"Six Pack" abs


Hi - I don't actually want them, but I'd love to know what it takes to get them. I'm guessing it takes more than just the common garden-variety crunches... anybody out there who knows?

genetics, a very clean diet, ab work and a lower body fat %. They say abs are made in the kitchen not the gym.


Diet is definitely the key. You have to have low body fat to have a six pack.

Also you have to build the ab muscles. One myth about working abs is you have to do like 2-300 crunches a day 6 times a week. It's just not true. Overtraining a muscle shrinks it, which is not conducive to the "six pack." Abs should be worked like any other muscle--1 or 2 times a week with weights.


I think this is very genetic, where you hold your body fat. Most people that work abs probably have a six pack, it is just under a layer of fat.


Well, I like the genetics idea. Sounds good to me, because it means I just don't have to worry about it. My family has very smooth muscles with not much definition. I don't have much fat around my middle, and just a little on the hips. Thank you - I am relieved that I have a good reason for not having "super abs!" :)

Take my vote for genetics. I have a six pack and I don't deserve them. I don't work out hard enough or eat clean enough to merit them. Someday I'm afraid they're going to say "Alright, we've hung around here long enough and you keep feeding us junk so we're out of here" - but so far at 37 they're still with me.


1) Genetics
2) lower body fat
3) abdominal toning
4) luck!!


"If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning" - Mahatma Ghandi

Diet (to get low body fat)
Weighted ab work to build the muscle (a "six pack" has somewhat of a bulge to the muscles...a look I'm not going for).

Nice pictures Robin! You are very beautiful and in great shape!

What exactly do you do to get those beautiful abs? What's your diet like? Hope you don't mind me asking ...just looking for some motivation.


Have you heard about the new celebrity fad: Painted on abs.

Yes, you too can have a 6-pack! All it takes is a trip to your local artistic tanning salon and they can paint on a 6-pack. Supposedly Mariah Carey had this done for a recent appearance she made.

Personally, I think the whole "cosmetic surgery" thing has gotten way out of hand if people are resorting to painting on 6-packs and men are getting "calf lifts", where they get surgical implants to make it look like they've actually got muscle in there. **rolleyes** Our society has gotten so hung up on appearances that they've lost sight of what is TRULY important: What's on the inside. I mean, what good is fancy wrapping paper if the box is empty? I'd rather have plain old tissue paper wrapped around something that really means something to me, than fancy paper around an empty box. In other words, appearance isn't everything. If your "box" is empty, it doesn't matter if you have a 6-pack, big boobs, rock hard calf muscles, or fat-sucked thighs...because all people will want to do is look at you, and even the fanciest wrapping paper gets boring to look at after a while.

Okay, I'll climb down from my soapbox rant now. :p

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