Slam Ball


Do any of you use a slam ball? I'm about to buy one (unless persuaded otherwise!) and I have no idea what to look for or which weight to select. There's also an option for a slam ball / medicine ball combined - but I'm concerned that the weight needed for a medicine ball is much less than that for a slam ball. Any thoughts?
I got a slam ball for Christmas last year. It's a 15lb slam ball. I hardly use it in my own training but when training my sister we use it from time to time. I need to learn more exercises you can do with it. I think if I would have bought the slam ball myself I may have gone a little lighter. It's a great tool to take some aggression out on. ;)
What do you slam it on? I assume the floor so I know that sounded like a dumb question but do you do anything to protect your floor? I have ceramic tile in my workout room and put horse stall mats over it but I still worry about dropping things that might damage the ceramic tile underneath.
mbmunt - thanks. I had no idea what, er, ball park weight to shoot for. I'm on a rotation which includes slam ball exercises, so hopefully I won't be short of ideas.

Julie - good point about the floor. I have a stone floor, partly covered with jigsaw matting designed for weightlifting, and partly a 'plyo' matting - bought form a school gym, 2" deep rubber honeycomb with a sort of breathable top skin. I've dropped a 22kg iron KB on it before with no adverse effects :eek: Hopefully a slam ball will be OK on either surface.
Oh, slam ball!! I remember using these during volleyball drills back in high school. Yes, what a way to release my adolescent angst & hormones.
I don't think I would use them in my house/rental though. I think those old school ones like we used are generally much heavier and larger than a med ball right? I have two pliable med balls. 7lb and 16lb.

This looks fun though
I may be overestimating my own strength thinking that I could damage my floor with a slam ball but I am still nervous and could see myself holding back because of it. I may try it in my downstairs bathroom. That has the sticky tiles over concrete so I am not as worried about damaging that.
Do any of you use a slam ball? I'm about to buy one (unless persuaded otherwise!) and I have no idea what to look for or which weight to select. There's also an option for a slam ball / medicine ball combined - but I'm concerned that the weight needed for a medicine ball is much less than that for a slam ball. Any thoughts?

I use a slam ball at the gym in a circuit rotation doing overhead slams. I love it! It really gets your heart rate up & I can feel in it my entire body. I use a 25 lb slam ball for overhead slams. I think anything under 20 lbs will be too light.
Thank you everyone! I've bought a 10kg ball (22#), and I love it already. The video clip which Elsie posted is great (wonderful accent too ;) ). Karenflyz - I can tell I'm going to feel it all over, and that's what I wanted - a real metabolic conditioning w/o.
I have a variety of slam balls. I love them and use them a lot in my training. I do all my workouts outside year around unless the weather is bad. So I either slam them under my carport or on the grass. I love doing ball slams because it's a total body workout...legs, arms and abs. I also run with them and do running transport workouts with them. Pick up a ball, run across the yard, drop the ball, run back pick up another ball and repeat.

Make sure you get a ball that does not bounce otherwise it will bounce and hit you in the head, neck or throat.
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True slam balls don't bounce enough to hit you in the head. They are too heavy and dense.

I use a 30 lb slam ball every day. Love it! I would recommend slamming on a mat because the hard floor will eventually bust open your ball. The bootcamp classes I do have slam ball in them and we ruined a few balls before we decided to start using them on a mat. Also, if you slam it just right (with a slight backward angle) it will skip back up into your hands and make the next rapid slam quicker and easier!
I just wanted to say thank you to all of you - the slam ball has worked wonders on my obliques. I'm not a fan of most core exercises, but have loved using the slam ball. One of my favourite toys now - scoop tosses leave me breathless....

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