The Watercooler: Wednesday DOMS are Wicked!


So had to get up to take ibupropin... That Cathe's gonna KILL me! These are STILL from Mondays GS Lrgs..Its just spreading!}(

Back with personals:*
Today is going to be a Mish Mosh of Leg Cardio….. ½ of LowMax, + 1 round of Plyo X + MAYBE 1 round of Plyo Legs (which is more like baby Leg X)… Basically its “Make yourself cry for mama” day in Texas![IMAGE][/IMAGE]

Let me announce for all that I DID shave my legs as soon as I showered before Monday’s 1st client! Poor Wendy was made to cop a feel at the airport & was appalled! [IMAGE][/IMAGE]I think she now calls DH “Poor Wendell”…..Fear not! It was simply a rebellious stage while not having to be well groomed for work! Winter brings out the beast in me (literally) & I know for a fact that razors were invented by the same idiot male who thought panty-hose was cool!


Yeah! The good run lifted your spirits! [IMAGE][/IMAGE]~ I do think the hormone roller coaster is contributing to my strange sleep patterns… I also felt very PMS-y the last 2 today… must have been a surge of SOMETHING but today I feel “normal” and woke up at 4:15.~ Glad you are once again enjoying 4DS! Will you be buying Cathe Cardio workouts if theres a set in 2008? I'm on the fence except about MMA. Keep us posted on FIL & SIL as much as you want to share...I havent forgotten about it- I just dont want to pry.

Oh dear oh dear!!!! Tell me you aren’t sick!!!!!! I do hope our gal feels better today! PLEASE do not worry one bit about shipping my wine! [IMAGE][/IMAGE]I REALLY wont be drinking it anytime soon……Get yourself better … that’s all that’s important. Did you & Wendy set a play date on the shore yet???? Ya gotta be well for that! ROF on the turntable! OMG We’re OLD! Actually I’m fearful that Wendell will “smarten up” & ask that the endless version of Stairway to Heaven” be his 1 track! Naaaaaah- he isn’t that smart! - You kissie CBL for me & tell him I appreciated his stimulating conversation…Its hard to find people that will go there … I ADORE him! He REALLY does look like a CB! That was a great codename! WTH????? Your MEEZ was changed yesterday but not today???? Am I going CRAZY???? I luved it! It looked like all of us at your house! ~~ LowMax while not feeling well? Silly girl! That knee issue is NOT something to mess with! Kickbox, HiLo (more low than hi of course) biking, walking…PLUS doing training that targets the knee area to make the muscles surrounding it stronger. No SEX does NOT count as cardio! [IMAGE][/IMAGE]

Hope you & Cami are back in a regular pattern today….[IMAGE][/IMAGE] Travel makes me tired (obviously) but today I feel like my old self…hope you are as well. ROF about your boss! L-A-U-R-I-E-………………………………………………………………….[IMAGE][/IMAGE]
I think many people in Cathe land are struggling with a pre-STS rotation…We are all trying to “get in shape”? Maybe- maybe not….My fear is that I’ll be ready for another Cathe break about then if I don't mix it up some but I still want results…Cant we have it all???????? Those DD T-shirts are PRICELESS! I grinned ear to ear ready that! 40 seconds???? HOLY C*AP! That’s HUGE in running! Maybe she should tell us to MYOB about the strengthening her legs workouts! Rof! ….. don't tell the BB group but I think our posts are much more exciting! The “real” Laurie doesn’t shine thru as much…you wicked woman you! lololol

THANK YOU for posting results…I shall go peek later!!! WHATEVER they were I’m sure its all good! Remember that the closer your pre-X lifting was to X the fewer results…. Also- personally I get THRILLED with just an inch or 2 off in the right places! [IMAGE][/IMAGE]~ Oh the Bandit story is PRECIOUS! Ya gotta think that sometimes animals are far more advanced than humans in some ways.

