SNL Fitness

Does anyone remember "20 minute workout"? With the two or three women in their leotards and leggings working out? It reminded me of that!


I remember the 20 minute workout! Too funny! I used to do it before school. My little brother would get up to watch! LOL

A friend in fitness,

Yes! I remember the 20-minute workout. LOL! I used to do that and then go running.

Is it just me or has anyone noticed on FiTV that on some of the Gilad workouts the crew has been wearing the leotards and slouch socks--making them look very much like a new version of 80's workout wear?

Well, this one sure had me sweatin'! Words can't even describe... Now I need a major protein fix. I'd LOVE to see the look on Cathe's face after she saw something like this :D

Laura, don't want to hi-jack, but how about posting this on Ask Cathe to see if she'll take a look. Subject: Things Cathe would never EVER do!
:) :)
Hahaha, it totally reminds me of "the 20 minute workout"! I remember doing it and thinking I was SO cool :p
Yay, go on then Laura!

Am fighting a cold at the moment so this humour therapy was helpful. And now like a true 'misery guts' I'm off to bed...

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