Rounded Belly Gals Aug 2nd

Morning! Ahhh sleep..its a wonderful thing and I acutally got some last night! I slept from 10-530 only getting up once! I feel good! Having my pb/toast with oj. I think since I have had some sleep I will try a very modified lowmax today. I weiged 133.4 today.

Melanie-glad you liked the pic...its one of my finest moments!!! I go around with my shirt up like that an hour every morning and night so my belly cream can soak in...attractive uh! Do your varicose viens in the nether region cause you pain?? Thats got to be uncomfortable! You'll have such fun buying the girls stuff! I love newborn gowns...they are just so cuddly in those.

Christine-pizza sounds so good..even at 6 am......we may be having that for dinner tonight! Your dh should be grouded for talking about viens! My dh told me I was getting "wider" the other day!!

Morning Wendy, Jen, Dawn, Allison, Kristine, Pricialla!
Hi ladies. I didn't work yesterday, but I was still in pain. :mad: Mostly pelvic type pain---it feels more like bone pain than muscle type pain. It's hard to explain....maybe it's my pelvis widening,....which I thought it'd have enough practice from the past 3 either rate uncomfortable. It woke me up this AM. It'd difficult to lay on either side. I still try to sleep on my belly, propped up with pillows.

My butt hemrrhoids hurt when I apply pressure on them for BMs. My vaginal vericose veins hurt when I stand. Some days are worse than others---yesterday was a bad day, like I mentioned before. I usually take Tylenol for pain, it takes the edge off normally. I also use a heating pad for my lower back/butt bone. My heat does not feel good in my intimate spots & ice sounds really uncomfortable. :eek::eek:

I'm going to fold some laundry & leave early for my doctor trip. I think I'll go to Target before my appt,...then all I have is SuperWalmart and lunch. I hope to be home by 3pm.

Have a good day ladies! Waves to all! :D :D
Lomax didnt happen. I just felt to winded. I ended up doing LIS..just enough to get me moving.

Melanie-sorry for your discomfort!! Let us know about the docs appt. Have fun shopping.

We have a few errands to run and probably will hit the pool today.
We went to the fair yesterday and Brooke got to ride an elephant and go on some rides w/ her dad. One of the workers came up and told me that I'm having a girl and she's NEVER wrong about that. Well, she's got a 50/50 shot. Anyway, we had alot of fun.

I decided to get up early today and get in a workout which I haven't done in over a week. My DD woke up and started crying so I fell asleep in her bed and missed the alarm.

Dad got his final chest tube out this morning and mom said his attitude is much better today. YEAHHHHH!!! I already feel like a weight has been lifted.

Melanie-sorry you've been so uncomfortable. Can you use any medications for hemorrhoids when pregnant?

Susan- LIS is a great pregnancy workout. Have fun in the pool. Oh, and will the rest of us get to see the famous picture?
Gosh, a pool sounds like a fantastic idea! I'd love to feel weightless for even 15 minutes :)

Melanie, sounds like you're having all kinds of interesting developments "south of the border." You poor thing. I hope you find some relief soon. I got one hemmeroid during delivery last time -- loved the Prep H wipes and a stool softener ;)

Wendy, great news about your dad's attitude being lifted!! Sorry you missed your workout, but so happy to hear your family had a great time at the fair. Brooke rode an elephant? Brave girl!

Not much going on here. Strange craving -- strong craving -- for Twizzlers. Easy to satisfy, but I can't stop eating them LOL

I've been really tired the past 2 days. Six weeks and 2 days to go until delivery date.

I have to start buying basics -- wipes, pads, nursing pads, some gifts for DD (any ideas on a gift for the baby to give his big sister?), etc. I have a small bag of newborn diapers already -- I forgot how small they are!
I have to start buying basics -- wipes, pads, nursing pads, some gifts for DD (any ideas on a gift for the baby to give his big sister?), etc. I have a small bag of newborn diapers already -- I forgot how small they are![/QUOTE]
How about a camera?
The digital camera is in my purse, ready to go. I charge it periodically, so I'll have battery power :)

I decided to do 2 loads of baby laundry tonight, too. This way I have some stuff cleaned and ready to go, in case he comes early. And this way I can have the "coming home" outfits clean and ready to pack when I get my bag ready in a couple weeks :) DD graciously offered to let me put some of the clean stuff in her closet, since DH has to repair the ceiling in the nursery which will of course create dust.

