STS for beg (post -preg)?

I am pregnant, due in 6-7 weeks :eek: and ordered STS this summer when it was on sale, now I am so excited to start. I have been on almost bedrest for the whole pregnancy so am worried about being too hard on my body at the start. I am also worried about wrist issues since I had pretty bad tendonitus with all the breast feeding my first baby. I keep thinking I should be easy on my wrists and those first STS workouts with all those pushups are a little worriesome!
any advice for where to start or how hard STS is to start basically from scratch?
The thing I love about STS is that you can modify it to meet your physical ability. I was also put on total rest (but in a recliner) for 2 months due to a shoulder/arm injury, and if I wanted to, I know I could go back to STS and modify it to fit me. (I got injured just as I was almost to finish the 3 months) However, I am focusing more on mobility for my shoulder right now. I do plan to start at the New Year.

I would take it slow, starting with 1-2 pound weights and listen to your body very carefully. For the legs, I probably would not use any weights to start out...that will probably be challenge enough. But I am sure you will figure that out.

I loved STS for the workouts themselves, but also for the structure that it added to my workout schedule. I hope you enjoy it as well. I hope it goes well for you. Congratulations on your baby!
Regarding push-ups, I have found that if my palms are on the edge of my workout floor, which is a slightly elevated lip of cushion tile (an industrial floor which are not puzzle mats) the pressure is less noticeable. Carpet doesn't do it for me, possibly its the firm feeling of the cushion tile with the slightest give when I move up and down. Also, do those push-ups on your knees and play with your hand positions and how far you spike your butt up in the air. Don't have one ounce of regret doing any modification, it will all add up in the long run. There is always the next rotation which you will improve upon. Good luck and congratulations on your new baby!
I agree with what Dirt Diva says about pushups on your knees...and having been on rest myself, I would even recommend (and what I have been doing) being on your hands and knees like a cat and keeping your butt totally in the air until those are too easy and then moving to a flat back on your knees. Right now I am still in the "cat" mode, but it is amazing how much strength I have been gaining from even this position.


Now I am even more excited! thanks for the tips. you are so right about modifications, I can do STS as many times as I like so the first doesn't have to be all full pushups, it can still be 100% effort and gains.:D
Now I am even more excited! thanks for the tips. you are so right about modifications, I can do STS as many times as I like so the first doesn't have to be all full pushups, it can still be 100% effort and gains.:D

Yup...just show up and do your best!
I have awful chronic tendonitis in one wrist. The best thing to do for a push up is to hold o to a sturdy dumbbell instead of having your hands flat on the floor. Personally I use my turbo tower with the bar down really low so I can work my way into a regular straight leg push up. Flat hands will probably never be good for you.

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