Summer Check In Tuesday August 30th


Good Morning Ladies.

Today is weigh-in day...

I lost that dang pound I gained thank goodness, but did not lose anything further so my weight remained the same BUT my body fat is down again by 1/2 a percent! :) I decided not to measure today...

Today is my cardio party day with a little extra leg work. No abs today. I think I will do Kick Max. Only did it once and didn't even finish it! I must do it in FULL today! }(

Went bowling last night...bowled at my usual standard...LOUSY! LOL

Today I will finish laundrymax (one more load I think) & do some cleanmax. I also have to do shopmax as my refigerator is beginning to get a little bare....:eek:

Picked some after we got home from bowling and managed to get my calories in the correct range. Didn't take much and I didn't go to bed hungry either. My ratios have been great lately! I'm so proud of me! :p

When DH gets home we are off to DMIL's for dinner. Our usual Tuesday night activity.

Hey Kali~~Hey Kali, I was wondering why we don't get together on a weekend maybe? Would that be easier? I can have DH watch Joey (would just make it a bit easier on me that way) and then we can spend more time if we'd like. I mean we are both going to be driving 1.5 hours for this EACH WAY, ya know?

What's going on with everyone else?
Good Morning Friends,


Still progress being made for you. Your doing great!
Well today I will be doing KPC and legs and glute and cleanmax. I want to do paintmax too, but I will see if I have time.
I also bowl lousy, and I use to be on a bowling team and hated it. I can't believe how friggin' serious everyone was about it. I thought it was a joke! First, I could hardly breathe since just about everyone was smoking like a chimney. Just not for me. I hated being in that enviroment. I like to have fun, it was never like I was bowling for a million dollars or something. LOL!
I wish I could go to my MIL's for dinner. Use to when we lived in Maryland, but DMIL doesn't want to see anyone anymore these days. Too many meds have screwed up her head. ;(
I am also going to do 1000 crunches while watching TV in the evening. I like to watch trauma center when I do the crunches...hmmmm. LOL!

"I also bowl lousy, and I use to be on a bowling team and hated it. I can't believe how friggin' serious everyone was about it. I thought it was a joke! First, I could hardly breathe since just about everyone was smoking like a chimney. Just not for me. I hated being in that enviroment. I like to have fun, it was never like I was bowling for a million dollars or something. LOL!"



I know exactly where you are coming from! (Except for the smoking as I unfortunately was one for about 13 years!)

I bowled on leagues for YEARS! I finally gave it up a few years ago because I was NOT a good bowler and was only there for fun but some people took it so serious I couldn't handle it! I did not want to feel bad every time I threw a bad ball..which was pretty often! LOL I would get mad at myself for doing lousy but I didn't want to feel guilty too! So I finally quit. Didn't bowl at all for years until recently. Open bowling is fun though. I am enjoying it.
Hi Wendy! Hi Charlotte!

Wendy~that does sound like a better idea. Then we could at least hang out for a few hours instead of eating and running pretty much. When is the Christening? I can't wait to meet you in person. I already feel like I've known you for years! Meeting each other will probably be more like a reunion than meeting for the first time!:)

Glad you lost that pound and body fat. I need to get one of those things. Where did you get yours? And what exactly is it?

Charlotte~KPC and L&G's???? Egads. You are a Wonder Woman. Hey do you dress up for Halloween? You look like her. And you'd look awesome in that American costume!!:7

I like to bowl, but DH needs his shoulder replaced so he can't.
So I go once in a great while w/ friends.

I just got done with LowMax w/freestyle leg work in between combos, and abs and upper body from a body sculpting tape from Sports Illustrated. I forgot to stretch so I think I'll do Slim & Limber from my Slim in 6 series that I do not touch. Otherwise I'll be bumming later.

Hello out there Marie! I know your in class, just wanted to say hi in case you check in! :)
Hi Jessica and Cleo and Terri! I think your're back today aren't you?


The Slim and Limber tape is a pretty good stretching tape. Mine broke a while ago. I was so pist! I liked that and the ab video. The other vids in that series were so freakin' boring though. ACK! x( I still have them and I am thinking of eventually selling them on Ebay when I feel like figuring it out. lol

The Christening is Sunday September 18, BTW.


You should def. dress up like Wonder Woman for Halloween and take a pic and post it as your avitar image! That would be so cool! :D
I agree Charlotte!!!

Wendy~ that's great. That is the Sunday I have to speak at a meeting where I hope to meet Marie. And Matt's birthday is Monday. DH makes pizza and we just have the family over for pizza and cake. We have a big enough family to just have them over. And we just cannot afford a "bowling" or "swimming" party or something.

So do you want to plan for the following Saturday or Sunday? Or the one before? Either one looks ok for me.

Hello Ladies!

I am back(good memory Kali) and wanted to pop in and say hello. I had a great time and will tell you more later. I did get my runs in on the beach everyday,did freestyle stuff(thanks again kali) and wents to a small beach gym one day for weights. Charlotte I used a smith rack and loved it! I came back to a few client issues that I have to deal with here shortly but I wanted to say hi and see how you all are.

Wendy-losing bodyfat! YAY !!! good for you
Kali-I enjoyes the vacation freestyle 4 day plan:)
Charlotte-Wonder woman would be cool! By the way can I come live with you and use your Squat :)

I miss the beach already:(


Wonder Woman...well, that is a huge compliment! Loved the show too when it was out. And actually did dress up as her one Halloween, but this Halloween I am going to be a Obese Firefighter for Halloween! LOL! Just kidding! I don't really dress up anymore because I don't go anywhere to dress up. I love, love, love to decorate for Halloween. I can't wait to get my green grim light electric candles up on my windowsill. I have so much stuff to put's frightening!
Well I just steamed cleaned a chair, cleaned the sunroom and vacuumed my bedroom and ate so I am off to KPC now. I love to workout with food on my belly. :p


Only if you dress up as GI Jane, and then will have to fight for my squat rack! LOL!

