So, I used the hand held bodyfat monitor at the gym yesterday :(


It said 42% I am working my butt off. On an average how many percentage points should come off each month if I am doing Cathe 6 days a week, and I also plan to jump on the elliptical at the gym three times a week. On a happier note, I am now 203 lbs. finally seeing some weight come off. I havent been under 200lbs since 2001. In fact my coworker looked at a log we used to keep and she said I was 198 on May 1, 2001 so this May will be exactly five years.
RE: So, I used the hand held bodyfat monitor at the gym...

Hi there.

I'm so glad that you are seeing results! You are working hard and deserve it!

There is no set amount that will come off when it comes to body fat %. What kind of device does your gym use to monitor BF? If is probably not super accurate. There are very few methods that can really give you an accurate # so don't take the reading to heart. Use it as a gauge to make sure that the # is headed in the right direction! Also make sure you measure BF% at the same time and under the same conditions every day. (ie, I measure mine first thing in the morning after using the bathroom, before drinking or eating.)

Keep up the good work!!!:)
RE: So, I used the hand held bodyfat monitor at the gym...

So is it possible to go from 42% to 24% or what ever is considered healthy? I was kind of saddened by that number because I am really trying hard. the device was an omron (sp?)
RE: So, I used the hand held bodyfat monitor at the gym...

I have an omron. I was was told by a forum member here that the female reading is on the high side...

After having my baby I have lost 20 pounds and my body fat has gone down about 5.5% so YES, it is possible and YOU CAN DO IT!:)
RE: So, I used the hand held bodyfat monitor at the gym...

If you are going to use the body fat readings as a gauge, it is critical to take the reading under the exact same conditions every time. This includes amount of water, amount of food, amount of activity and time of day.

Absolutely, you can go from 42% to 24%!! What you need to do is set some goals, then set mini goals leading up to them, and more goals leading to the mini goals. If your focus is on the "Big Goal" then you'll drive yourself nuts! Set it up so that you are working day to day, one week at a time. That will help the process seem less gruesome and much more possible.

A healthy weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week and we ALWAYS want it to be in the form of fat loss so if you are working hard and eating healthy, you should see that Omron creeping down. You may have a bad week here and there and the darn thing sticks but keep at it and it WILL work! It's the only thing that works 100% of the time...not giving up! Believe me, it is worth every drop of sweat!!
thanks sarah,

can you tell me what a reasonable mini goal would be? 2% a month or so? I appreciate you guys so much.
RE: thanks sarah,

Just here to cheer you on!!! I know it can be discouraging but stick with it and you will the results you want! And you can get to 24% you have to beleive in yourself! Anything is possible!
Im not sure how big a difference you should be seeing from measurment to measurment.But if I were you I would only get it taken once a month, if you take it more then that you may get discouraged and we don't want that.I have had mine for about 6 m now and I love it.When you are having a bad day with the scale, sometimes that thing can cheer you up!
RE: thanks sarah,

Everyone is different so please don't take these #s to be what your personal results or goals should be but here's a run down of the body fat I lost over a time period of 4 months.

from august to september 2005 I lost 1.55% body fat.
from september to october I lost 1% body fat.
from october to november I lost .5% body fat.
from november to december I lost 1.85% body fat.

Hope this helps but remember..EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT and your body fat may go down faster or slower than mine did!

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