I remembered to buy some pads (gag). I hope the Target version of Always is good LOL

BTW, Christine, I forgot to mention that your recounting of the drive home and the overnight diaper had me howling! That story would make a great episode of a sitcom :)

I'm also working on cleaning out the freezer. I need to inventory, so I can start making some casseroles, soups, and pasta sauces to freeze for after the baby arrives. Well, that's the plan anyway; we'll see how far I get ;)

ETA: Oh, after reading Wendy's response, I now understand that Christine meant to get *DD* a camera!! She actually got her own digital camera for Christmas from Grandma and Grandpa.
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Hey ladies. Just a quick hello here, I"m exhausted just got home & unpacked. It ended up being an 8 hour day. :eek::eek:

Doctor's appt went okay. They canceled the u/s when they realized I just had one on Monday (makes since to me), but then left me in the wait room for over an hour for my actual appointment. :mad::mad: I coulda went shopping,......but they didn't tell me I'd be waiting that long. :mad::mad:

Had a good conversation with ob/gyn. I was counting on having a general c/s (since I did with last two),...but learned with twins general anesthesia is risky b/c it takes longer to get the two out. So,.....I will probably be going to a hematologist,...then getting an amnio around 35 weeks. If amnio shows lungs are mature, then IV steriods (to boost my platelets to normal levels), followed by spinal c/s. Whew. I"m exhausted just thinking about it.

I gained 9-lbs this month for a grand total of 27lbs thus far, which is perfect range for twins. :D

THE GOOD NEWS: They make special "thongs" for women with vaginal varicose veins. Can you believe it?!?!?!? This like totally makes my day. So I got some sexy JOBST compression THIGH-HI'S & a THONG today from the medical supply store. :D :D :D .........and I thought I was sexy BEFORE, I can't wait to try on my new supplies tomorrow. :D :D :D

Oh,.......and I got a gizzillion matching outfits for the girls. Mostly 18 mos summer stuff on clearance (Walmart had $1/each), but a couple premie & NB stuff (about 5 outfits).

And 7 medium sized bins so I can start separating my boy & girl clothes by size. Whew. I got my work cut out for me.

Mommy's going to rest now. :D
Melanie - The thought of buying thong underear at a medical supply store just seems odd. I think you should ask for leopard print.

I love the idea of getting a gift fom the baby to his/her big sister. My DD loves taking pictures so a camera would be perfect for her. Thanks for the idea.
Hey everyone! Well last night was horrible sleep-wise because I was on call for work and was paged out in the middle of the night so I got a total of about 3 hrs sleep. I tried to sleep in but James was not having it! He was thumping on my belly so hard and wouldn't settle down! Oh well....I still love it! I made myself do another Firm step workout just to get moving and so I didn't fall asleep on the couch at 6pm. Was nice....

Melanie- I love to hear about all of your "sexy" gear and its so refreshing that you have such a great sense of humor about it all.

Wendy- Glad to hear that your father is still progressing and getting stronger. Yay for weights being lifted (and not with Cathe) ;)

Allison- 6 weeks?! Yikes! I'm excited for you! Good luck on getting some casseroles made. I plan on doing the same thing closer to the end. Feel free to share ideas of what you are freezing.

Hi Christine, Priscilla and everyone else! I'll be more detailed tomorrow after a good night's sleep.
Hi Ladies!
Melanie-glad your appt went well. You crack me up! Tie dye would be nice but what about fur? Your sexy picture might just beat mine!

Wendy-I just cant post the pic but will email it to you! Im telling ya...its bad! pm me your email and I'll send it!

I have already bought a case of newborn diapers, case of wipes , nursing pads, and nipple cream. I need a checklist of things I need.

Well, here is whats been going on here. We were planning on putting the house on the market in the Spring. When I move to start DH school we will have to be able to afford 2 small places instead of this house..that was the plan. Well, our realtor is aslo Pauls buddy. He calls last week and wants to show our house. A new ob/gyn has moved here and wants a pool. So we thought...why not. She came to look at the house on Saturday. The realtor called when they were done...she was here maybe 15 min so I thought she wasnt interested. She was also looking at bigger houses. Anyway...Monday our realtor called with her offer. We countered and she accepted paying only 5 grand less than our orginal asking price. We sign the contract tomorrow!!!!!! We can't pass this up with the market like it is. Soooo now we have to find rental property. We go look at a house and a duplex tomorow. She wants the house on Sept at least we have a few weeks. I plan on packing up most stuff until I get out of all my china etc. We will have to put a lot of furniture in storage and plan to have a huge garage sale. Im trying not to stress over it...but that is not in my nature. I LOVE my house, but we can't pass this up. I guess she can still change her mind until noon tomorrow, but it looks like its a go.

