Safe Protein powder while preggers


HI all,
I love my protein shakes, but the back of most of the powders I use say, 'not safe for pregnancy'. Has anyone continued the use of or found a safe protein powder while pregnant?

good question, and i too am interested even though i am not pregnant (yet). maybe melanie has some thoughts as a pharmacist?
I have used and would continue to use protein powders while pregnant. Please make sure that your protein powder has no added "herbs" or "enhancers". I wouldn't go overboard, one shake a day should be fine, along with a well-rounded diet.

I hope this helps. :)


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

I too use protein powders while pregnant this time and last time.
My 17 month old is healthy and strong as can be!!! I add the
protein powders once a day to my skim/soy milk for added protein
since I do not eat meat. I am sure if you talk to your doctor
you will feel better. I lost my taste for the shakes in the
first trimester along with a few other favorites but they do come
back (usually) in the second trimester.
I did not drink my favorite protein powder (Dave Draper's Bomber Blend) while pregnant because it is fortified with a daily dose of vitamins. I was taking a prenatal vitamin and my ob/gyn advised that the vitamins would in all be too many. I started back up with it after the baby, but my baby was fussy and colicky and I gave the powder up again in a search to figure out what her problem was. I bring up the last comment so that if you too nurse, you may want to consider if it makes your baby gassy or hurts her tummy.

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