Glad you had fun on your trip. Knew you would. I use to go to the beach every weekend in the summer when I lived in Delaware. Grew up in Maryland and went there alot then too. Love the beach!


I suggest you dress up as a Beast of some kind. One that is really muscular and a bad a$$. LOL!


You should be wonder woman, not me!

Welcome back Terri!:) Glad you had a good time! AND got workouts in ! Good girl! Glad your back!

Please Charlotte. I'd make a better Frodo from the Lord of the Rings than Wonder Woman.
I may dress up this year with the kids. Halloween is on a Monday this year.
I love to decorate for Halloween too! It's hard to believe it's only 2 months away! Where the hec did this year go???

Gonna fold some clothes. Be back shortly.
Hi Guys!

Sorry I've been MIA, but after we got back from the Cape, it just seemed like a million things had to happen all at once. Our vacation, by the way, was awesome! We and some friends rented an adorable old farmhouse from the early 1800s just a 3 minute walk from the beach - perfect location! We can't wait to go back next year!!!

Since we've been back, I've been busy finishing unpacking, spackling & painting the dining room, organizing a yard sale, and dealing with a cat who won't stop peeing on the living room carpet - plus I'm getting totally freaked out b/c I've only got a week left before school starts and I have a TON of stuff to somehow get ready before then - AAHH!!!!!!

OK, sorry for the little vent/tantrum, but I think I also feel guilty b/c I haven't worked out since right before we left for vacation. I was going to run this morning, but it's raining here and is supposed to be yucky all day. If I'm feeling good and motivated, I think I'll try to do ME or BC later tonight - we shall see. You guys all sounds like you're making awesome progress! Hopefully, I can tap into that energy!!!

Glad to be back!
Cleo :)
Ok been dealing with work stuff all morning..I hate REALITY!!! :)

Charlotte-GI Jane..hehehe That might be a good idea for this year!!
Kali-Thanks for the welcome back

Ok I am hoping to get a good workout in here soon. As soon as work stuff calms down.


Someone told me cathe is suppose to make an announcement soon???? Anyone know anything about this?

Hey ladies.

I just got back from food shopping and eating lunch. I had tuna with l/f mayo and l/f cheese on whole wheat bread. It was pretty tasty...I think Joey has fallen off to sleep so I may try to do atleast part of my work out before he wakes up and has to eat so I'll catch you all a little bit later!:)

BTW--I did my check in with Sarah this morning and I have lost .7 pounds of fat and gained .7 pounds of lean mass/muscle! :7 :7 :7


I think you are confused about who the BEAST is in this group!!! LOL YOU are certainly "beastlier" than I!!! I could never keep up with you!:+


I have to talk to DH about when I can hang out only because he has to be around to watch Joey! I don't have any plans for this Saturday so I will see if that day is free for him and let you know.:)
Wow Wendy that is awesome. How do you know the muscle gained and the fat lost? How does one figure that out?

Hi Guys.

Just got back with the boys. We had to get new lunch boxes. So I think they are all ready. I didn't have to buy any clothes for them. Just new sneakers. Gotta have new sneakers. They have more clothes than DH and I have put together. We are blessed with family members who have children a little older and we get all the hand me downs. The thing is, some of the hand me downs look better than things we've bought for them!! So I'm grateful for that. I'll get them some shirts w/ Batman or whatever on them from Walmart. Matt's birthday is in a few weeks and they will get clothes from at least one of my SIL's so I'll wait and see what they pick out. Yes they both get presents on each other's birthdays from the family. I don't like it, but they do what they want anyway.

Alright I'm babbling.
Talk to you all later.
Terri-I don't know how to figure out fat loss vs lean mass gain...lovely Sarah is helping me out and she figures all that stuff out for me...I have no clue! :p
I'm sooo glad you had a great vaca. Terri! You'll have to tell us more about it as the week goes on! :)

Kali-You asked me about my fat monitor and I completely forgot to answer you before. It's made my omron and it works similar to the way the scales work with the electric impulse but this is hand held. Although it's not completely accurate I believe it's better than the scales and is great to atleast know that you are losing fat as you lose weight as opposed to muscle. I paid $49.00 or something like that for it at I hear the calipers are more accurate though. They have manual and electronic calipers and I have no clue if it matters as to which ones you use. I used a manual caliper a while back and hated it. Such a pain. I couldn't effectively use it on my own. x(
Wendy-Thanks for the reply. I will e-mail Sarah. At this rate she should charge and get rich from helping everyone :)

Kali-Times like a new school year make me glad my son is grown!

Ok I will be back later to talk more about my trip. I am suffering post vacation blues and am overwhelmed with work stuff today. I still need to workout too!!!!

So I just finished my work out and showered up.

I did Cardio Kicks, though not in full like I was SUPPOSED to! x( I did the w/u and got about 15 minutes into the cardio and just didn't have it in me...the energy or the power to think to get the combos right so I skipped over to the drills and did them. I got in a little over 30 mins w/o w/u and c/d-stretch so that's fine I guess. I came up a little short but no biggie...

I did my leg work earlier in the day....w/u and floor work from l&g and then the squats, ball work & stretch from plb. That took just over a half hour.

Okay, well I have things to do to get ready to go to MIL's house so I can't hang around even tho you know I'd rather chat with you gals than do what I gotta do! LOL :*


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