Oh my! What a process for DD (& mom!) [IMAGE][/IMAGE]Gosh what a sweetie of a dentist to suggest the non-drug route! I want THAT dentist!!! So does that mean she gets to go to dentist appts for a bit & they serve her icecream & she gets to watch a movie & play WII? ~ I saw the Jumpsnap thread…[IMAGE][/IMAGE]jumping rope would not be good for a person w/ undiagnosed ADD about exercise…I’ll have to let you be our resident guinea pig here! PLUS I vowed to Jeanette [IMAGE][/IMAGE]that I was going to HAVE to teach myself delayed gratification this year…. I bought gliding disks (20 buck) & will get a 10# vest from Cathe but even the pull-up tower will have to wait. I hope she doesn’t run a deal that makes the $$$ part of it seem “Too good to pass up” ….. I did indeed notice & chuckle at the “I” icon! Pretty soon we’ll have to go back to the regular one as everyone will be using new ones! ACK! – Tell DD she is very lucky to have a mom that believes in Retail Therapy!

Too funny about your Retreat Diet! I think its very interesting when a thin person does that…no-one even notices but if an overweight person does it then let the venom fly…. Human nature – interesting stuff….ANYWAY- I’m SURE its all out of your system…. Its time to go back to real food like cheese![IMAGE][/IMAGE] ~~ I am so very very excited about your new game plan for your 2008 Challenge! I could tell @ the retreat you really were hoping the group went that direction! All I know is that you will do AWESOME! That’s just the kind of person you are. [IMAGE][/IMAGE]~ What a sweetie DH was last night! ~ LOL on the certificates…They have all asked if I learned some cool new moves to torture them with…. Guess I better be creative this week! lol

Hope you & Coach SEAN were able to hook-up! [IMAGE][/IMAGE]

Well look who came back! I thought you had ditched us for more exciting things…although for the life of me I cant see what would be more thrilling! ~SH? [IMAGE][/IMAGE]OH MY!!! You are hitting it hard aren’t you??? You go girl!

You don't like my Walgreens Camera Pics??? I think my set is best of all so far! LOL … Why was your smilie not working????? That’s just the unthinkable! [IMAGE][/IMAGE] Hope the head is better today….. Yes, we are talkers aren’t we? That’s why weekends tend to be so relaxing- we don't talk as much! Lololol….Fear not! This summer postings will die down a bit…all the snow bunnies run real fast to play outside all day!

Ok Gals..... If there are no smilies in the post you read then you read it before I edited! Thats the BEST part about getting up early...I have time to make my posts all perty!:7

Have a great day.... Off to get my legs even more sore than they are...
Hi all,

Today is cardio and legs and yoga. I'm a little tight from the run yesterday.

I was looking at the blog pictures. The new series looks great!

Traci - DH has tried to convince me that sex is a workout (maybe it is for Debra, she seems much thrilled about it than some of us others:)). Fat chance! It's amazing what men will do, but I guess for some sex could be a workout! FIL is the same. He's still in the hospital and they keep running more tests. He is just not getting any better, but he is 93. They cut SIL's meds and that's it. I was amazed that she was not hospitalized because it was a pretty serious attempt. DH talked to her on the phone the other day and she's just as irrational as she was before. What a serious mess. With DH's ADHD he is a mess too. Stress and ADHD do not mix well. Enough about the family issues; that's why it's nice to be at work. Yes I will buy any cardio that Cathe produces. I feel like weight training workouts are relatively timeless, but I adapt to cardio and then it becomes less effective.

I'd better get to work. Hi to all who follow.

Morning all

Well, enjoyed my yoga class last night. It's a follow up class to an intro that I took this winter. I swear she thought we were pretzels with a couple of the positions she got us into:)

Still full of energy so did the step portion only of LIS from 4DS when I got home.

Sandra - glad to hear DD survived the dentist. I only got ice cream afterwards from my Mom. That's inflation for you:p

Kim - have not been out cycling with DS since Sun. so will give it another try on the weekend. Might take your advice and just let him cry it out if he wants to actually go anywhere and force him to pedal. Hmm as long as the neighbours don't call the childrens aid on me....

