This Seems Pretty Heavy!:)


Active Member
So I was wondering, when the target weight says 15 (as in elevated lunges, in my case) is that total or in each hand?

1 RM Test?

Are you doing the 1 RM tests? If so, there is a very short video clip online for each exercise. For the ones I wasn't sure about, I viewed the video and made notes before doing the 1 RM. Sometimes 1 dumbbell is used and sometimes 2. The STS user's guide also has a picture of each exercise in the back of book, but I found the video clips to be more useful.

Hope this helps.

Lisa more thing

Cathe did explain in a different video clip that if she says 15 pounds, she means one dumbbell. So sometimes you might use 1 - 15#, sometimes 2 - 15#. But she does mean the weight of each and not total, same with weight used on barbell.

I'm feeling more educated about STS than I realized!
Hi Horsing Around,

Thanks! I did do the 1RM test and that's what came up. When I got around to doing the actual exercise, though, I thought this is heavy! Two 15's equals 30 pounds! I don't normally use that on squats, but I guess that is proof that most people (me) don't lift heavy enough.

Hi Horsing Around,

Thanks! I did do the 1RM test and that's what came up. When I got around to doing the actual exercise, though, I thought this is heavy! Two 15's equals 30 pounds! I don't normally use that on squats, but I guess that is proof that most people (me) don't lift heavy enough.


I agree! I just finished Week 2 of STS (for the first time) and I am lifting heavier than I ever thought I would. My legs feel it for sure.
Hi Bobbie-B!

I am sore from Disc 3, and I can tell you for a fact that no muscle was untouched!

I did the 1rm for biceps and it had me at 50% lifting 10lbs for biceps, but that was way too heavy... I used 7.5 instead and was struggling with the last 4, so I will be using my own judgment for this program. The main thing as Cathe mentioned is that you should be struggling with the last 2-3 reps and keep increasing your poundage. i will do this for the biceps, probably to 8lbs next Sunday.
Hi jazzi21!

I think the worst one for me was the overhead press. I did get all the reps in this morning, but barely! I guess that's the whole point.:) I messed up on the One Leg Slide Back Lunges. I didn't do the 1RM Test, so guessed at it. I used ten pounds in each hand and I couldn't come close to completing the reps. I learned my lesson though! Went down to 5 for the side slide lunges.

Live and learn!


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