Still having a hard time with this getting old stuff!


Oh boy has hit been hitting me hard lately. Pure and simple, I don't want to get old! I'm quite old enough already! Sigh.

I shouldn't complain. I'm still fit. I can still work out, hike, play with the dog, and more - and I'm still in much better shape than most of the people I know. But dang it all, I can't do what I really love to do: complex step and long, hard, sweaty cardio (often one in the same). I desperately miss step lately.

I have an elliptical, which is no impact at all, right? It screwed up my knee a few months ago, so I took a break. The knee is still sort of iffy, but significantly better. I decided to try using the elliptical in a different way, more for HIIT instead of the long sessions. Well, it bothers the other knee now. AND, of all the seriously irritating things ... I tried four 1-minute intervals at the highest resistance, alternating with weights during one of my weight workouts. The next morning, my arthritic foot was killing me. I love working at high resistance on that thing. So yet another fun thing my body says NO to.

So yep, even though I shouldn't, I'm complaining.

Cardio is currently Cathe's low impact stuff - After Burn, Cardio Super Sets, Low Impact HIIT, Low Impact Sweat. I also use Cross Fire and a premix of Intensity with many, many low impact innovations of my own which turned out remarkably well. But I'm tired of drill-based cardio. I want Party Rockin' Step #1!!!

Walking is good in its own way, but it doesn't get my heart rate up where I want it. I cut it out last summer due to foot problems, but I may try to bring it back in, just to get away from the drills.

Weights are okay I guess. I think I've mentioned before that I don't use DVDs for that anymore because the pace is too fast and doesn't allow me time for transitions with the lifting hooks I have to use. I'm in a fairly decent place strength-wise, but I also know that I can't really increase my weights because I'm at the max my hands can handle. That's okay, but I miss working out with Cathe. Just something else to complain about.

And it sure doesn't help to read all Cathe's blog posts about how much declining estrogen levels and so on affect fitness levels. I'm not criticizing the articles - it's good to know that stuff. But it's also rather depressing.

Aaaaaalllllll righty, then! Enough whining. I just had to get it out. I don't know very many of you, but I do know that most of you will understand because you love to work out too. Thanks for bearing with me through the end of this.
Oh boy has hit been hitting me hard lately. Pure and simple, I don't want to get old! I'm quite old enough already! Sigh.

I shouldn't complain. I'm still fit. I can still work out, hike, play with the dog, and more - and I'm still in much better shape than most of the people I know. But dang it all, I can't do what I really love to do: complex step and long, hard, sweaty cardio (often one in the same). I desperately miss step lately.

I have an elliptical, which is no impact at all, right? It screwed up my knee a few months ago, so I took a break. The knee is still sort of iffy, but significantly better. I decided to try using the elliptical in a different way, more for HIIT instead of the long sessions. Well, it bothers the other knee now. AND, of all the seriously irritating things ... I tried four 1-minute intervals at the highest resistance, alternating with weights during one of my weight workouts. The next morning, my arthritic foot was killing me. I love working at high resistance on that thing. So yet another fun thing my body says NO to.

So yep, even though I shouldn't, I'm complaining.

Cardio is currently Cathe's low impact stuff - After Burn, Cardio Super Sets, Low Impact HIIT, Low Impact Sweat. I also use Cross Fire and a premix of Intensity with many, many low impact innovations of my own which turned out remarkably well. But I'm tired of drill-based cardio. I want Party Rockin' Step #1!!!

Walking is good in its own way, but it doesn't get my heart rate up where I want it. I cut it out last summer due to foot problems, but I may try to bring it back in, just to get away from the drills.

Weights are okay I guess. I think I've mentioned before that I don't use DVDs for that anymore because the pace is too fast and doesn't allow me time for transitions with the lifting hooks I have to use. I'm in a fairly decent place strength-wise, but I also know that I can't really increase my weights because I'm at the max my hands can handle. That's okay, but I miss working out with Cathe. Just something else to complain about.

And it sure doesn't help to read all Cathe's blog posts about how much declining estrogen levels and so on affect fitness levels. I'm not criticizing the articles - it's good to know that stuff. But it's also rather depressing.

Aaaaaalllllll righty, then! Enough whining. I just had to get it out. I don't know very many of you, but I do know that most of you will understand because you love to work out too. Thanks for bearing with me through the end of this.