Kim - loved the doggie storey and my a very momentuous occasion for your DS - he's growing up

Jeanette - sounds like you in the middle of a renovation. Hope the end is in site. We've been building a cottage for the last five years and this is the last year of major work to be done (ie drywall, flooring, painting) Then we can sit on the dock and enjoy Yahoo

Traci - GS - Legs - I have not done it yet but DOMS 2 days later Yikes. May try next week, going to do pyramids this week, just the upwards though

Tracy - you're a runner? How oftern do you go out? I did a Learn to run 5k a few years ago and got plantar fascitis and took about 2 years to get rid of it so a bid afraid to try it again. My SIL runs and I would have enjoyed being able to run with her when we visit, instead I bring my DVD's and she does my stuff.

Debra - hope you're feeling better. Hopefully just run down from hosting the retreat. My allergies started acting up on Mon. a.m. so took some Reactin Mon & Tues and seem to be okay now. I was worried I was coming down with something too.

Okay, that's it for now - WORK calls:7
Thank God I didn't start the thread this morning...3 days in a row would have been just too hard to take! DD is off with CBL...she is out of school today, but I have class, so he is dropping her off at my mom's on his way to work. I have a conference with her teacher later this morning..and then we may do a little shopping if the weather clears...I have a couple of things I need to get in Greensboro, so we may head over to the outdoor center if the sun actually comes out today. I feel better this morning...and CBL was over last night, so it is not an excess of sex that is tiring me out...LOL! I am planning on doing BG later today...I will just leave out any exercises that are putting too much stress on my knee. CBL thinks I need to go to the doctor for it...but of course, I am resisting that idea. It will be cycling weather soon (for me...I know Jeanette can ride in much colder weather!), so maybe that will be another alternative. Ugh....getting old is not for sissies!

Okay..gotta run for now....will bbl to catch up with last night's and today's personals...

kisses to all...

To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Good morning,
Y'all can call me The Skipper this morning, though I am doing a bike ride after work. I got up, but the couch was calling my name. I needed that hour of extra sleep as it took me a while last night to fall asleep.

Traci, I have DOMS today in my right cheek. They started in last night. I think the bike ride tonite will get rid of any soreness. Glad you shaved. I shave my legs every day as I always believed that bit my mom said about if you get in a wreck and have to go the hospital, and needing to have clean underwear and shaved legs. Well, she didn't say anything about the shaved legs, but I expanded on the thought. I'm hoping the 10# vest isn't too expensive. If it is, then I may as well have a 20#er and spend a bunch too. Just depends. I was thinking at work yesterday about all the cheesecake I ate, and what was that all about??? I've been eating pretty clean since coming back. Are beans w/ham clean? Refrigerated biscuits? Okay, scratch that meal. Thank you for the vote of confidence on the triathlon relay. I'm hoping I help make the team have a good time. I'm sure it will all be good.

Tracy, hope the situation with family improves. Such a drain. I was hoping to hear about your DS's GF's surgery. Guess it's not in the works anymore? You haven't spoken of her in a while.

Patricia, glad you enjoyed the yoga. I think I would do yoga more often if I attended a class. You'd think it was a major renovation here. It's only DH painting the fascia trim on the house! He makes it sound like it's a big project and I'm sure he'll get a lot of mileage out of this big "project". I'd be reluctant to start running again too. I always hurt when I attempt running, knees, hips, whatever. Cycling doesn't make me hurt.

Debra, didn't think you would be on this morning. Take care of that cold and that knee. Hope there are some good places near you to ride. Your roads near your house didn't look like the kind I would ride on. I'm sure there are others. The bike shop would know the best roads.

Gotta run, glad I slept a little this morning. I needed it.

