STS bundle download-what's included?


I want to purchase the STS discount bundle download and was wondering if the abs circuit is included. Is this the 36 disk set or the 40? Also, can I download files seperately or do I have to download it all at once? I think the entire download will exceed my monthly internet cap.

STS Download Discount Bundle

The STS Discount Bundle includes all 40 workouts and the digital version of the STS Users Guide (in color). You will receive individual links for each download that you can download whenever you like, so your monthly limit will not be a problem.
That's great. Thank you for the prompt reply. So just to confirm, I'm assuming the abs circuit is not included since it is not part of the 40 disk set. Is the stretch included?

Thanks again.
I was told by Customer Service some time back that the Extended Stretch was included in the bundle but that Ab Circuits was not.


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