fun. We rode the Tower of Terror and Splash Mountain countless times. The kids loved it too which made it that much better. Did a lot of walking so I hope that helped burn some of the junk I ate on vacation. I actually didn't eat as bad as I was thinking. Ate a lot of salads, but did have a lot of junks (more than normal). Went to visit the Private Practice set where my BIL works as part of the filiming crew. Met the actors, but not Kate Walsh. Missed her both times we were there. Let's see....went to Chandler, AZ and I really liked it there. DH's family lives there and the houses are so cheap. Unlike here. Everything is clean and new there also. They must have a shopping center every other block. Had a great time visiting family and it was hard to leave, but I'm also glad to be back home. I'm going to do BM2 today since my body really needs to burn some calories, BIG time. My doggie did fine and tomorrow is her first treatment for heartworms so please if you can, say a prayer for her to do well. We also spent way too much money, but it was worth seeing the kids have fun and being able to just be on vacation. Now it's back to real life! How is everyone doing this week so far?

Melanie - I'd say that's a fair statement, that you're TTC date is after your youngest. It's so tough for me sometimes to realize it will happen for me some day. Being almost 38, I'm really feeling like it won't happen and 2 m/c within a year is hard to take. I hope to be as lucky as you to have 1 one day! I know it's hard whether it's the first or the 4th though, so wishing it happens for you quickly too!

Jen - I know it's a tough road. I've heard that so many times, just quit trying, but had I taken that advice, I'd have never found out why I was m/c and been able to move a head with more aggressive treatment. At least this way I know I'm upping my chances, but you have to do what's right for you.

Lisa - Welcome back! Sounds like you had a great time at Disney! how nice...

Morris - I'm on my 3rd day of clomid and having hot flashes and an emotional basket case, but I'm taking it all in stride. Hoping it's all worth it in the end. We're going back to WI for Thanksgiving and have a hotel Thurs, Friday, so will make the best of that! }(

Hi Autumn/Kristan - Hope you're doing well!
Morris, I am thankful you are doing well.

Anne, I am keeping my fingers crossed for you! I actually conceived my first cycle off of the meds. I needed a break because it had been a tough year but they count DS as a success. What did she call it... left over clomid/follistim. :) I conceived DD with no assistance. It is awesome that your insurance will cover some of the expense.

Jen, I may be joining you in the break department. In fact, I may switch sides and give up TTC. :) Do you plan to talk to your doctor?

Melanie, I haven't thinned much. :) I purged several workouts last year and my collection is primarily my favs. I do pick up workouts as Wal-mart and from collage to try. I read VF forums a lot and am getting better at picking workouts based on the reviews. I have kept everything I have purchased based on VF reviews.

Lisa, WELCOME back!!!!!! I think my kbell infatuation will pass but you never know. The workouts kick my booty. Oh I have my impatient days.

Hope everyone is doing well.

Later 'gators.
Anne, I believe it is much harder to be in a TTC situation with hopes of having first child than a fourth Being a mommy is the best gift God has EVER given me and I am beyond blessed with three healthy boys to cuddle up with whenever I want. If I had a choice, I would give up my chance for a fourth child, to give you the gift of motherhood. Our God routinely opens barren wombs and showers his blessings. Don't give up, will be a great mom, His timing...


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
hi ladies

we are an active bunch this week!

anne, i am so glad you are starting the clomid but sorry for the side effects. anything helping? maybe some walks or a kick box workout}( i always find that puts me in a better mood. i hope your thanksgiving travels go smoothly.

autumn, sounds as though you are coming to peace with the idea of not having more kids. is it mainly frustration with trying?

hi melanie - any big plans this week or for the holidays? your attitude isso inspiring - i feel better usually just reading your posts.

hi kristan - how are you feeling?

hi lisa - so glad to hear your dog did well. i think you will be pleasantly surprised how easy today will go for her. the main issue is the few weeks after the shots when she has to be quiet. also, they can be kind of tender at the site of the shots. any new workouts for you? i am still thinking of getting amy bento's slo-mo or hi low.

hi jen - hope you are well.

i am okay today. ran 9 mil on treadmill this am. i hope to do some weights from the 4 day split later, but i definately see a nap in my future. also need to grocery shop for a lot of protein! for the baby.

Just a quick e-mail. For my peace of mind, I scheduled a consult/exam with my OB next Tuesday. I'll talk more soon.
Hey guys! It's been so hard to get back into the groove of real life. Anyway, I'll be back for personals later tonight, but just wanted to let you know that my doggy is back home with me and she did just fine. We had her sleep in the crate last night in our room and she did just fine. Trying to keep her from going up and down the stairs and all that will be another challenge, but so far so good.

Jen - I'm glad you made that appointment!

BTW, I need to drop weight bad. I gained more than I thought on this trip. Either that and PMS combined is not a good thing. Eugh...I feel gross.

I'm glad Rover is doing well. ;) And I bet your as beautiful as ever & overreacting to your weight gain; either way we're here to cheer you on! Now, get going and master those new Cathe DVDs!!!!


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
Melanie - I'm in tears from your post. You're so sweet.

I actually had my first acupuncture appointment for infertility tonight. This doctors success rate is 12 of 13 couples giving birth! I'm hoping it does the same for me! ;-)

Hope everyone is well. I need to run, but back later this week to catch up.

Workouts are pretty good, but I need to step it up a notch. I'm with you Lisa, trying to drop a few as I'm starting to feel not as strong and kind of jiggly! x(

i am up anohter 2 lbs too. i know it is normal when pregnant, but i am only 7.5 weeks! my workouts are still as intense, and i feel like i am eating less. okay, i am indulging in fat free icecream occasionally, also, more nuts as for some reason those are quelling the nausea? oh well. things will only go up.

i did amys asc2 this am again - that is FUN! it will be a great pregnancy workout for me once i cannot run. still thinking of getting her hi-low, but i will wait a few weeks.

today is my long day at work. dh is still out of town. i am just putting one foot in front of the other right now.

anne - i am so glad you are trying acupuncture too. perhaps that will helps with the hormones too!

lisa, glad doggie is okay. what are you doing for workouts these days?

hey melanie - how is your week?

hi autumn, hi jen, hi kristan
Hi ladies! I hope all is well. I'll be back antoher time to post more but wanted to say hi.

hey everyone - any plans for the weekend?

lisa, i hope af came so you can move on to this next cycle - getting abck in the swing of being home?

hi melanie - what are you all doing for the holidays?

hi anne - how is the clomid going? when do you expect to ovulate?

hi autumn, hi kristan, hi jen!

well, i have a funny feeling dh will be gone thru the weekend. i am a bit disappointed as i need to get started on some christmas shopping, especially for my coworkers. anyone have ideas for some small, thoguhtful, inexpensive gifts??? i work with 15 people:(
i continue to feel awful, but i will try not to dwell on it. the good thing is, i am now 8 weeks along and making progress. i went for a long run on my treadmill this am - so far the best i felt since 2 am;(


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