Back to report 2/3 of todays PlyoLeg Mania is completed…. Did W/U from Plyo Legs….First 30 minutes of Plyo Legs + 1 Round of PlyoX …Clocked 60 minutes + 4.7inches of sweat! Needed a Protein Shake before LowMax….Must say that my hammies & quads are STILL tight… maybe a nice long stretch of some sort after LowMax…the clock will dictate

ITA about the new series…I think the plyo leg work is awesome as I saw amazing results from X by doing 1 Plyo + 1 strength per week. Are you having to go back & forth to hospital these days? I forget how close/far you guys may be to him. ~ Hows the ACE study time working for you? I think ACE gives you a year but you had a goal of 6 months, didn’t you?

That darn job of yours is going to really become a PITA in regards to checkin isn’t it? LOL! Good girl going to yoga! I sooo sooooo sooooo wanna luv it! I have every DVD ever made & still cannot get into a regular routine… My plan (which is ALWAYS subject to change) is that with STS it will become a part of my program 2 days per week…. I gotta get my Kickbox fix in too so that takes care of my 3 “free” cathe days….

So happy to read you’re feeling better…. Maybe you would have gotten really sick but all the wine drowned the germs! Hope you have a great day!!!

There you are! Glad you took the extra rest if the body wanted it! Detox from CC is NEVER easy! Ha! ~~~ ROF about the shaving! I am SO HAPPY I never equated the clean underwear with THAT! Where do all our moms get this stuff? Is there a book they all read back in the day??? ~~ So why are the roads we saw at Debs not your type of riding roads? I was thinking that was exactly what you rode on….ENLIGHTEN ME!!!

Well gang its time to get psyched up for LowMax then I have to study…. No more free afternoon time until the FIVE CECs are completed…..I have about 10 days to devote to each one & submit as I accomplish… WHY OH WHY do I love pressure studying?

Hugs til tomorrow.
Good morning everyone,

This is a short one, until I can come back later. This morning I did CC#5 on the bike (trainer in basement). An excellent workout, as usual. It was especially appropriate for a day when my hamstrings and calves were still screaming from GS Legs on Monday. I want to use my morning to go back to the basement and do one or both of the core workouts from BG. Then I'll do some kind of short stretching or yoga for the back and hips.

Today's grocery shopping day, but Wendy hasn't told me yet what we're eating this week, so I guess I'll go back and grab a week's menus from last month, and just eat that again. But I still need to make up the list, etc. Hopefully I'll have time to come back this afternoon and catch up with all of you.

Hi Ladies!

Coach Sean never happened. :-( Plyo X didn't either.:p I couldn't find the thingamajig to attach the MP3 to the computer. Then I got a call from a lady who used to work at my local DD. She moved away about a year ago after she got married. Next thing I know, it was time to get ready for the luncheon.

I didn't get home from luncheon until 4PM!!! Chatted way too much! Ate way too much! No, Debra. I didn't take the wine to the luncheon!!! My fundamentalist friends wouldn't appreciate it. How bout yours?:+ They always ask me to bring my pies though. Gluttony seems to be acceptable, but drinking anything stronger than Nyquil isn't.:7

I did manage to push play late, late last night. After CST and a warm bath, I went to bed after midnight. I'm dragging today.

Traci: So, whatcha saying? You don't need me to send you some Nair?:D Have you asked Wendell to rub some muscle soak oil on your DOMS yet? Or, will he expect a 5 track in return?}( OMW! I totally forgot about scaring off the horse until I saw your picturetrail. The look on Jeanette's face was priceless when I started making horsey sounds!!!

Sandra: I've been winging cooking since I got home. I need to plan out the rest of the week too. Maybe, I'll have time to make a grocery list while the dough is rising.

Debra: Don't worry about mailing me back the album. You can bring it with you when we meet up this summer if you'd rather. On second thought... would that take up precious space for packing wine?}(

Kim: I remember reading about your X results over the weekend. I will have to go back and read it again! Didn't you also mention that your DH finished the X too? Awesome!!! Will he be doing STS with you as well?

Personals will have to wait. I want to make Sandra's pizza crust for dinner tonight and a couple loaves of wheat bread.

