Still not sure...


Active Member
Hi everyone. I've only posted a few times, and I'm always asking the same questions! Of course I get great answers, and then change by mind (or balance my checkbook) about which other videos I really need. So, here's the deal: I have TWV and have ordered the six new ones, and originally asked you guys what other Cathe step videos I should get (wanted more comples choreography). Now, though, as the release date for the new ones approaches (hurry!), I think I'd rather have--well, I'd really rather have all the videos Cathe's done, but lets be realistic for a minute--a full body strength workout to complement the 6 pack. (MIS???) I'm figuring that I could do the XP series throughout the week and then get to each muscle group again by doing MIS, and instead of getting other step stuff, I can just combine the shorter segments from XP if I wanted a longer cardio workout. Does that soud logical and effective?!
The problem:(besides greed) I know MIS is more of and endurance workout, so should I get the PS series instead? So costly, though... But wouldn't MIS be more time efficient? And when I'm rich and famous, I'll have the money to order (and the time to do)the PS series, right?
But oh, no! I made the mistake of noticing that starting in August there won't be as much of a savings if i don't order a lot of videos. Oh dear. Perhaps I should get everything I want. I could just tell the bill collectors about my workout obsessions, and I'm sure they'd understand.
Seriously, though...does MIS plus the express series sound right? Any feedback is appreciated from all of you experts out there (but feel free to encourage me to buy lots of stuff!)
You were reading my mind

I was thinking the same thing!! I have MIS and I thought it would be perfect!! Then I thought I have Bodymax and I would be able to do another cardio plus circut plus full body training. Then I thought I have TWV and I could do another cardio and full body training. Whew!! I'm getting tired!! What's my point to all of this? I DON'T KNOW!! As I said in your other post, I'm trying to figure out rotations too. But I think you should go with MIS or BodyMax or both. I think they will compliment the new ones very nice!!
hmmmmm. . .

I might be wrong, but isn't the one-body-part per day program used in the Cross Train Express slow and heavy?? I believe so! (someone please correct me if I'm wrong!). If the workouts you're already going to have in the CTX are slow and heavy, for muscle BUILDING, then the PS series would be kind of repeating something you already have. MIS, as a lighter weight, quicker endurance workout, would probably be a better complement.

IF you decide to go ahead and buy a couple step tapes, my faves are Step Heat, Step Jam, Step Fit, and Step Works (in no particular order). If you want choreography, I think these will be VERY satisfying. I have only seen small bits and pieces of the new tapes on Cathe TV, so again I might be wrong here, but the choreography in the CTX tapes seems to be more basic than Cathe's pure Step Tapes. So they MIGHT not be as satisfying for choreography.

-susan p

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