To SNM re Cathe Cam


Active Member
Ok, I've tried absolutely everything I can think of, short of throwing my computer up against a wall! I am currently using both Netscape (4.7) and Internet Explorer (5.0) on my Mac (OS 8.5.1). I downloaded the Media Player app and plug-in and installed them, correctly, I believe, since it works fine on the MS site clips and I even watched a few Oscar clips on Sunday night. Now, I had to play around to get the Oscar clips to work, mostly by playing with the prefs on Media Player (Proxy selections, my computer is at home, no network to speak of) and I also had to designate an asx suffix on my Netscape helper apps to tell it what to use, but after that it was fine. However, whenever I try to access the Cathe Cam (Netscape or IE) the window title bar comes up with Plug-in needed. Also, when using Netscape, a message appears in the bottom bar (the one that shows how it's loading) after it is done trying to load that states:
Applet NPDS.npDSEvtObsProxy can't start: class NPDS.npDSEvtObsProxy not found
What this means, I haven't a clue. Any suggestions?


Elizabeth Kelly
Try this before....

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Apr-01-00 AT 05:46PM (EST)</font></center>

Try this before the computer flies out the window . Go to the folder where Windows Media Player was installed. (It's usually in Applications -> Internet Explorer 5.x -> plugins. In that folder you'll see the Windows Media Player program. Double-click to open the application and then click on "File" and "open location". Type this location in the box: mms:// . This should automatically connect you to our server and you should be ready to watch the Live Classes. (Note to windows users; you can also do this if you prefer to not open a browser window. You can go to the "Start" button, click "run" and type "mplayer2". Then go to "File" "open" and type the above URL in the location box and it should open the video stream without opening a browser. (A little more convenient I guess.)

Elizabeth, if that doesn't work, then give me the error message that windows media player returns. Thanks.

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Apr-01-00 AT 05:48PM (EST)</font></center>

LAST EDITED ON Apr-01-00 AT 05:47 PM (EST)

Just checked something out... You should just be able to click on this link and it should also bring up the Media Player (Windows Users Only)
It worked!!!!!!!!

Thanks a ton, I only got to watch a tape (Sorry was so excited that it worked I didn't even notice which one) but it went through just fine. I had tried this method before but didn't know what the correct URL was. I kept trying to view the page source or info and get the right URL, but everything I plugged in there wouldn't work. I'm so pleased that this works. The Mac version on Media Play is still in the beta stage, so it's nice to know that some beta's work! I'll definitely give it a try during the next class I can catch. I'll let you know if I have any further problems.

Thanks again!

Elizabeth Kelly
Just bringing this up to the top . . .

for anyone who needs the link to see Cathe's class this AM!

Hi Elizabeth!

Great to hear that you finally got it to work. I'd also like to thank everyone else for helping you out too. What a great fitness family we have

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