I'm not doing a doubles today. Too many things to do and not enough time! Plyo, maybe half of Plyo is all I'm doing today!

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!

Okay...back to catch up a little...Class went fine..I got a 20 out of 20 for my presentation on Monday...Yeah!! It is the last one until we have to do a group presentation in a few weeks. I also had to talk to XDH today about our taxes and I just have to wonder why o why does he feel the need to talk to me like I am a dog?? I try to avoid talking to him as much as I can, but there are some things that just have to be discussed...ugh. Okay...venting session over...

onto some personals........

I will vouch for you that Wendy was not forced to feel your hairy legs...she just thought she should...kind of like she just popped my zit! And yes, she and I are planning a family vacation for the first week of August....The girls are already really excited...and I will get to meet Phil!! WTH is up with you and the legs woman?? Are you trying to kill yourself?? (Visualize my hands right now!) Good luck with the studying....I lectured my class today on the virtues of actually doing college right the first time around so that you don't have to go back at my age...LOL! They couldn't believe that I had a bachelor's degree already, but here I am, one of the students at Forsyth Tech...I gave strict warnings! I picked my meez based on the retreat....just thought it was funny!! And notice I am in my pjs as usual. I feel better today....just needed a little catch up time, I guess. I will just have to adjust my cardio routines for a while and see what happens with the knee...Any particular leg exercises you can think of to target that area without further injuring myself?? And what do you think about 4DS drill max (or whatever it is called) for an interval type workout?? It has been a while since I have done it, so I don't really remember...Just throw out some thoughts whenever you have a chance.

Sorry to hear about FIL and SIL really not improving...I am sure that is stressful for least you get to hide away a work for a few hours and then you just have to listen to the irate parents instead of your family...LOL! Have fun with your workout this evening.

I know...we are a chatty group...but the good thing about us is we really don't care if you are as chatty as the rest of us or not!!! Don't feel like you have keep up with us! I didn't even think about allergies...could be that for me too, I guess....even though I don't have a lot of congestion...could just be wearing me down some. Way to go with the yoga!!! I promise it will help your flexibility and help with muscle definition if you can just fit it into your routine on a regular basis....I like to do it 2 times a week, but currently I am just doing one full yoga session a week.

LOL....I don't think you get to really be called the skipper since I know you do waaaaaay more cardio in a week than I do in a month!I am sure you will be on your right schedule tomorrow....It takes a while to readjust to the time change. It is good to get that extra little rest in when you need it. How is your kitty?? Hope she is feeling better. The Tick is currently sleeping under the coffee table and snoring.

Okay....that catches me up for this morning...I will bbl to get to last night's posts....Gotta go to DD's parent teacher/conference.

Later chickies!

To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Well good morning ladies!! Welcome back to the retreaters. Sorry that I have been gone, but since I could not get a plane ride to Debra's, I decided to start walking. Well, needless to say, I got really tired really quick. So I came back home:(. And then, Sandra decides to post the link to Nude Yoga. Well, I HAD to give that a try. I finally came up for air today, it was so fun;-) .

Life has been really crazy. So sometimes I will go MIA until I can breathe. How rude of me, I know. As far as workouts, I did Upper Body Pyramid on Moday, Tuesday I took off and today I did CC#2 along with CoreMax on ball. Tomorrow I plan on Lower Body Pyramid. Good times I must say.

I hope that all of you gorgeous ladies are doing well. Sorry that this post is so self absorbed. I will try to catch up with personals either Thursday or Friday. I hope that all of you have a fantastic day!!