Hi SRP, I am right there with you; sometimes I see a 80 year old women and say OMG I will be her age someday. I'm 57 years old and can't believe that I am 57 years old. My goal when working out is to be as independent as possible, don't want to use a cane, walker for a long, long time. The amazing thing is that my body will tell me what to do and what not to do, of course, I modify the exercises to make it safer for me. But as we get older our bodies change, but we can still exercise at high intensity probably not high impact. I myself use a trampoline for any high impact moves and it works beautifully. So hang in there, we are all getting old every second. Like you said you can still workout, play with your dog, etc. so keep doing what you're doing and we will all Age Gracefully.
SRP... I'm right there with ya, it's hard not to play the Woe is me game... But lets put it into more prospective.. I know this won't make it much better..but really think about this.. There are many people out there in wheelchairs and who cannot even do the low impact stuff. I do think about this, because I have had a 3 level neck fusion and then back surgery, which were both within a 6 month period.. I had numbness and tingling and all that stuff, things that scare you that you will not be able to move.. the surgery alone on my spine was scary.. you have to be prepared that anything can happen. I cannot ever do the things I loved so much prior to my injuries and surgery.. I LOVED Crossfit and I loved over head pressing with heavy weights, it was so empowering to me, but I can never do that again. In fact even lifting 10-12 lbs in an over head press now is very touch and go and very precise in movement for me.. I don't want to get old either, but I agree with Workout above.. I want to be as independent as possible and sometimes you just have to accept where you are and be thankful every single day for what you have. Let go of what you cannot do and do not dwell.. that will age you quicker. Learn to love yourself for where you are and what you can do and experiment with different things that your body will allow you to do. Consider it a time of change to experience different things. :)

Hang in there my friend, you have many people in the same boat with you!
SRP... I'm right there with ya, it's hard not to play the Woe is me game... But lets put it into more prospective.. I know this won't make it much better..but really think about this.. There are many people out there in wheelchairs and who cannot even do the low impact stuff. I do think about this, because I have had a 3 level neck fusion and then back surgery, which were both within a 6 month period.. I had numbness and tingling and all that stuff, things that scare you that you will not be able to move.. the surgery alone on my spine was scary.. you have to be prepared that anything can happen. I cannot ever do the things I loved so much prior to my injuries and surgery.. I LOVED Crossfit and I loved over head pressing with heavy weights, it was so empowering to me, but I can never do that again. In fact even lifting 10-12 lbs in an over head press now is very touch and go and very precise in movement for me.. I don't want to get old either, but I agree with Workout above.. I want to be as independent as possible and sometimes you just have to accept where you are and be thankful every single day for what you have. Let go of what you cannot do and do not dwell.. that will age you quicker. Learn to love yourself for where you are and what you can do and experiment with different things that your body will allow you to do. Consider it a time of change to experience different things. :)

Hang in there my friend, you have many people in the same boat with you!

Dawn9222, I loved every word you said and especially the part "Let go of what you cannot do and do not dwell...that will age you quicker", so true. Thank you, your words actually inspired me even more - I think I feel 10 years younger already.
Thanks, dawn9222 and Workout. I appreciate your support. And Dawn, I love what you said too - that dwelling will age you. You're absolutely right. It makes me feel grumpier! And, Workout - yes, listening to this body of mine has saved me from really messing up and causing an injury.

Dawn, I know where you're coming from about the spine injury. My brother is paralyzed from a motorcycle accident. And my dad is severely disabled due to malpractice during a spine surgery. So oh yes, I am incredibly grateful for the body I have, and I witness every day how hard true disability can be on a person. My hat is off to you for how you keep on going!
Oh my gosh, I was just thinking this same thing about the aging articles! I turn 50 in a few days and just entered menopause, and then to read these recent articles makes me start to think it's all down hill from here. Like SRP said, it's good to know the information, but it's depressing! How about some inspiration from the over-50 crowd here? I want to hear about how you're still lifting heavy and jumping like crazy with Cathe!
Oh my gosh, I was just thinking this same thing about the aging articles! I turn 50 in a few days and just entered menopause, and then to read these recent articles makes me start to think it's all down hill from here. Like SRP said, it's good to know the information, but it's depressing! How about some inspiration from the over-50 crowd here? I want to hear about how you're still lifting heavy and jumping like crazy with Cathe!

I still lift heavy, just very controlled. haha!! I will never give up! Things just change and you gotta roll with the changes.
I'm 57 and because I stay active - workout with Cathe, go biking, go roller blading, etc, I am so happy that I can play long and hard with my two year old grandson and my 16 month old granddaughter. I can put them in the bike cart and bike to the park. Play on all the equipment. Swing on the swings. Play duck duck goose with them. Run around the house like crazy with them and have a blast. Carry them when they need to be picked up (thanks to those weight workouts). Some of my friends can hardly pick their grandchildren up. If I miss a workout that day because I am with them, well, it sure doesn't feel like I missed a workout :) It is so fun!

All right - here's something specific I'm struggling with. I'm sort of in a pickle right now when it comes to heart rate. I KNOW my heart and lungs can still handle much harder workouts than I'm currently doing. But the body doesn't like the stuff that contributes to those hard cardio sweat-fests: high impact and high effort on the elliptical. As much as I would like somebody to offer a miracle workout, I know it's not out there. How do you work your brain around adjustments like that? What has helped you when you have to accept similar changes?

