Suggestions for Someone with Knee Problems


New Member
Hello I have knee problems and therefore do not do step videos as a rule. However, I do own some of Cathe's original tapes. I was thinking of either purchasing her new DVD THE TERMINATOR or Intensity Series 2. Can anyone recommend either of these DVDs or alternate ones that are good for people with knee problems but want a good Cathe workout?:)
I had surgery on my right knee 16yrs ago. I,however, do Cathe's step tapes with miminal problems. I think as a rule any type of high impact workouts bothers my knee I've just learned to deal with it. I don't have her new tapes so, I wouldn't know what to suggest. All of her tapes are mostly high impact the only one that's not as high impact I'm thinking is cardio kicks. There is so jumping but you don't have to do it. Have you tried her step tapes on a 4 inch step? that may not bother your knees as much or you could just modify. Good luck.

It seems to me that different people have knee problems that are aggravated by different things. FOr me, it's not so much impact as torquey moves (that have you turn at an angle) and/or moves done at a faster speed, that may not allow the foot to get into perfect postion. If your knee problems are aggravated by speed and torque rather than impact, then many of Cathe's more recent step tapes may cause you problems, IMHO. If it's impact, then you can always modify to lower impact. Some moves, like 16 hops on the same foot, seem inherently risky for people who have knee problems of any kind. Just too much impact on one leg for too long a time. When I did IMAX2, I modified those by doing an "air jump rope" move switching between legs. If you want to try the new workouts and see if they work for you, you might want to try the IMAX2/C & W DVD. C & W choreography seemed less torquey to me. The step cardio in the terminator is mainly from these two workouts.
Thanks for the reply. My problem is that I should go in for knee surgery (I have advanced stage cartelidge deterioration). Until I make the move I still work out. I think you are right in perhaps lowering the step range and perhaps trying the cardio kicks. Cathe has great workouts but there is no getting around the step-element.:)
Thank you for the hints. Perhaps I will start with modifying the moves like you do as well as lowering the bench. I will also look into the workouts you suggest. Wish me luck-
Kathryn - you and I think so much alike! AFAA's guidelines state not to jump on one leg for more than eight times in succession because of the risk of injury caused by repeated impact. Also, leaning forward during aerobic exercise (not keeping body weight balanced over entire foot) can lead to shin splints and knee stress.

Do I modify Cathe's tapes during "genie hops" and "power 15's". No. But I am aware of the risks and can keep my body in perfect alignment. Unfortunately, even the most advanced exercisers do not always do things right, especially if they started out doing things wrong. Poor body mechanics are ingrained and hard to change.

Another option is to do the step workout on the floor. I used to have a step participant who hated step but loved doing the workout on the floor. She'd stay in the back of the room and do everything off the step!

Good lateral support in your shoes is important during aerobic activity with all the side-to-side motions. That's another consideration as well.

I also recommend doing step on the floor (without a step). I have patella femoral syndrome - kneecaps don't track properly so lot of damage to the cartilage. I have found that doing the step workouts on the floor gives me a good workout. The higher impact (IMAX, MIC) are tough because of the constant pounding on the knees but these can be modified.

When I was having tremendous pain, I gave Cathe's cardio tapes up all together and just did much easier ones (no names!) But I found them way too bor-ing and simple. I was much happier doing lower impact versions of Cathe's routines than sticking with the other videos....

Good luck!!!
I have knee problems and I have no problem with Cathe's step as long as I use a 4-inch step and ice my knee after every workout. I modify on twisty moves like ricochets if I feel my knee complaining. My physical therapist actually recommended step as a good, safe form of cardio for me, but made me promise to stay with a 4-inch step.
I have a similar knee problem to yours- cartilage waering out. I recommend you STAY AWAY from cardio kicks. It causes me great pain DURING the workout and AFTER.

To be honest with you, I have many of Cathe's workouts and have stopped all of her cardio workouts. For cardio now I mainly do treadmill interval walking, steady state walking out doors for 4 or more miles, stationaly biking and sometimes swimming. My knees feel 100% better after stopping her cardio workouts.

Cathe's strength wrokouts are still a go. However squats and lunges can also aggrevate a knee that doesn't track well and wears on the cartilage. (READ: VERY PAINFUL) PLB floor work is great as is PS floor work.

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