TTC/MC Support Week of 4/12-4/18

Thank you everyone. We are doing well, just tired. My specialist appt is June 15th, I'll know more then. I'm going to go back to training for my race in the meantime...
Just wanted to say HI to everyone. I am not gong to post in the ttc/mc board anymore. I just dont feel comfortable talking about my pregnancy when others are suffering.
I"m emotional today. I'm sure my hormones are out of wack again. I haven't really cried about the "loss" more about other things. For example, Jadon fell and bumped his head & I cried with him for about 10 minutes. I had trouble sleeping too. Hormones are wonderful, aren't they?

I have same sporatic chocolate brown discharge. And I"ve pooped a ton today ( I think 3 times). I know that prostaglandins increase with labor & such, so I"m sure it's just my body's way of helping to get rid of any remains.

I've decided to start temping again. Since I have an appt with specialist in June, I think I should start doing some homework.

I'm exhausted. I"m not sure if I"m able to run today. I"m upset with myself...wondering if my training contributed to m/c....had I been temping I would have been able to monitor the likeliness of pg. In any rate, I'm a firm believer of not putting your life on hold while TTC.

Thanks for listening to me rant...
Swamped at work, and needing a break, so I decided to check in and say hey.....I wish the updates were a bit more positive....

Melanie - I am so sorry to hear about your mc....I honestly don't think your training had anything to do with it...I have always been told that mc occurs because something was wrong to begin with, which I am sure you have heard already -- miscarriages usually occur b/c there was something chromosomally wrong with the baby, meaning the baby for whatever reason could not continue to devlop. There's nothing you did or nothing you could have done to prevent it.
I think it is a good idea to temp - you could be my temping buddy :)
You are in my thoughts and prayers - for now, focus on all the blessings you have!

Susan - I hope you change your mind about posting (unless others concur it makes them uncomfortable)....hearing your pregger experiences keeps me hopeful for myself and for Melanie, Bethany, Mel2, and Autumn....same goes for hearing about Priscilla, Jen, and Wendy....

Hang in there everyone and I will try to do the same.....

I am so sorry for your loss; I just found out today about your miscarriage. Just wanted you to know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. There's nothing you did to 'cause' this - hang in there....God bless...

Please don't throw stones at me for what I"m about to say

Yes, current preggos do offer encouragement to us that have tried/failed to have pregnancies...but it is hard sometimes to swallow...when you cannot enjoy a pg yourself (or just experienced a loss).

It's a touchy experience, and I am happy for our pregnant women.... especially ones who have struggled so much to get to where they are.

I also realize that 1st trimesters for women who have a history of m/c is much different that 1st trimesters for women who don't have the same kind of background history.

At some point, when pg's feel comfortable,...the pregnancy check-ins may be a more appropriate place for them to do there check-ins? TTC/Miscarriage support is designed to be a "safehaven" for women who are going through the struggles of TTC or miscarriage. I hope it's not a place where a woman feel torn by their own emotions....which in many cases are a normal part of healing/coping.

Enough rambling! I have become quite fond of all of us here on the forum, some whom I've known for over 6 years, my intentions are not to hurt anyone,...
Oh, I just wanted to add that my comment is totally up for discussion. Maybe I"m speaking only for hormonal emotional self. ;)
Melanie, ((((((HUGS)))))). I just found out now, I'm really sorry for everything you have been thru this week. I'll be praying for you...
By the way, Melanie, no offenses taken. We understand...

I haven't posted lately mainly because I was in the hospital due to dehydration (I'll give details later or maybe in another forum). I agree with Susan on how hard it is to post here now.

Hi to the rest of the girls....
Melanie, I just looked at the forums and my heart is breaking for you. I know how hard it is to m/c. I hope when you see the specialist you'll get the answers you're looking for. Your training had NOTHING to do with it. My maternal/fetal specialist told me that the reason I have my DD is because I exercised and it kept the blood flow going to her and it had absolutely nothing to do with my miscarriages (I exercised with those too). Good luck and take care of yourself.

I also agree about posting here. I know I don't check in as often now that I'm pregnant because I know that when I miscarried the last thing I would want to read is about other pregnant people talking about their pregnancies. Maybe we could start another check-in.
Hey Melanie,

First of all, as I have learned, there is nothing you could have done to prevent this. Your little angel just wasn't going to be strong enough and (this is my feeling...) God took him/her home, so he can heal them and take care of.

I, personally, have mixed feelings about posting when preggers. Although, when I pondered over it, I do agree with you Mel. I don't know I've only been here since end of Feb. so...

Ladies, as much as I have loved this forum with you I feel it is time for me to move on. I completely understand Melanie's feelings and out of respect for those who have suffered losses, I will start posting in the pregnancy forums. Feel free to chime in over there anytime you want or PM me. I will miss all of you and check in from time to time but will probably not post here.

Thanks everyone for your kind words.

Now maybe you guys could help me? I'm feeling AWFUL. I keep on puking & feel like I"m having morning sickness. Which is just the WORST when you know you're not getting anything out of it. Does anyone remember how long it takes to feel "normal" physiologically? I'm sure it's hormonal...
Melanie-sorry you are feeling so bad. With my first m/c all my symptoms went away quickly, within a day or 2..I had what was like a heavy period and then it was done. With my 2nd it took much longer..nearly 6 weeks for my hormones to level out and to test negative. I bled very lightly the entire time too. HOpe you get to feeling better soon.
Susan, how far along were you with your 2nd one? I've had very little bleeding. All brown. My HCG level was only 2.34.... I guess I was hoping that I wouldn't have to go thru all this since I was barely even pg. :( It also gives me a false hope that I was misdiagnosed. NOT good for healing!!
Melanie-I was not over 6 weeks. I went to dr the week I was bleeding my levels went up but was still spotting. Went back in 48 hours and they had dropped. Im sorry you are going through this!
Melanie - Sometimes the pg hormone takes a little longer to leave your body so even though you miscarried or passed everything, you can still feel the effects of pg hormones like nausea. Stinks, but should be gone within a week and even shorter for you since you weren't pg that long. I know for me I was 10+ weeks and was having symptoms and my HCG was still going up even though the fetus had already died. Hope you feel better soon. My thoughts are with you.


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