Tae Bo vid: Reckless?

I Have To Disagree With You Susan

I read both of the original posts from Meriam and Valerie. The most out of line thing Valerie said was about "peddling goods". But it was Meriam who was the one doing the attacking. Where I feel it's alright to say what you like and don't like about a video (that's what this forum is about). Meriam crossed the line by attacking Billy Blanks "personally".

Then to top it off she called his daughter Anorexic. Take if from someone who "does" suffer from Anorexia, Shellie most definitely does not. I find the reference to that "appalling" and quite disturbing coming from a "self-proclaimed expert".

I would never call upon someone for professional advice who so casually throws around terms like that. Anorexia is not a joke or a condition to be used to try to make a point. Meriam was very unprofessional and I my opinion "Not Nice" at all.
YOU GOTTA LOVE TAE BO!!! happy post

Just for all the men it brought into the aerobic classes!!!

Not going into the issues of safety and other areas touched here...but ya gotta admit that infomercial resulted in some fun changes at the gym with all the copycat programs....men men men everywhere hehehehe

(A happily married exercise-aholic whose current addiction is kickboxing at the Navy Subase with a great group of people of all shapes, sizes, fitness levels, and gender...some of whom would not be at the gym and trying to get fit if it weren't for that tape. YOU JUST GOTTA LOVE IT!)
The controversy of Tae Bo

Wow! People certainly feel strongly about this tape. I for one, didn't enjoy it at all and found that some of the moves were unsafe - in particular the neck rolls - which I havent'seen since Jane Fonda's 1st video! Not to mention going into a stretch without first warming up the muscles! That said, I agree with Liz on the issue of "buyer beware". Tae Bo isn't cheap and it really is up to the consumer to educate themselves on what they're buying. With sites like this and VF there is a wealth of information available - and it really is up to the purchaser to find out more about what they're getting into. If one doesn't have access to the internet, I've seen this video at Blockbuster for rent, which would be a way of trying it without committing yourself to purchasing it. I suppose that we could probably take some comfort in the fact that people who purchased this for a 'quick fix' probably won't use it often enough to hurt themselves! Yes, its cynnical, but most people looking for the "quick fix" don't realize that it takes time and commitment to get results. Doing Tae Bo once or twice won't transform their bodies, so they'll probably give it up before they hurt themselves. That said, I don't think the video is so radically unsafe, many of the moves could be modified or substituted..again, that requires people to educate themselves on proper technique. Not getting into the politics of it all, but there is a certain amount of personal responsibility we should all take to ensure our personal safety! And, the only way to avoid having unsafe products on the market is for people to do their research and not purchase these items. The bottom line is what motivates most - so do your research and don't purchase products which you consider to be "unsafe", that is the best way to avoid having unsafe products on the market.

I do not think that BB made fitness available to the "masses". The 4 pack of Tae Bo is not cheap, so people of lower income will not be able to purchase it. I personally think Tae Bo was overpriced for what it was. I believe the 4 video set cost about $60? And in that 4 video set the workout time vs. the cost of the video "ratio" just didn't make it worth the money, at least not to me. (I got my copy from an exchange on VF, then I exchanged it again for something else) I think a much wiser purchase, (which is more economical and more available for most people of all income levels)for someone interested in kickboxing would be Kathy Smith's Kickboxing video. Its only $10 at Target, has a workout length that is the same as BB's "Basic" tape, and it is a safe workout.

Anyway, that's my .02 on this controversial post!

Tae-Bo or Not Tae-Bo...

...that IS the question, right?

You might not like it-- but you did buy it, as I did and quickly discovered that it wasn't for me.

You've got to hand it to Billy Blanks, though, for being either one of the best motivators around-- or for having one of the best marketing firms in history.

I bought the tapes, shelved them immediately and bought Cathe based on what I read on the VF Forum. It's six months later and I've lost over 50 pounds, which, in a lot of ways, I think I owe to the Tae-Bo ad.(At least my initial motivation)

I did use them to bust a plateau I was stuck on about a month ago.
I'm a big BIG fan of the tapes, even if I don't like the actual kickboxing.
Whatever works-- you know?
This has gotten out of hand!

This has gotten way out of hand. One of the reasons that I love this forum so much is because everyone is always so friendly and helpful. I really hope that Cathe will see the entire tae bo post, and delete all of these messages.

Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion, and if one does not agree with it, then choose not to listen to their post.

Some of these comments made were very hurtful. We are all adults, and we all know the golden rule: If you don't have anything nice to say, please don't say it.

Wow!!! Congrats on the weight loss

It's all about motivation and just doing it!

You go girl!

