To Moms Who Had a C-Section re: Belly


I delivered my first baby 4 weeks ago via an emergency c-section. My abs were in wonderfulshape pre-pregnancy, thanks to a committed ab routine and weight training. Now, however, I still look @ 4-5 months pregnant! My question - will my abs continue to shrink on there own or is it fair to say that, now that I am 4 weeks post-partum, all of the shrinking is done and only serious ab exercises will help out? I just want to know what I am in for! Thank you.
Mary Beth
After 2 C-Sections my belly has returned to original shape. I did have to watch my carbs for a while, but they DID return. Yours will too with clean eating and hard work...for now enjoy your new wee-one. ;)


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
They should continue to shrink on their own. It sounds so trite, but it's really true -- it took 9 months to get through the pregnancy, and you should allow 9 months for your body to get itself back. Your body will continue to change. Getting back to your exercise program once you get your doctor's OK, even if you don't have a lot of time at this point, will definitely help too!

I had a C-section almost 5 years ago ... my abs are pretty good now, even though I'm still carrying extra weight (but that's my fault, and I'm working on cleaning up my diet). On my "leaner" days they are just about flat.
I'm so glad to read these responses! It's been almost 7 months since my c-section. I had my annual OB/GYN appointment last week, and the doctor said my abs would NOT shrink back down because there's too much extra skin there now.

I only have 4 lbs. left to lose to get back to my pre-pregnancy healthy weight. I'm sure that will help, and giving myself a little more time to work on my abs will hopefully get them back in shape.
I have extra skin on my abs too. I don't think it is necessarily due to the c-section, I guess my skin isn't as elastic as it used to be. Oh well, maybe someday I'll be able to afford a tummy tuck. ;-)

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