Thats my excitiment!

Hey Jen- you snuck in on me! Hope you sleep tonight. Kara like to do cartwheels while Im trying to sleep too!
Susan,...........WHAT?!?!?!?!??!?! YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS? Wowzers! That's awesome news! I think? Wow. Amazing. You're going to be sooooooo busy!!!! I wish I could help you. You're right, that's a great offer,.....the market is getting better,......but you know all about our housing woes. I'll be praying that you & DH make the right decision.

Fur? Wouldn't that be bumpy? Hey......I haven't really trimmed down there,'s kinda already furry. :eek: :D :D
Well it took 2 years to sell our house in we just can't pass this up. We HATE it here and plan to move back to MS after I get out of school anyway. I will be going to school in MS. Paul will be coming every weekend. My mom is moving with me to help with the kiddos. It wont be easy...but worth it. I have worked too hard not to finish!
Speaking of furry...haha. I had to let dh help trim me up. I tried it with a mirror but I just couldnt do it. Of course he enjoyed it a little too much! It looks better than it did. I am one hairy woman!
Susan, I'm so glad you're still pursing school, I know how important this is to you and your family. :)

I tried to trim up a few days ago....instead I had to apply pressure to many blotches of missing skin. :eek::eek: NO MORE TRIMMING FOR ME until I can actually SEE it. LOL
Wow, Susan! How exciting. It's a lot to go through right before you have the baby, but the relief of having the house sold will be worth it :)

Melanie, I'm with Wendy -- I would never think to buy a thong at a medical supply store LOL

Once again, I'm in good company here. I haven't been able to do much "down there." I guess I need to ask DH for a little help. I'm still able to paint my toenails, since I can still see my feet. But I'm anxious to see myself again, from the belly button down.

You know you're ready to be done with being pregnant when you've already started giving maternity clothes to Goodwill. I got rid of a few shirts yesterday. Looking forward to getting these clothes OUT OF THE HOUSE!
Wendy & Alison, these thongs are called "V Supporters"........they look like a modified jock strap that hold my labia up to comfort my vulvar vaginal vericose veins!!!

.......I may be strange.......but there are others of us out there if there's a product made especially for your peach sized lips. :D :D

Nope, you're not strange. PREGNANCY is strange!
Another "decent" nights sleep thank goodness! Had wierd dreams but did sleep.

Melanie-you really do have a great attitude! Im impressed! I also have the image of you walking about with furry peaches between your legs and a jock strap on. Serioulsy though, its great there are products out there that help.

Allison-you are ready if youre giving away clothes! I have a sis in law that is waiting for mine! Shes not preg yet, but planning on it.

Dh and I are sad and have mixed feelings about selling the house..but come Spring there won't be a dr looking for a house that is willing to pay what we're asking. So we are just thinking of this as a the first step of gettig out of this town and back home! To make money on a house these days is rare!
Im thinking will take today as a rest day as of now. I might change my mind..we'll see.
I mentioned Haley did a "fashion show" the other day...well yesterday she made her magazine about fashion. Here is the cover she made. I was impressed..she did a great job.
We have had fun this summer, but I must admit Im getting ready for school to start...especially with all I need to do now.
Hope everyone slept well and has a great day.


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Wow ladies! I missed a lot!
Susan- Holy Cow! I agree that you never know when you will get a great offer again, and it is easier to move now than with a newborn. What a great way to get rid of stuff!!! I know this will be hard, but you will get it done. We are still waiting to find out about our move, too. We should know next week, so you and I are in the same boat!
Mel- You are too much. I think the trimming needs to be done this weekend. DH will need heavy machinery.
Wendy- You sound so much better, I am so glad.
Jen- How do you handle the crazy hours? Wow!
Have to run, got to get our workout in before swim lessons.
Happy Friday preggos!

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