Morning Ladies,

Rotation: Cathe Feb08/Week 4/Day 7
Workout: GS BSB (after work) & Ab Hits #7 (done) / 2m run (done)

I didn't look at my running schedule, and I was suppose to do a 2.5m run today. Either I run a 1/2m later today, or I do 3.5m on Friday. Wish I would have looked at the schedule, because my run was really going well this morning. :D

Oldest DD didn't have a track meet yesterday, it was pouring rain all afternoon and evening. So her meet is today, and I'm hoping that I can get there in time to see her run. Youngest DD and I did get to the grocery store after her dance class. It was so quiet at the store, so made for some fun shopping with her. How do those kids manage to throw things into the cart. I am always amazed at what appears on the belt when it is time to check out. :D

Traci, Your workout is making me cry just reading it. I too was impressed with the pics on the blog. Bet you won't be doing those "tuck jumps" though! ;-) Yes the Cathe burn out is what I fear also on the pre STS. I was thinking of the first Barry's, but that doesn't have weighted leg work. I never was able to do a 4DS rotation, but I think I have enough time to do about 3-4 weeks of 4DS weights, and then change to the Barry weight work. At least that is my plan for now. Loved the pics!

Tracy, Glad your run was a good one. Can understand your need to be at work, with all the stress at home. I am leaning toward the 4DS. ;-) So did the weight loss that Ali had on TBL surprise you? If sure as heck did me. How much more weight can the girl loose? Do they tell how tall she is? I must say she looks good, I hope she wins.

Patricia, Glad you enjoyed your yoga class. I'm sure those pretzel poses will get easier as you do yoga.

Debra, Dang on the bad knee! Traci is right about the lower body lifting. I found that my knee felt better after I did leg exercises. Not Plyo, but lifting. Until I did that my knee would be in awful pain. We have the rain cloud over our heads too, and it is so much colder than when we where in your area. They have snow in the forecast for Saturday, dang I hope not. I took a look at the ren festival, and the jousters are the same ones that are at our faire. Zilch the Storyteller is a hoot too.

Sandra, Glad the dental visit is a thing of the past. I think the frequent visits are a good idea. Once she gets comfortable with the dentist the visits should go better. I am going to be making a couple of dinners from the WW book this week. Of course I don't have the book with me, but I am making one Mexican and a Greek. Can't wait to try them. I would love to think that DD had a tailwind, but she was running indoors. Guess she still has the right to be superior in the running department. :7 :7

Jeanette, AKA Skipper! :7 I went through the travel tired body too, so understand your need to skip the morning workout. My mom used to tell us about the underwear thing too. But she has thyroid issues so has never had to shave her legs. :7 She couldn't understand why we needed to shave. Did she ever see my legs! :7 I did manage to get my stack of paper taken care of yesterday, and 30 purchase orders later..... :7 Now I have to sort all my e-mails. :7

Nicole, I bet they all where happy to see you home, but being MEN they didn't want to show it. :D Did you have a good time with your sister?

Kim, Good job on CC#7. Love the doggie story. Funny how animals are creatures of habit. :D How does you DS feel about being at home by himself. My DD, who is 11 also, actually wants me to leave so she has time to herself. :D :D :D Now that we have the dog, I think she is more comfortable.

Wendy, LOL about your late night workouts. :7 Oh yes the muscle soak oil, thanks for the reminder. ;-) That will help with the GS Leg DOMS that I have too. :D Or is that just an excuse to attack the hubby? :7 :7 Dang you are starting to sound like Sandra with all your cooking of pizza dough and wheat bread. :D

Have a great day!

Hey you guys,

I had my 7th Grandchild yesterday, his name is Treyvon DeLawrence Barnes. He weigh 6lbs. Also, Ted's Grandfather passed last night. Keep him in your prayers.

I will be back too join you guys soon. Did you guys take pictures of your trip?
TG, Congratulations on the new addition to your family. Give Ted my thoughts and prayers during this time. Yep there are pics, look on Debra's and Traci's piture trails.

You guys take nice pictures and you all look so cute:) Wait a sec, I recognize, Tracie, Wendy, Jeanette and Debra, and of course little Ms Diva, who’s the other young lady wearing the glasses? I hope to meet you guys one day.

Debra, that was really sweet of you, you are a sweetie pie:)

Laurie: Thank you I’ll be sure to tell Ted.

