Trying to Fit Yoga in For Wed Feb 27


Morning Ladies -

This morning I did Barry's Bootcamp - FatBurn Total Body/Upper, Code Red and Advanced Abs. Workout was 67" and I burned 433 calories.

The workout I did was the Total Body with emphasis on the upper body with cardio moves such as squat thrusts, mountain climbers, jumping jacks, football runs, etc. All segments are 1", weights and cardio. I think I counted my reps in one of the minutes doing triceps and I did 50 it's a high rep count workout.

Code Red was a 20" workout with 10 of Barry's favorite moves. Not really focused on one specific thing....but had some cardio in it, leg work, and I think pushups. Can't remember.

I added weight to some of the ab moves.

Exercises are done on the ball that comes with the kit and you use the bands that come with it. I ordered the deluxe package, so I got 4 levels of resistance bands with mine. The kit also comes with a "booty band" that has ankle straps to use with the "booty band" workout, or you can wear the booty bands throughout the other workouts.

The music is real good in these....even better than the last set. Barry is in all of them, but he only jumps in on the exercises every now and then....but mostly walks about the class yelling at everyone and laughing with his mad scientist laugh that he has. He has Cindi Whitmarsh leading the exercises and explaining setup. The two of them have good rapport. The class is made up of men and women

All in all, it is a good workout....but I think it's a bit less intense....but still plenty hard. I guess it all depends what you put into it. I had to take a break thru the Squat Thrusts and Mountain Climber it's been a while since I've done those for a full minute. Glad I bought them, but I could have done without the eqiupment and wish I wouldn't have had to pay so much for them. They were very expensive. I'm sure the price will drop after they've been out for a while.

Gotta run............must get ready for work.

Jen - I haven't done Pure Strength in ages and even then, I think I've only done them once. I'll have to try and look for you.

Carrie - dont' feel bad about not doing yoga that often....thus the reason.....the checkin is called "Trying to Fit Yoga in"! I usually only have time to do it on the weekends.

Yve - I've been famished the last couple of days and eating like a pig.....and I'm not even pregnant. Maybe it's the weather?? I'm not even PMSing yet! I couldn't get enough to eat yesterday and this morining, I had to have some almonds and a small yogurt before I could workout, as I woke up starving.
Hey, it's Wednesday already girls!!!

Lora-Thanks for the review on BBC. OMG, I haven't done 'squat thrusts' since high school! That will take me back. I hate those. I don't have any of his vids but now you have my interest piqued. RE:Work, I had a feeling that your office was full of 'lifers'. I am glad to hear that you have at least one friend who is helping you out. I have a feeling that the women are jealous, because you are in good shape, eat carefully and workout.

Yve-You are in the homestretch now girl! For some reason, the last trimester/month you put on alot of weight. I know I did. Well, I put on alot of weight throughout my whole pregnancy, around 30 + lbs. Not that that is going to make you feel any better, but know you are not alone. Plus, you have a darn good reason! I always told myself if i was craving something, my body obviously was lacking in some vital nutrient, like, say, fat and sugar!:) Pretty soon you will have a beautiful baby and be losing that weight no problema.

Kel-keeping my fingers crossed on your appt today. Please let us know how it went. How long does it usually take to find out--a month, I am guessing. It must be so stressfull, I cannot imagine.

Jen-OMG what do I love about DrDrew-well, everything. He is cute, and if we were married he could analyze me and tell me why I do stuff, and think a certain way etc. Also, I could ask him to analyze certain celebrites, and why they act they way they do. I would pretty much make him work 24/7 using his psychology to the max. Ahhhhh, so romantic, huh? This will date me, but do you remember when he was on that MTV show with Adam Carolla? Sex Talk, or something? So cute and smart then!!!

I almost forgot-I am doing CardioX today, not a real toughie, but it's part of the Recovery Week. Lora-did you get any anwsers on your recovery week questions? I know you were asking, I personally don't have any thoughts, but am wondering as well. The recovery weeks I like to add some weights in at least 1x.
Carrie - re: work....yes, I think some of those women look down on me for being so careful with my diet and exercise.....I don't know if that's jealously or they just think I'm weird. You're too funny about Dr. Drew. I think he's very charismatic........and thus why he's gotten where he is! I'm not really taking a recovery week. I'll recover and rest when I'm DEAD!! LOL!!

I just got done pigging out, was famished again. The Doctor took the office out to eat at lunch today to Bob Evans. Everyone was getting all this fattening stuff and someone got these "stuffed pancakes" with cream cheese, blueberries, etc. I WANTED them so badly...but instead go a puny salad and was freakin' starving all day. I'm SO craving those pancakes now. i want to go back and get them!! The office manager bought some candy on the way out of the restaurant and since I was still hungry (and she bought caramel creams....which I used to have a huge addiction to), I ate 3 of them after lunch and then found a truffle in my jacket pocket and I ate that too. I'll never lose weight at this rate and I still WANT those freakin pancakes. I have issues, I know!

This week's dragging. Is it Friday yet?
Hi ladies! Tonight's WO was GS Legs. I skipped the 2nd set of leg presses with the band and some of the floorwork to make the workout a little shorter since I got home late. I started the DVD with 60# barbell squats, so I also fried myself too early in the workout. That being said, it was a good workout and I am SO GLAD that leg day is over.

Lora-Gosh, now I am dying for those pancakes! LOL! They sound so good! The Barry's WOs sound awesome. I am going to have to break down and get those for sure!

Carrie-LOL on Dr. Drew! Yep, I remember the sex show. That's where I first found out who Dr. Drew was. And ROTFLMAO on the fat and sugar comment to Yve....:D those are pretty much essential food groups aren't they?!?

Kel-Thinking about you today...hope all is well and you can pop in to give us an update over the next few days.

Hi to Yve if you check in later!

Have a great night everyone!

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