St Johns Wort

I tried it once in the pill form and it made me very nervous. I took it at lunch and had to go home from work because I was so anxious. It was very weird. Like the time I took Nodoze in college. Every sound was amplified, so it was really annoying. I can't explain it better than that. I went on anti-depressants after my St. Johns Wort experiment.
I tried it and had an allergic reaction w/ rash and itching. I, too, went on Paxil after trying SJW. My doctor told me SJW isn't good for depression or panic. If you're having problems, see a doctor to help decide how to remedy your situation. Good Luck!
My brother was given this it took a while for it to work but he had no reaction to it and my sister in law felt it helped with his depression.

Just another opinion

I tried it but it had no affect on me. In addition, it make me nauseated!!! If you're depressed, seeing a therapist or psychiatrist is the best thing (been there, done that). Let a profession determine whether your depression is biological or situational. A professional can help you tremendously in getting "over the hump" and making positive changes in your life. Sorry, don't mean to preach. Suzanne

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