When you guys think we’ll be ready to start STS? I read Cathe is finished filming, YaY! man oh man, I can’t wait. I do need to purchase some more equipment, like a bench press, 25 and 30 lb dumbbells, a weighted ball and possibly a weighted vest(optional)’s a thought, maybe I will let President Bush buy for me lol :p :p

What about you guys needing any more equipment????

Been meaning to ask, where/how/why did Watercooler come from :) :)
2 quickies....

Glad to see you pop by...the other lady in the glasses is Laurie!! Congrats on the new grandbaby...I am sure he is just a doll. Sorry to hear about Ted's DGF...please give him our best. And 'the watercooler' was voted on since none of us are doing the X anymore...and we tend to chat about other things besides just you do around the watercooler at work.

Thanks for the knee info...You are such a sweetie! I promise to print it out and study it this afternoon!!

Even though I am feeling better today....still needing a bit of a nap...Just one today instead of the 3 I took yesterday!!

Back later to catch up with everyone else!


To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Hey Deb - I see the excercise examples are from Shadyside Hosp. - Traci's not trying to tell you something is she?;-)

TG - congrats on the newest addition to the family. Also, I'm sorry to hear of your loss in the family. Hmm, wonder if life was balancing itself out? :-(

I responded to the threat in STS as to when we think we can expect STS - I said ship June26 but I'll get it sometime in July as the last pre-order I did w/Cathe took me a month to get....:-(
Okay, have a little time here for some trivia:

Question #
1. Favourite w/o? Cathe's cardio only premix on BM2

2. Favourite colour? Purple

3. The farthest place you've visited? I think Alaska is farther than the Bahams for me.

4. Where are you planning you next vacation? Michigan for Nascar in June

5. What made you smile today? My DS and how well he is conversing these days.

6. What do you do for a living? I count beans full-time and raising a son.
Am I crazy? I know what you're thinking... "Um, you're just asking yourself this NOW!?!?!" Why do I insist on trying new things when I am exhausted!!! I made a batch of pizza dough and only put in half the amount of flour. I didn't realize it until I was mixing the bread dough after I had already mixed 5 TABLESPOONS of yeast instead of wheat gluten to the warm water. Then my kitchenaid mixer needs tightening!!! The bowl kept wanting to pop out of place because the bread dough is so tough. So, I TRIED to knead that brick by hand to no avail. Keep in mind I did CST last night!!! Let's see if my science experiment actually rises!!! So before I go back and do this all again because I'm not a quitter, I need to know...

SANDRA: How long do you knead your pizza crust dough? Do you do it by hand or do you use your kitchenaid mixer? Can't I just buy a loaf of bread and frozen pizza crust instead? Explain to me why a little processed foods in whole wheat foods won't kill me, yet baking my own will? For the love of Laurel's Kitchen!!! HELP!!!!

deep breaths


Teddygirl!!! So nice to see you!!! Congrats on the newest edition to the family!!! Wow! 7 grandbabies!!! How many kids do you have? Now, if I have 6 kids and each of my children decide to have 2.5 kids, I'll one day be a grandmom to 15 youngins!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: I best save up for future birthdays and holidays!!!! Sorry to hear about Ted's grandfather. Were they very close? I wasn't with my gf, yet his death really affected me.

On top of all this madness, I had a dream about my eldest ds. Normally, I wouldn't have remembered who I was dreaming about, but I was taking my resting heart rate last night (more about that later!!!). Anyhow, I can't recall what happened in my dream; only that I woke up with a start and felt the need to really pray for him. Then this afternoon my eldest ds called me for the first time from Germany. He kept reassuring me that all was fine. But, his voice really gave him away. It was heartbreaking.

Okay, enough of my self absorbed post. Lea can't be the only one. Which reminds me... Lea!!! We looked for you on Hornytown Road. Traci even took a picture to prove we did!:p :+ ;)

Tracy: I don't blame you for wanting to get another job with all the drama at home. HUGS!!!!

Friske Laurie: Stay away from Lea's nude yoga!!!

Off I go to call my gf and ask what the heck did I do wrong with the bread recipe.


Off I go to

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