STS Body Rockers - Week of July 10th!

Kris:: Gotta love lower body DOMS!!! It's my favorite! ;) I am a back work fan as well. STS has made me a bicep fan too now which I NEVER thought would happen! :D It was my first shot at the DC premix as I just learned HIS choreo recently so figured I'd give it a shot. It wasn't always pretty but I got through it and had fun when I wasn't messing up! LOL :p
Hey ladies!! Woo hoo!!! A break from the heat!!!! :) It has been awful here & I haven't even attempted to go back to C25K. I'd like to lengthen my life rather than end it prematurely in the heat. :eek::confused:

Y'day was RKS workout #1 plus Chest & Back from 4DS. Today was RKS #2. I really enjoy these workouts... but of course I've only completed 2/16. :D

Where are you Kiki?? The dog drool didn't trap you or worse, did it? ;):p

Ok, gotta run but hope to BBL.
This morning I did Disc 30 (B/T/S). I'm slightly annoyed because, even though I printed out my workout card, the workout manager didn't have me increasing my weights for a few of the exercises. :mad: For example, my workout card listed the same weight for bicep curls this week as it did for last week (I double checked after the w/o and confirmed it was the exact same weight). I know it is the way the 1RM is calculated - calculating 5% of my 1RM only has me going up a 1/2 pound so the workout manager rounds down, but it still bugs me because I want to at least increase my weight by one pound each week. I caught it about a 1/2 way through the w/o so I was able to adjust a few moves. I also checked next week's upper body workouts and adjusted the weight amounts so that i'm increasing by a minimum of one pound per move. I just don't feel like i'm benefitting my body if i'm using the same weight.

Autumn: I hear ya on the heat!!! It's "only" supposed to be in the mid/upper 80s today and we are all rejoicing! It's counterintuitive to think of mid/upper 80s as "cool weather." :) I'm really glad you're enjoying your new RKS workouts! It's always great to mix things up. Where is that Kiki BTW....come out, come out wherever you are! :p OH, I forgot to mention how much I adore your avatar picture. Gorgeous!

Kris: Great job with Disc 15! I definitely think the sit and stands are easier if you are higher up. I tried to do them off my step one time and couldn't get up at all, but when I use a normal kitchen chair I have no problems (well, it's still tough, but at least I can get my butt up off the chair a tiny bit :D ).

Wendy: Ohhh 4DS:DC is a goodie! I always feel like both my body and my brain gets a workout during that one! :p I hear ya on those wall squats. I struggled with them soo much during Meso 1 plus they tended to hurt my knees something awful. I'm glad i'm not the only one who thought they were tough. :eek: I think next time I do STS I'm going to copycat you and just hold the weights in my hands the whole time. I'm thinking after STS i'm going to try a few mish-mosh workouts. I just need something a little different...

Bridget: YAY on finishing Meso 1!! That's a great accomplishment - be very proud of yourself! :) GOOD LUCK on your exam today!!! and have a wonderful vacation.
Hey Ladies!

Bulldog mania is NOT over yet :rolleyes: . DH officially feels really bad about the whole scenario. Especially because my girls are going insane, and ready for him to go home. Poor things. The youngest girl (pup ;) ) is scared outta her mind and hides under couches and other furniture 95% of the time. The older one barks at him incessantly because he won't leave the baby alone (keeps trying to "mount" her) :mad:

Here's a picture of my baby girl, begging to be picked up and kept outta harm's reach. The pic makes her look big, lol, but she's just a tiny thing :( . Poor baby, doesn't she look pitiful? LOL


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Oh, I did get my first w/o in yesterday. S&H Legs/shoulders. I think today will be back to stretching and abs. I haven't figured out my cardio plan of attack yet. I want to keep it low to no impact/twisting type movements for the ankle, and I'm not sure if I can actually accomplish that. I assuming I'll start w/MMA Boxing (minus jumping/pivoting nonsense), see how that goes, and take it from there? We'll see, I guess, but the DVD's have started rolling in, and I'm getting a little anxious over here (had some new Amy Bento's KB w/o's come in yesterday, and more goodies to come :eek: )

Wanna hear something crazy, though? I have not "worked out" since the RT, have been eating pretty much whatever I wanted (on TOP of not burning ANY cals :eek: ), and have lost 3 lbs! WTHeck? Isn't that so typical, as soon as I'm not trying, it comes off? It better not be muscle :mad:
Good morning everyone!

I did SJP Step/Hi/Lo PM this a.m. Plan to do a AC later on too. I still have low body (read bootay) DOMs from Monday - yeeesh - but good:)

Kiki- aww, your baby girl is adorable! :) Poor things. Week must be up soon right? Great job on the S&H workout! I just ordered the MMA Boxing and Fusion workouts (I so needed more :eek:) You'll have to fill me in on Amy Bentos workout you are getting. Hope your ankle is better soon so you can enjoy your new purchases:)

Katie - Woo hoo on disc 30 (only 6 more to go can you believe it? !!!! ) - awesome job! I double check my workout cards too - hate when something is missing :(

Autumn - great job on your RTS workouts! I love your new quote! love that! Keep me sweating:)

Wendy - I know what you mean about step not always being pretty, but doing it... :confused: I can only imagine sometimes what I look like:)

Have a great day ladies!

