So Blessed......


Today at Costco, I saw this woman working her way to the checkout stand. She has what I assume to be cerebral palsy. She has a walker with a little basket in it for her groceries. I let her in line in front of me. She was very pleasant and all smiles!! The gentleman at the register obviously knew her well, called her by name and had a little conversation with her. I just kept thinking how happy she looked, despite her extreme disability. I don't look that happy most days, and I truly have nothing major to be unhappy about. :)

Anyway, I happened to follow her out to the parking lot and as she was getting into her car, I noticed her license plate "SO BLESD". That hit me like a ton of bricks! Here is this woman, whom many would pity, with a very severe disability, and she proudly proclaims on her plate that she feels blessed. Really made me stop and think that I should be far more appreciative of the things I have and NEVER complain!! No matter how bad I think I have it sometimes, there are many who have far greater challenges to deal with every day. Sorry to be so long, just wanted to share!!:)
Great post! Gave me the chills. It is so wonderful that this woman embraces life like that regardless of her disabilities. You are could definately teach us all a thing or 2 about appreciating what we have no matter what it is!!!
I was at a funeral this morning and the Pastor was talking about how there are people who just live "sick" all they talk about is what ails them and their problems,and they'll talk about it with anyone. Then there are those who never complain or mention a thing about their problems. They still do what needs to be done with a smile.
It really makes you think.
Thanks for sharing Edie.


Just got vacation pics added!
Thanks for sharing! This is a great story. Reminds of something from Chicken Soup for the Soul book.

It's sad but true that I need reminders of how good life is more often than I should.

Thanks so much for sharing. Hopefully, I'll remember your post for awhile and draw on it when I let how good I've got it get away from me.
Beautiful story. It's amazing how some people choose to handle the things thrown their way in life.
Thank you for sharing.

Thank you so much for sharing! What a great story! I really needed this virtual kick in the pants today. I was feeling put upon by my step kids, but the reality is that they are being teenagers, and I'm lucky to have them in my life. I do believe that I should live each day to it's fullest, but I tend to get bogged down in the details. That woman is truly blessed, especially if you believe in karma. She has touched me, and I don't even know her.
Edie..thanks...:)...I remember so often when I say I am lucky...I actually mean I am blessed. I agree completely about knowing there are so many people out there with far greater challenges to deal with everyday. I get up...have coffee and I can choose any workout I want...YES...very blessed...:)...Carole
Thank you for sharing that story :). It reminds me to be grateful for all of the blessings in my life .... which I admit I don't always take the time to think about .... but should!... very inspirational.
Thank you!
Cath :)

Thank you very much for posting this. I am sooo thankful for beeing healthy, my wonderful parents, a great job and my loved old cat. I am also thankful for this place to come and for my fitness friends too.Like Cathy I usually don't take time to think about all the good things I have in my life.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator and TAEBO junkie. :) :)
Thank you for your post! I know I am blessed, but it sure helps to be reminded! And your post reminds me to bite my tongue and not complain about the 'small stuff'

"Likes2bfit" since 1999
Thanks for reminding me how blessed I really am! Life is too short and sometimes I need to stop and remember that!
I am beginning a training course for crisis intervention next month. This will allow me to work with the women's services in our area, which sadly has a lot of domestic violence, child abuse, rape etc.

The one caution I had before deciding to do this was from a friend who has been involved for years and recently needed to "take a break". She said to be very careful with emotions and talk to someone when you need to. She found herself becoming really angry at people who complain about life's daily issues like they were catastrophic. When you've been up all night with a woman in a safe house, or see kids caught up in the middle of those messes, it is really hard to be empathetic to someone who gets mad when the grocery store checkout lines are too get the idea.

Her point was that we all have things in our life that upset us, but we should be greatful for the small problems. As Edie said, being appreciative of things and not complaining is a good way to live!

Thanks for sharing this because it SO BLESD me:)
Thanks so much for sharing this! It's sad but sometimes we need to remember how lucky we are. I email my aerobic class every Friday. Yesterday was all about staying positive and motivated. Focus on all good in a day and not the bad. That is easier said than done. This women is a true inspiration to me.:)
Edie, that's a wonderful story. Puts things in perspective. That's why I don't fret over body fat percentages and how fast I can progress with my weights because there are people out there who have to deal, through no fault of their own, with so much more in this crappy world. I see a lot of kids like these when I take my son to his therapy sessions. There are some kids who just make me want to cry. Well, my son is one of those, but it's only because he drives me batty with all his whining.:)


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