Tight Chest Muscles/Poor Posture


I have scoliosis and corresponding back pain from neck to tailbone, which I have had for over twenty years and deal with at an optimistic level. :)

For the past few years, however, my shoulders have been rounding forward (hereditary) and I find it very difficult to stand straight.

I see a chiropractor weekly, and a massage therapist about once a month. The chiropractor says to ONLY STRETCH (and not use weights on) my chest and strengthen my back, shoulders, etc, while the massage therapist says to strengthen ALL muscle groups (of course, stretching normally as well). Knowing my body so well, my feeling is to stretch (and not strengthen) my chest muscles while trying to strengthen my back, shoulders, etc. I feel pain (not "good" pain) in my chest and all down my left arm when doing chest exercises. My left side is the painful side for my whole body.

I also see an orthopaedic doctor who advocates all kinds of exercise, but doesn't seem to be able to clarify this for me.

I am a fairly advanced exerciser, using Cathe only. The past few months, however, I have fallen off due to sprained ankle, cold/flu, etc. My shoulders feel even tighter since the break in fitness and I feel slouchy, unfit, and miserable.

Any input would be much appreciated.

By the way, I am 37 years old, have 3 young children, decreased bone density (hence the need to work out!), and work almost full-time.

Thanks in advance for any advice you can send my way.

Hi, I don't have scoliosis, but I do have rotater cuff problems.
My problems get aggravated by over developing the chest area. I see a massage therapist, and she can definately tell if I do too much chest work inbetween massages. I work very hard on stretching all muscle groups, but especially chest, and your biceps also play a part in pulling things forward.

Since I very easily overdevelop the chest(I swim 4 times a week on top of other cardio and weight lifting), I tend to keep the chest exercises lighter, don't do pushups, and work the back alot heavier. When doing bicep exercise, make sure you bring your arms done all the way to get a good stretch inbetween reps when doing slow counts. This keeps the muscle from shortening too much and pulling on the shoulder area. I tend to judge how I am doing by what my massage therapist says, because she can always tell by my posture what is going on.

I am 40 years old, with two kids(8 and 13) and have been advance weight lifter for 20 years. Swimming is recent within the last 2 years, but have always done a lot of cardio because I fight a weight problem constantly.

Hope this helps,

Thanks Dorothy

I didn't even think of how biceps affect the pulling forward of shoulders; thanks for the advice, it makes alot of sense. I like your idea of lightly working the chest, going heavy with the back, and stretching everything well.

You sound like you have a great fitness routine - good for you!

Thanks again.


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