Selling tapes here


Active Member
Hi all,
I don't want to step on any toes and I apologize in advance for offending anyone. I just wanted to point out that this is Cathe's site and she is in the business of selling her tapes. I'm sure she is grateful for all the business we provide, but I think it's unfair to assume that she appreciates her website being used to sell her tapes (or anyone else's) for someone's profit other than her own. She has to pay to keep this site going and although I can understand why it might seem like a good idea to let Cathe fans know directly about Cathe tapes/DVD's you want to sell, I don't think it's fair to Cathe. I'm sure she knows there is a large resale market for her tapes, but I don't think her website is the place she wants it to be carried out. I'm not trying to single anyone out, I just think it could get out of hand if we don't put Cathe's interests ahead of our own here. Thanks for listening. Janet
I agree with you. I think it's pretty cheeky advertising a sale of the products of this site's owner in direct competition with her. I'm suprised Cathe didn't pull the thread. I would have.
Not sure if you were referring to my post or not?? I did think twice when posting it and almost didn't do it. I certainly didn't mean to offend Cathe or anyone else.

I own almost all of Cathe's tapes. She has made a fortune off of me and is well deserved becasue I think she is truly the absolute best in the industry. I have referred numerous people to her videos and website and am in reality a free marketng arm for her. I even told my whole aerobics class at the gym 2 wks ago. 2 gals bought videos since then!!!!!! 2 of my friends bought videos from her today!!!! I think all home fitness addicts should know Cathe as we do!!!!!

I bought the entire Intenisy VHS series while waiting on the DVDs. I posted my tapes for sale primarily because I know there are some folks here who are tight on money, are die hard cathe fans and don't have the money to buy all. I figure why not share a good deal. I see posts all the time to Ya Ya trading etc. In all reality I won't make AnY money on these and would probably sell them for even cheaper to anyone who e-mailed me and said they wanted them.

My primary objective was just wanting to help someone out and didn't mean to hurt anyone. Also, it helps to recoup some of the money I lost in buying 2 sets since I couldn't wait any longer for the DVDS due to anticipation!!!!!!!!!! I also did it because I have seen it done many other times. I sincerely apologize to anyone I offended or to Cathe if this is not what she wants on her board.

I promise I won't do it again ;(
I think giving Cathe forum members first shot on tapes is great. Not everyone can afford new tapes. This gives us the opportunity to try tapes and purchase them from a Cathyite. I think it was a great idea and I appreciate it. Besides, when I sell my tapes to buy DVDs I would like to sell them to people on this forum.
Janet - I see what you're saying and I agree. However, I think in most cases (of those that I've seen) there really was no ill-will toward Cathe, and most people are not trying to compete with her sales. Rather, as in LuvCardio's case, I think some people just want to give other Cathe forum members a first chance at buying and maybe saving a little money. Again, those are just the few I've seen.
Hi all,
I hope the spirit of my post came through. I don't think anyone meant any ill-will toward Cathe, and I was not trying to single anyone out. I was trying to express a point-of-view some may not have considered. I noticed a couple of threads selling tapes on the board at once and thought I'd mention it. I realize it might benefit those who can't afford to buy new tapes,but it also has the potential to influence someone who might buy from Cathe but is swayed away from it by the chance to save a few dollars. Each case is different and I'm not assigning unpure motives to anyone. I am just pointing out that as Cathe becomes more popular, and the board grows, and the switchover to DVD becomes more widespread, if the selling here goes unchecked, it could invite those people with motives that aren't so pure to come here to try to sell tapes.
We get to exchange ideas and opinions for free, as well as getting Cathe's input for no additional charge. There are plenty of places just a click away to buy, sell, and swap used tapes. People who sell tapes on Ebay have to pay to list them, and I might be wrong but I think the Firm site has a forum you have to pay for. This forum is provided for free by Cathe for our use, but ultimately her site is designed to promote and sell her tapes. Again,I might be wrong,(and someone please correct me if I am!) but I don't think goods or services are allowed to be advertised or sold on this forum. I hope I was able to express my thoughts in a respectful way. I'm obviously not Cathe, but I was trying to point out how it might be seen from her perspective. Thanks again for listening. Janet:)
Jan - I think it's great that you posted this, you're just keeping Cathe's best interests at heart, whether or not people agree. Keep on standing up for what you believe in.

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