Step Blast - Details

Cathe Friedrich


Step Blast Video Cover

Step Blast is a 60 minute high intensity step workout which features new and exciting choreography as well as a fun and motivating soundtrack.

The format is as follows: A warm up, three step segments, a step blast challenge, and a cool down/stretch.

The soundtrack is as follows:

Warm Up (7 min)...........Whats Up

Step segment #1,2,3 ( 35 min):
I wanna be your lover
Video killed the radio star
Feeling Good
Ministry of funk 1999
Disco Fans
Ready Set Go
Step Blast Challenge (13 min):
I'm Glad
Paint It Black (extended version)

Cool Down/stretch (5 min)........Fast Car

After the warm up, you will learn three separate step routines. Each routine will be taught and then its finished product will be performed a couple of times. After they are all taught you will be ready to take the Step Blast challenge in which you will put all of the finished products of each combo together and then follow it up with an intensity blast. You will repeat this cycle three times. Here is the Step Blast Challenge breakdown:

Combo #1's finished product on the right and left side Combo#2's finished product on the right and left side Combo #3's finished product on the right and left side INTENSITY BLAST #1 (similar in style and intensity to IMAX 2 blasts)

Combo #1's finished product on the right and left side Combo#2's finished product on the right and left side Combo #3's finished product on the right and left side INTENSITY BLAST #2 (similar in style and intensity to IMAX 2 blasts)

Combo #1's finished product on the right and left side Combo#2's finished product on the right and left side Combo #3's finished product on the right and left side INTENSITY BLAST #3 (similar in style and intensity to IMAX 2 blasts)

After this you will enjoy a nice stretch!
Oh wow! Since stepping is my most favorite thing to do...I can't wait for this video!!! It sounds awesome! Thank you for the update and detailed information!:7 :7 This sounds just great!

Edited to add: I love the cover - you look fabulous!
Oh Cathe! This tape sounds like so much fun. I love the choice of music that you chose as well. I didn't think you could ever top Rythmic Step, but I see I'm going to have a new favorite step tape. ;-)
This sounds fabulous Cathe -- what a challenge you have in store for us at the end. I did Rhythmic Step this morning (haven't done it in several months because when I tried it a few times after my baby was born, I couldn't handle the impact) and it was truly a joy to do! I just kept thinking "Cathe is truly a master at her craft!" Not to sound like I'm trying to flatter you or something, but in the video fitness genre :), it's like reading a literary masterpiece, looking at a piece of art, or enjoying some inspiring music. My body just LOVED the moves! I'm looking forward to the sequel. -- Renee
:D Love your selection of music Cathe! Very motivational! This one will be a definite winner with me as I am a die-hard step enthusiast! Love your choice of video cover!:) Thanks for the up-date! Keep them coming!;-)
It sounds great:7 I can't wait for the series to arrive.:D
I've started looking for the UPS guy already. LOL:7
It just gets better and better! This sounds like it will be a mini-Rhythmic step and Imax2 blended together! I just looooove Imax2! :p

Great cover!

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