I got AC pilates done this afternoon:) I like that one - I think it's one of my favorites on AC.

Hope you all had a great day - TGIF tomorrow - woo hoo! I'm ready for the weekend - work has been crazy crazy lately :confused:

Have a great night,

Kris: Nice job sneaking in the abs yesterday. I'm glad I got in AC (med ball, weight & plates) yesterday, too because I woke up this AM feeling bloated and crampy (TTOM :rolleyes: ) and don't foresee getting any ab work in today. I just got MMA Fusion too, I've heard mixed reviews about it though, so Idk. I also got MMA Kickbox, I already have the Boxing one, which I really like (and so does DH). I figure since DH likes the boxing one, maybe he'll give the others a try? :confused: I also had Drill Max come in yesterday, and a couple days before that Squat Rack Legs (finally bought it to do next go round) - those don't have anything to do w/kickbox, lol, but they were part of my newest batch of prisoners. Amy Bento, Kickbox Extreme came in the other day, I'll let you know how I like that one. I have her In The Ring w/o too, and I like it. Obviously I don't own any of her step w/o's , lol. :rolleyes: :p

Ummm...ya think it's time to put away the credit card away? :eek: :D LOL
Hey Gals.

Sorry I never got here y'day.

Y'day's work out was Amy Dixon's Breathless Body. :eek:
Today was her Kickin' Strength minus the strength part :p but I did her core work. Cardio was on the easier side intensity wise but core was really good. Hoping weight work is good too when I eventually try it! :D

Kris:: I've always wanted to be able to put mirrors up in my next work out room (in another house if we ever move :rolleyes:) but thinking of watching myself do step is making me rethink that plan! :p

Kiki:: Losing weight w/o exercise? Love it! I swear the old Cathe saying "Change is good" doesn't just apply within our actual work outs but in all aspects of our fitness because it almost seems like those days when I go over points on WW b/c of a function I attend or a dinner out or whatever actually help to spur on the weight loss because they throw my metabolism for a loop or something. Kind of like calorie staggering which I've done in the past and it worked for me! Perhaps that's why you've lost weight! :)

Katie:: Yes as someone who is still learning HIS, I totally agree with you on your assment of the 4DS double cardio premix!!!;) IKWYM about wanting something different after STS. That's why BR is so appealing to me! I'm also loving the length of the work outs-nice and short so I can add on or not as I see fit! :)

Autumn:: Still enjoying cooler weather?
Heeyyyy!! I finished my 1st week of RKS, which includes workouts 1-4. I really enjoy these!! I haven't added more. I want to see how my body responds to less... at least for now.

Well, my li'l Diva is teething and has a possible cold. My baby boy is getting over a cold. So, I gotta run. hope to BBL (one day :) for personals.

have a great weekend!!!!
Happy Saturday ladies!
Didn't even look at my computer yesterday so no check in - but I did Step Blast in the a.m. - hadn't done that one before I don't think - if I did - it was only once and a long time ago - not pretty in some parts - but my step work is improving. (I actually have chosen to do a couple of step workouts! previously unheard of for me). Today I did Disc 16 - my triceps are still shaky - total failure on those today - I also struggled with the Front raises. I did HIIT pyramid afterward (I planned to do 40/20, but didn't feel like dealing with any equipment after I got all the STS paraphenalia put away - KWIM?) Good workouts, I needed that - bring on the weekend!

Autumn - sorry your little ones are or have been sick. Great job completing RKS week 1!

Kiki - Wow, you added to your collection a bunch:) Can't wait to hear about your finds! I'm looking forward to trying both the MMA boxing and fusion - I saw the mixed reviews too on fusion, but we'll see. It'll be different anyway! Great job getting in AC MB and W&P - W&P is really tough especially.

Wendy - Great workouts for you it sounds like - I'll have to check those ones out - sounds interesting. Yeah, mirror would be a good/bad thing for me - lol!

Katie - hello!

Hope you all have a great day! Talk to you later.

HI ladies.

NYC Body Scultping ala KCM y'day and cardio for today which I haven't decided on yet!

That's all for now!
Hello everyone! I did MMA Kickbox this a.m. - I considered using my weighted gloves, but decided not to since my triceps are stinging from Disc 16 yesterday:) Getting ready to go golf with DH shortly - that ought to be interesting, it's been awhile :confused: - it's always fun anyway though.

Wendy - great workout yesterday - hope you have fun cardio today:)

Hope you all have a great day!
Hi Girls.

Today's work out was IMAX 3 subbing jump rope for the blasts!

Spent the afternoon by the pool at my DH's cousin's house and went foodshopping from there. I'm exahusted now!

Kris:: My first thought for cardio today was to do Absolute Kickbox but my arms are too darned sore for that...even WITHOUT the weighted gloves! :eek: I felt my biceps this morning but now my triceps hurt too! :eek::eek:

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