Tracey Staehle


Did anyone receive Tracy Staehle's new videos? Any reviews?
Would love to hear some opinions!


I bought all three and love the two I've done: Kickbox and step and I love the abs on preview. I think I've posted my intital reviews in the above theads. After a couple of weeks when I'm familiar with them, I hope to provide "real" reviews on each workout meaning more breakdowns, details, why I like them so much, and what could be improved (I don't usually put things like that in a review b/c what people nit pick apart on another website, USUALLY, does not bother me at all). These are high quality, fun, challenging workouts and they are a super first set from a new instructor. I think she learned a lot and will only get better, but I am THRILLED with every one of them. I have finally found someone besides the TLT's to cross train with regularly. Before Tracey it was Cathe then Cathe and TLT's and now, Cathe, TLT's, and Tracey.
I have her Kickbox/Body sculpting DVD and I liked it. Good inctructor (though needs to work on her cueing), good music, different exercises if you are used to Cathe (but definately not as intense). All in all, a decent DVD and I would buy from her again. Also, I placed my order Monday and was working out to the DVD on Tuesday. Super fast shipping.
I received a box from Tracey, but the flap had come unstuck during shipping (she just relied on Priority Mail boxes being secure with their own self-stick stuff) and all that was in it was my receipt and a piece of crumpled paper!

I've been anxiously awaiting these, and they sound good, so I'm annoyed! Now I have to wait for the replacement shipment.
Love em, love em, love em!

Especially the Step workout! Tracey has produced a great "first" series,imo and is sure to get even better for the next series which she is filming in January.

I didn't get the core dvd, but now I am going to, having heard such great reviews of that one as well!
Yep! Good stuff! My abs are definitely feeling her core workout today! The step and core are my faves too:)

My box arrived open also, my heart sunk when I saw the crumpled paper and receipt. But, the DVDs were in my mail box, so all was well again ;) . I guess my mail lady was not a vidiot (OH MY!).

My thoughts:

I thought Tracey did a good job on her first time out. On first glance, I think that she is going to do really well with her future projects. I agree with others who say that she is going to get better. I would just like to add, that I had a positive experience doing business with her.

I know that I'm in the minority but I was disappointed in the KB workout. I have given it a couple more tries and I haven't changed my mind. I will put it away for now and give it another try at a later date. I had high hopes for this one :( . The sculpt section was fun but I didn't find it challenging so I guess I will save this for a light day or for recovery. I really like the core w/o but again I don't know how often I will use it (it was slightly different than what I expected). I am glad that I gave her a try but I know that I will not pre-order the next round.

I really liked the step workout. Very intense. I think because of the conditions she filmed the Kickboxing workout under, it wasn't the toughest, or her best work. However, I still work up a nice little sweat when I bump up the work myself. I wore my heart rate monitor during the Step one, and I burn about 50 calories less doing this one than Imax 2, (I really don't do Imax 3, just doesn't click with me) so to me, (my opinion here), they are about the same. I think it's because my heartrate doesn't really get moving until the end of Imax 2 whereas my heartrate starts out super high with the first Interval in Traceys. All in all, I love both of them. LOL! I do think however, she has learned a lot from her first experience because I read on her boards that she is rehearsing some of the routines already. I think she should work on endurance the most since they have to film for so long in one day. It seems like she is trying to do that. I know I'll be preordering again, especially since I have a discount waiting.;-)
I just finished High Intensity Step Mix from start to finish with only a couple of mess ups. This is my new favorite step workout. It is total fun. It kept my heart rate up and I was sweating the whole time, but it wasn't totally killing me. There are a couple of cueing mess ups and in one interval they seem to be off, but it was easy to not look at the TV and do the interval to the music. None of that bothers me at all, b/c once I know a workout and do it over and over, who cares? I recognize some of the music from the Hard Core series I believe, but there was some very fun and new music I had not heard before. The music and the choreography go together perfectly. It is "dancier" than I am used to and I'm surprised I caught on so quickly, but I really wanted to learn this so I was very motivated. Once you get it, all I can say is fun, fun, fun! LOVE it!!!
I did High Intensity Step today also. I liked it. It kept my heartrate up except when I had a hard time with the steps. Her step is harder for me to follow than Cathe's. I haven't had a hard time learning any of Cathe's but this one was hard for me. I think overall it's a good workout. My knees do hurt from this though. Lots of turning movements that must not have agreed with my knees.
I give quite a detailed review here:
Scroll down towards the bottom of the page. I give a breakdown of how the workout is set up. There is also a review at the top of the page. 'Hope that helps a little bit. I have to MAKE myself not do this everyday now that I've gotten the combo's down. It is a ton of fun!
I have only previewed the step and abdominal workouts. They look good. I have done parts of the kickbox workout. Seems not to be that intense and I had some trouble with some of the "moving" forward moves. Probably just need more time to figure them out. One problem I have, and this may sound silly, is that one of the background exercisers drives me crazy! Something about her really annoys me and now I can't NOT watch her! I also did one of her "premix" kickbox routines - combos only - and the trasitions were really choppy, not well done IMO.

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