STS Tower


I just purchased STS and anxiously awaiting its arrival. I am wondering when I will HAVE to have the STS tower? I am thinking Meso 3? I am trying to spread out the funds:) LOL

HI, Jennifer,
Actually, the tower is used in the very first week of Meso #1 for chin ups/pull ups. An option is given using a band if you do not have the tower and I saw a post that said she was using her squat rack in place of the tower, so I'm sure you could get creative if you really need to put off purchasing at this time. I am currently working on Meso #3 and the tower is not even used, so if you do decide to purchase the tower, the earlier in the program that you get it, the better.
Oh gosh, my bad! You absolutely DO use the tower in Meso #3. DUH!! It's needed especially then because the weights are much heavier and is used to hold your weight bar, especially necessary for those chest presses. My infant grandson has been visiting for the past week with Daddy only, so guess who gets to play "Mom"? I forgot how tiring that can be....and my response to your question proves how much it has affected my thinking power.
I lived without the Tower the first round of STS...but bought it for the second round. It was useful for pull ups and the heavier weights.

There are other options to the Power Tower....but they are equally expensive.

I love my power tower because it takes up very little space in in 1 bedroom condo.
I don't have the tower. I do have a doorway pullup/chinup bar. I use dumbbells for bench presses when the weight gets too heavy to safely use a barbell. Deazie models that option in Meso 3. So far, that is enough for me (I have 40# dumbbells plus weighted gloves). I also use the Plyo Legs workouts instead of the squat rack routine.

I would like the tower, but the only thing I would use it for is bench presses, so I'm making do for now.

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