The "funniest" T shirt slogans yourve seen?

RE: The

My personal fave was one I saw in Washington DC:

"I just do what the voices in my head tell me to do."

RE: The

Years ago, I worked as a machinist for a company that made aircraft engines. One of the guys there made up a bunch of shirts that said:

"Put Your Trust In Our Thrust"

A little late with a response, but here's my favorite (to give to someone with a lousy attitude!):

"Official member of the piss and moan about everything club"

I'm sure we all know someone who should be wearing this!

Susan G
RE: The

Saw a couple of pretty funny ones on an e-mail I got...

A girl with very large breasts wearing one that said "If only these were brains" and another girl wearing one that said "If your penis (although another word was used) were as big as your mouth I'd be interested"
RE: The

One my dad had: I fought the Lawn and the Lawn won. With a picture of the top of a guys head over the top of the grass. (It's funnier if you knew how much grass my dad had to mow.)

I used to have one that said No Whining: It's my day off. Not really that funny but I had 3 children at the time and they were all in the whining stage (does it ever end?).

I know I've seen some funny t-shirts while in town, but I can't remember them. I have seen quite a few funny bumper stickers though.

RE: The

My DH is a carpenter and teased about getting this shirt:

"First I'll get hammered and then we'll screw"

One of my favorite is:

"Can't be bad if it feels good"

RE: The

To see extremely outrageous (be warned-some mature, some VERY offensive, some funny) t-shirts, go to
A few I've seen there...
I broke up Brad & Jen
Oprah never gave me sh!t
I *@#$ed the Olsen Twins Before They Were Famous
I'm Rick James' Ghost, B!tch
RE: The

I think one of the funniest things I've seen on a tee shirt is:
"Attention Teenagers: Move out of the house now while you still know everything!"

That one always makes me smile.

RE: The

Not a t-shirt but a port-a-potty company in our area has the slogan, "We're #1 in #2!", on their trucks. Clever but gross at the same time.
RE: The

Bad Spellers Of The World Untie!

- That is my favorite t-shirt slogan of all time.

Also, I used to have a "Prince For Governor" t-shirt. Man, I miss that thing.
RE: The

OMG, the bad spellers one made me laugh until I'm crying! :7

My personal fave... "You say tomato, I say f*** you."

My hub has one with a vacuum cleaner and a fan on it. The fan says "You suck," and the vacuum says "You blow." Of course I won't let him wear it in public, but I still love it.

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