

I've had a broken L5 vertebrae for a couple years now. Yesterday I had new x-rays taken that show it has slipped out of place to a "grade 2" on a scale of 1-5. It's thought to be a birth defect, but it only causes symptoms in serious Athletes, Gymnasts, Bodybuilders, Dancers, Aerobics Instructors . . . You get the picture.

Do you guys know of anyone else who has it? And has chiropractic helped them?

I would love to prolong surgery long enough to die of old age first!!!!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-16-01 AT 09:16AM (Est)[/font][p]Hey Kim!

Isn't spondylolisthesis when the vertebra is slipped forward? My L5 is slipped back. Along with some other problems, this is causing me to have some low back pain. I have been going to a chiropractor for a couple of weeks now and he said that some of the problems were from birth and some of it looks like I have had some type of injury. I have been adjusted four times and am going for the fifth today. I am still having pain but it is less than before. He told me not to do deadlifts and no impact until he gets things in the right place. My hips are out of kilter! I didn't have serious problems until I was exercising fairly heavily. Anyway, I guess I didn't help you much. I hope the chiropractor can at least get 90% of my pain to go away. Have you ever seen a chiropractor? The adjustments really feel good.


No, I have never seen a chiropractor. I used to think they were quacks, but I'll have to say an injury sure opens your mind to new things rather quickly.

My L5 has slipped forward, putting me in to slight lordosis. The doc told me that had I been a sedentary person, I might never have had any symptoms. So I guess I could have been a couch potato for the last 20 years and only had to worry heart disease and type II Diabetes!!!!!!

I'm glad to hear you have had favorable results. I guess I was wanting to hear an unbiased opinion. My ortho doc said nothing but surgery would cure it--and he didn't suggest that until it became unbearable. Chiropractic websites claim they can cure it--or at the very least, reduce the pain significantly. So I didn't know what to believe.

I think I'm going to call and make an appointment today. Thanks for responding.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-16-01 AT 01:26PM (Est)[/font][p]Kim,

Let me know if you do make an appointment and if the adjustments are helping any. My chiropractor said it would take 10 to 12 weeks for the muscles to be trained to hold my bones in the proper position. Right now I am going three times a week. Any relief from the pain is a plus for me. I was like you and thought chiropractors were quacks but I have a good friend who swears by them and recommended this one to me. We'll see!!!

Good luck and keep me posted!!! :)

Ironically enough, the chiropractor had an opening this morning, so I went. This was just for a consultation, no adjustments. They are husband/wife partners and I saw the wife. I had met her husband about a year and a half ago through bodybuilding contests. Come to find out, the husband, Keith, has the very same injury I have, and we're both into bodybuilding as a hobby. So his wife, recommended that I see him for my adjustments starting on Monday.

I'm optimistic!
Well, that sounds great. I really hope it helps. I know chronic pain can just about drive you crazy especially when you can't work out like you want to. I would definitely like to hear how you progress! :)


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