Sore, sore, hallelajuh I am sore


I know freak right...but I can not help it.
After skitzing through my trial of disk 1 yesterday I thought I was not going to get any good deep DOMS today and I woke up with some good deep tissure soreness. ( which I love) So I know when I hit it hard and heavy on Tues. I should really feel it the next day:eek: Yeah!
I know freak ...Right:D
Uh oh, I'm a freak too then! I guess when you lift for years and years and finally find a workout that can still get you sore... that's the best!
Yeah, Rachel!!! Nothing like a sore muscle to know you've done something!!! You are so funny - I loved your post! You are not alone.
I'm sore, too! Love it! I'm trying to figure out why my lats are sore from the Chest, Shoulders and Biceps workout, though.

I am so sore in my lats, too, from Disc 1! I was wondering about that, too, and figured it was the push-up variations? My tri-s are sore from the straddle push-ups in particular. I think I'm going to do legs next to give my back and tris a longer rest.
I did disc 3 legs Wednesday and i'm still walking a little funny but I love it. Saturday is my start of week two and I can't wait.

Great job on the DOMS all of you!

I did my first STS workout today and I think I will be sore from the push-ups tomorrow. I went pretty light in my weights because I didn't know what I was in for.
Added in the abs from Circuit abs (no equipment) very nice. ;)

Tomorrow is cardio for me. I too look forward to my next workout which would be disc2 back and tri's.

Thank you Cathe and crew!
I'm sore, too! Love it! I'm trying to figure out why my lats are sore from the Chest, Shoulders and Biceps workout, though.
So was I and I don't know why either but I too love DOMS.

I've had the most DOMS in my lats, front delt and glutes.
Oh My Am I Sore!

I started my 6-month STS program Today, by doing STS Meso 1, Disk 1, No-Equipment Abs, and a 20 minute jog (it was so nice outside today!)

I am so sore -- glad I soaked in the hot tub & took some Naproxin afterwards!

Could only do the push-ups on my knees.

This was a great workout, almost like having a PT right there with me cuz I sure would have given up if it were not for the fact I wanted to keep up with the video!

I want my DOMS too... :((insert whine here) I've been resting up past my cold the last two days and I want to lift somethin' heavy, dammit!
Start my real rotation this week and I just can not wait. I tried the Meso1 legs and groan everytime I get up from using the restroom:eek:
I Love It! I do not like to workout hard and get no reward...I know...Fr:eek:!:D

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