Not Over The Top

Stacey, I don't think there is anything here that is really bad enough to be deleted. Yes, some messages may have reached the outer limits, but there are rally none that go way over the top.

There are going to be some subjects that are "hotter" than others. That is the purpose of the Open Discussion Forum, to voice your "likes & dislikes". Which means, sometimes things that aren't so nice are going to come out. But even then there is a degree of civility here. Things could have really gotten ugly, but fortunately no one crossed that line.
Hey Liz!

I'm another lawyer who likes Tae Bo and uses it as part of a well rounded exercise program. I find Billy Blanks energizing and motivating. You also have to give the guy credit for his marketing skills!

Like Liz, I believe we should be educated consumers. After all, we would not think of banning water just because some people have drowned in it!



Your comments sure did get one whopping response in a matter of two days! I have to say I see both sides of the argument. I would like to add several points.

1. Tae Bao definately has its flaws. Most of them are safety and form related. Attention to detail is not one of Billy's strengths. THIS IS TYPICAL FOR MOST MASS MARKETED PRODUCTS and not limited to Tae Bao.

2. It is refreshing to see a mass marketed fitness product that is actually a workout and not some plastic ab-"toning" or butt and thigh "toning" device that will not reduce body fat, but is marketed to the average out of shape person whose main fitness goal is probably to lose body fat. It is refreshing to here Billy Blanks say that "it takes hard work".

3. This workout is not ideal for someone who out of shape and is uneducated about fitness safety (admittedly probably most of the people who bought the video).

4. I have found that with proper cross training and careful attention to form his videos can be used once every one to two weeks and are extremely effective for the advanced exerciser who has no injuries.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, most people who bought his video as an introduction to exercise probably gave up within a few weeks. This is simply my guess because that is what happens when people try to make fitness and weight loss "leaps" rather than small steps. If his videos do educate people on what real exercise is and manage to get even a small proportion of people who bought the video into real exercise and fitness that would be an amazing accompishment.


Do you honestly think Billy Blanks will ever be credited with making a dent in the obesity epidemic in this country? Or should that prize go to Shaquille O'Neill and his crackerjack endorsement? Or maybe to Goldie Hawn, since we're to believe she actually does this workout? Come on! Since when has anything truly revolutionary ever been marketed via infomercial? Video sales have nothing to do with their effectiveness. The price of these videos makes them absolutely cost-prohibitive for so many people it's ridiculous. The health rpoblems of the poor and overweight are not going to be solved any day soon by a "trainer to the stars."Motivating?? Nike already cornered the market on simple, motivational phrases.
Taebo Controversy

Man..I thought this had already been talked to death...haven't really heard much about it since the infomercials went off the air. I too bought the videos and was disappointed at the safety aspects (yes, I'm a fitness professional so shoot me). I also had quite a few chuckles when I saw elements in this 'revolutionary workout' that we used to do 10 - 15 years ago. My main concern is not with the video viewers as much as what's happening in the gyms. Because of member demands, clubs have thrown in 'taebo' style classes and I cringe when I see the participants in attendance. Our classes are not classified as beginner yet 95% of the people attending have extremely poor posture, body awareness, are diconditioned or new to exercise. They see it as a do-able class because of the lack of choreography. This is not to say that taebo style classes are either good or bad....simply an observation. In one of these discussions someone mentioned that it's been documented you can burn 800 calories a class. I would be interested in looking at the research statistics if anyone knows where they are available. And as for the mention of anerexia, I agree that it is a very serious disease and should not be thrown on anyone without facts to back it up. I would also like to add that although I was never actually anerexic, I was plagued by her sister, bulimia for 5 years and I can assure you I was extremely lean and 'cut'. It was also rumoured that I ate like a horse (I should know, I started the rumour). As a final note....let's lighten up a little - it's exercise, not brain surgery.
Kickboxing in General

I'm glad someone posted on this subject. I have recently been getting concerned about kickboxing in general. I have two friends who have had back problems - ruptured disk - from kickboxing. I tried Tae Bo and didn't like the moves. I took a kickboxing class through my local county and found it to be extremely high impact. I am especially concerned as earlier posters have mentioned about the (IMO) preposterous claims that are made on infomercials about the results one can expect from kickboxing. Kickboxing probably gives about the same results as other types of strenous activity - to imply that it does more is misleading.

I understand that everyone has different tolerance for various types of activities but I have decided that kickboxing is not for me. The repetitive motions and high impact and unnatural moves make me uncomfortable.

I also don't understand why Miriam is so vilified. She has a right to express her opinions/we have the right to disagree or not disagree. I think the subject of kickboxing needs vigorous debate. Instead of attacking someone's motives or challenging them as a racist, we should really wring out this subject.

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