Do I do like Karen said and just "forget the rest"? Ahhh, but it was so much fun! :)
Take a few minutes. Write down all the moves that you like, and don't cause pain. Then put them together in a routine. Put on your favorite music, and go for it. If you have to, repeat the routine a few times. Maybe not the best, but you can get a workout. Become creative with your workouts. As long as your moving, there are no rules or limitations. Just those you put on yourself. Don't get me wrong. I understand, I had surgery on a foot years ago. Too many lunges, and it starts to talk to me, and not very kindly, either.
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All right - here's something specific I'm struggling with. I'm sort of in a pickle right now when it comes to heart rate. I KNOW my heart and lungs can still handle much harder workouts than I'm currently doing. But the body doesn't like the stuff that contributes to those hard cardio sweat-fests: high impact and high effort on the elliptical. As much as I would like somebody to offer a miracle workout, I know it's not out there. How do you work your brain around adjustments like that? What has helped you when you have to accept similar changes?

Do I do like Karen said and just "forget the rest"? Ahhh, but it was so much fun! :)

I used to do tabata rounds on the bike when I couldn't do other stuff to get my heart rate up. Can you ride the bike? or does that bother your foot too? Sometimes doing the recumbent vs upright can make a difference on your foot.. I have a 10 or 15 minute recumbent bike workout I downloaded from Jill Colemans site a long time ago.. it was an Hiit Recumbent workout, worked the hell out of your butt and hamstrings.. and lungs.. :) But you can just do your own.

How about kettlebell swings....air squats.. those will wind ya!
SRP, Have you tried swimming? If strokes are an issue, you could always take lessons. Swimming/water aerobics have always been my fall back during injuries. I have gloves for my hands that make the pull through the water more challenging. And there are foot things you can wear as well (I don't have them). Also, yoga strengthens and stretches the body. It teaches me to appreciate what my body CAN do! There is no easy answer to your questions/rant about aging. It really is something we must all accept. Maybe Cathe is feeling it, too, and that's what led to ICE.


Count me in! I`m having similar challenges myself lately and it is very, very frustrating. I`m experiencing ongoing issues with low iron and sometime anemia. No idea why. I'm turning 50 this year, so starting to have some of the associated changes with that (peri-menopause for at least 5 years now - desperately awaiting the real thing - I want this over!). I've recently discovered a I have a large uterine fibroid. Is that causing my issues? Who knows. Next step, if this doesn't resolve is colonoscopy which I DO NOT want to have done. Terrified of the procedure and/or what they may find. Today, I'm so weak and lightheaded feeling (yesterday, too) that there is no way I can work out. I can't wait to go home and lay down. It's becoming impossible to keep a regular workout schedule which is ridiculously frustrating. Hoping beyond hope I feel better tomorrow. What of this is impending menopause related? No one can tell, apparently. It's all very annoying and frustrating and discouraging. I welcome the wisdom, grace and good stuff that comes with aging, but the rest of it sucks!
SRP, Have you tried swimming? If strokes are an issue, you could always take lessons. Swimming/water aerobics have always been my fall back during injuries. I have gloves for my hands that make the pull through the water more challenging. And there are foot things you can wear as well (I don't have them). Also, yoga strengthens and stretches the body. It teaches me to appreciate what my body CAN do! There is no easy answer to your questions/rant about aging. It really is something we must all accept. Maybe Cathe is feeling it, too, and that's what led to ICE.



I wondered about that too with Cathe.. She works out so much, training live classes all the time, etc.. there's no way she couldn't have gone through some of the things we have!!! She seems super human.. but she's not. :)
I just turned 60 and am lifting heavy, doing plyo, HIIT etc. I feel fabulous and I was so looking forward to my 60th. I am thrilled that although I may have a few wrinkles and aches and pains I am healthy in mind, body, and spirit!! Indeed, counting my blessings!!!

After reading some comments from other posters I wanted to add a bit more. It's not all peaches n' cream ladies. Life has challenges, to be sure. I have a chronic kidney condition which has worsened over time. I contend with it on an ongoing basis; stones, infections, stents, lithotripsies, etc. my husband committed suicide two years ago to which I was s witness. Life, especially as we age,hands us things we can either accept or not. I can either wallow in my misfortunes or use them as tools for growth. I try to do the latter. I'm not saying I don't "go there" but I dont "stay" there. I choose to focus on what's good and right in my life and decide how I want to show up everyday. It's for me to decide if I want to be doomy and gloomy or grateful
For all this beautiful gifts life has to offer. It's taken me many years to get to this place and I want to enjoy and embrace the rest of the time I have left on this planet. To worry about getting older is just simply something I'm not willing to do. There's too much good and too many things to enjoy and cherish.
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I am 61 and plan to retire from my job In July. I've been a correctional officer for the past 16 years at a large county jail and I've seen several coworkers physically injured over the years, not to mention high stress taking a toll. Cathe is my stress relief as well as keeping me fit for my job. I honestly don't believe I would have survived this long without her. I'm not sure what this next chapter will bring but I'm excited that I will have more time to workout! I know one thing for sure, I will continue with Cathe and am so thankful I found this community of strong women. I don't post often but I love reading the forum.

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