Suggestions ?- Imax 2

I would like to add my voice to those who would like modifications shown. I love IMax, but I always modify 8 and 10, because the scissors are just too hard on my knees. I repeat the lunge off the step, which I think is 7 for 8, and on 10, I just don't tuck when I jump. Please have as great music as you do in IMax 1.
Interval Max -- this time it's personal?

Some thoughts:

(1) Upbeat music. (I like vocals -- helps if I can sing along.)
(2) Plyo moves in the intervals -- these help me to cushion the impact, but use lots of power and keep my heart rate up. "Fast feet" kinds of moves are very difficult on an unforgiving workout surface. Your intervals in the original IMax were perfect.
(3) Include a little bit of zone/heart rate training discussion, as well as perceived exertion checks.
(4) Background exercisers who are not embarrassed to modify.

Thanks for making this workout, Cathe. I don't know whether to be excited -- or scared.

Here are my thoughts:

1. I don't really think I need a bar graph. Like someone else said, if you did 2-4 different moves in the blast it would give me a good idea how much longer I have.

2. I REALLY like the idea of 2-4 different moves during the blast. Gives some variety- which I love!

3. Don't let the 32 count combos be boring. Please make them interesting!!!!!!

4. Have someone show a lower impact modification or like you did in that last IMAX give us options before the blast.

5. Finally, as I've said in my other suggestions on these new videos, chapter it well!


IMax2 sounds heart-pumping!

2 to 4 movements per blast sounds good for variety.

I like the bar graph because it will give us a clear goal to work towards.

Please do a non-step warm-up for this one. I cannot imagine making it all the way through with a step warm-up right from the get-go.

I would like to have different blast moves than in IMax, but I really don't know what other ones you could do--you are the expert here.

Thank you!

2-4 movements per interval would be great! Makes the time go by faster. I was already doing it to some extent on IMax 1, but then, I've done IMax a few hundred times.

And another vote for loud, vigorous music. "Dig that funky beat, boy"!

Love the timer idea too. I always exert myself more in the home stretch.

Thanks for asking for our input!

Patricia (a.k.a. shrieking in the woods)
This tape sounds great. My only suggestion would be to ask you to have the step choreography not so complicated - I am an advanced exerciser but I find the only step I can do is the Wedding tape section. I am still working on the step choreography in Circuit Max! I have most of your strength workouts but just can't do your advanced step routines. I think that would really help us "choreography challenged" folks be able to do this kind of a tape.

I can't believe you are able to be back into production so soon! You are an inspiration.
Imax2 sounds perfect the way it is. If you can add the bar at the bottom so I know how long I will have to suffer through the high intensity portion of the interval, it would be the icing on top of the cake.

RE: IMax II - The Demon Returns!

Oh I agree Daphne! Cathe, your music has always been great in the past! In MIC, the thing that keeps me going is sticking around for the vocals in the step portion! I personally love vocals so I can sing with it and just annoy the heck out of my husband!
Sounds so good! I greatly appreciate step intervals as opposed to high impact floor work. I also prefer to do a variety of moves during each blast. I would love to see a couple of participants modify things a bit. I don't think you need to add a graph of any kind if you vary the moves. The "mini-me" cool down halfway through would be a nice addition, too.
It doesn't seem that any of the videos are going to be pure step? I would like to see at least 1 be a 60 minute step such as rhythmic step or something a little more intense along the lines of Christi Taylor's Step Heaven. I like how Christi pairs a step video and aerobics video together and sells them as a package (at a discount for pre-order). If this were a 3 pack with the addition of a weight workout it would be perfect.
Please keep all the videos to 55-60 minutes; this seems to be a perfect time for me.
Any video you make I will buy since they are all enjoyable and challenging. :)
I can't wait!
It sounds good as is... I also would like one of the background exerciser's to show modifications for those days I'm not up to it! The graph would be wonderful if it's possible. Keep the moves simple like the original, please, I love that tape! :)
I agree with the suggestions about music, and about having one exerciser (or two?) show modifications. I particularly would like to see HIGH INTENSITY but LOWER IMPACT modifications show (ie: a tap-up, tap-down is low impact, but it's not a fun, high intensity modification for a power scissors---which I also hate by the way because it's hard to do without doing something funky to my knee). Plyo moves are great (except for the plyo jacks, did I mention that already? ;-) in general. I also LOVE LOVE LOVE around the world knee ups.
I'm gonna like this one...I agree, intervals 8 & 10 were not do-able for me (scissors and tucks). Could you do some innovative lower impact anaerobic work? Like the squat-things across the step in Rhythmic Step? Those REALLY get my heart rate up and I need the lower impact. It seems like the ones that involve the step in IMax fell in that category for me, so I guess more of those.
Music - I really thought the music in your last series was top notch - unique (I hate hearing the same songs in everyone else's tapes and I hate copies of radio hits without the original artists) and they had a wanna-move groove but still sounded current. Does that make sense? I just thought you really hit the spot and I would like to see more of that. I thought it was the best music on workout videos in the last few years, much better than CIA and Christi and some others.

These are my suggestions for Imax 2:

1. I wouldn't mind a bar graph...your cuing and encouragement are the best though.

2. Please consider doing less step during the Interval Cycle and perhaps a really innovative floor Interval Cycle before a killer/more difficult Anaerobic Blast. Many of us are NOT step enthusiasts and really enjoy fun, interesting and athletic Interval Blasts!

3. Love, NEED, and Understand that Plyo work is good for me. More Plyo Please?

* Would love to see more plyo/power moves used off the step--all Gin Miller!

4. A more soothing warm-up taking us S-L-O-W-L-Y into the workout.

Cathe I would also ask you to consider all the men that I know are working out with your tapes and have trouble with the coreography... I know my husband would consider doing IMAX 2 if there were less step and more Power/athletic moves...or as he expresses: more repetitive move during the interval cycles.

Thank you for allowing our input. And good luck and good health to you and your family. dmd
5, I would prefer a non-step warm-up.
Hi Cathe! I say YES YES YES!! This tape sounds great especially since doing 2 to 4 combined moves instead of just 1. WOW! Like I said before I hope I survive!! Best, Kathy

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