Robert sherman reebok cycling



does anyone have this, and what do you think about it, or do you have any other spin/cycling workout for indoors, as I am thinking about investing in a stationary bike, but it will take some good workouts to make me use the bike.

Several years ago I had plantar fasciitis and I was trying to do workouts on a bike for cardio. At first I used my road bike on a trainer while using spinning videos and that was a total fiasco. For Christmas DH bought me a spinning bike and it was a wonderful investment.

Since then I have been on a quest for good spinning videos which are amazingly difficult to find. I have Spinning I & II by Johnny G and I am completely unimpressed. This man may be a great cycling coach he is very enthusiastic and believes in what he does, but leading a video isn't his strong point. The videos are very scattered and inconsistant. I am used to Cathe, the FIRM, etc. which are very well planned and executed, and he seemed to fly by the seat of his pants. When I finish this video I sort of feel like I wasted my time, that I would have gotten a better workout if I had chosen something else.

I also have Precision Cycling by Jay Blahnik. I think this is a very good, well thought out, well led video. It has 2 hill climbs and one set of intervals. I always feel like I got a good, well rounded workout when I do this video. It is a little short for my taste (40 minutes) so I either use it when I a pressed for time or add additional cardio to it.

Recently I got a Spinervals video ( and it is my favorite of the bunch. It is aimed at people who compete in road cycling and all of the participants use regular road bikes on trainers. The coach takes you through a series of amazing intervals, I was really impressed. All of the instructions are given for gears on a regular bike, but I didn't have trouble using my spinning bike. I know this will be one of my favorite spinning videos and of course now I need all of them.

I know I haven't answered your question on Robert Sherman's video, but I do hope I helped a little bit.
indoor cycling

Hotchick, look into spin type bikes rather than an old-fashioned stationary bike. Not that you can't get a good workout from the traditional, but I've found the spin type bikes much more comfortable when training hard. If you do ride outside, then a bike set-up on a trainer would be another option. That's what I've done to escape the heat.

Johnny G's training tapes are dated. His Spinning protocols have changed a lot from the early days.

I just purchased my first Spinerval tape. It's ok. The music is awful & it's not something I normally pay attention to. The production is basic. For steady-state or tempo work, I'd just as soon put on a good CD & use my heart rate monitor. But I do like someone else leading the way during interval training.

You can get lots of info on Spinervals at VF (actually so much that it's hard to sort through). Nancy C is one of the few Spinerval holdouts - she likes Jay's tapes. She has a couple of newer ones that were marketed to instructors.

RE: indoor cycling

I just bought a spinning bike from I purchased the ENC600 Multisport and I love it. I am used to the Schwin spin bike in a gym environment and found the one I ordered was a bit more sturdy and the flywheel was heavier (60 vs 40 pounds).

RE: indoor cycling

I love Spinervals workouts - they are so tough! Yes, the music is awful, but the workouts are really, really good. I also have Mindy's Sport Cycle and Jay's Precision Cycling - both good workouts, but I never do them anymore because I love Spinervals so much! I get my Spinervals videos from when they are on sale.

RE: indoor cycling

Hi all

thanks for your comments so far, I did not realize that there was actually a spinning bike, I knew about the videos ,but not the bike.
I am glad that I have my educated forum friends to keep me informed otherwise I would have bought through trial and error. I will also look into the spinervals videos.
By the way! The Robert Sherman spinning video is on collage, you can play a clip, and maybe someone might be able to tell just from that if it looks any good, as I dont want to buy the video just for his breathy sexy voice, I seem to have a fixation on mens voices at the moment (e.g brian kest) hee! hee! .

Have a good evening.

RE: indoor cycling

There are a lot of Spinervals tapes. You might start out with the one with "Zoot" in the title. I think it's a little less intense than the others, which are truly hardcore workouts.

Here's an alternative to buying a stationary bike. (First I'll add that I hate riding indoors--too boring & the scenery, temperature & even the workout itself are just NOT as good as riding outdoors.) If you already have a bike, you can get a good trainer to ride it on for less than a stationary bike. A trainer will also take less storage space than a stationary bike. Plus, it's easier to take with you to a friend's house (social=less boring) or on vacation. If you don't have a bike, check whether you can get a bike and trainer for around the same (or less?) money than a stationary bike. I have a CycleOps trainer. Blackburn & Performance also make trainers that get good reviews. Your local bike shop would have trainers you could demo.
RE: indoor cycling

Hi Juliee.

I am only considering getting a stationary bike, as I have no room or storage space to put a bike that I will use outside, I would have to put it inside the house.

What is a trainer? and what is the difference between a spinning bike and a normal stationary bike, some one told me to get a spinning bike , but all the brochures In the UK that I have looked at only seem to have stationary bikes.
Does the spinning bike go by any other name.

RE: indoor cycling


I have Spinervals (very good), Mindy Mylrea's cycling tape, two Jay Blahnik spinning tapes and Johnny G's tapes. I do not care for Johnny G to much. Oh yes, I also have a spinning tape by Darryl Preston-Spin Unlimited 1.

I really enjoy my Jay Blahnik tapes and Mindy Mylrea. I am doing Mindy's tape and Jay's Hill Climb right now. Spinervals kick my BUTT!! You definitely know you have worked out when you finish these tapes. I like Up Hill Climb of the Spinervals. I guess you can tell I like hills:)

I am going to order Robert Sherman's tape. I am always looking for a good spin tape. Would be nice if CATHE would do a spin tape. (hint, hint ;) )

RE: indoor cycling

A trainer is a stand that you put a regular bike on. It's probably the cheapest way to go. It's fairly easy to remove the bike & put the trainer out of the way. Cyclists like it because they can train on their regular bike though it is hard on the tires. Check the Spinervals website or for pictures.

A "spinning" bike (there are several brands) is sturdy & easy to use. The rider is in the same position as if they were on a real bike so it's great training. They are expensive. I think Cathe has a link for spin bikes on her home page if you want to see pictures.

I don't like old-fashioned stationary bikes because one sits upright in an awkward position. The saddles are big enough for horseback riding. One can certainly break a sweat but it's not great training for outdoor riding.

RE: indoor cycling

Hi Lollie,

When you get the robert sherman tape and have a go of it will you tell me what it is like as it will probably be my first cycling workout followed by jay blahniks.

Thank you Debra for the info on spinning bikes/trainers etc.

Does anyone know if spinning bikes are sold in the uk? and if so where?.

a link

Try http:/ & then go to the international section. They have a contact in Great Britain.

I've only used a Schwinn spin bike. The rights to the bike were purchased by Star Trak when Schwinn liquidated. Star Trak makes another spin bike which gets good reviews (not nearly as many saddle complaints). I think Andrea has one if she's lurking.

RE: indoor cycling

Man, Robert Sherman does have a sexy voice doesn't he!!! I just watched the Video clip on Collage, and I must say my heart rate would be up just from LISTENING to the video!

Seriously though, I also like the Spinnervals videos. They really are a good work out! Not only do they have the gears listed on the screen, but they have an exertion scale and a running timer. So you can always know how much longer the torture will last! ;-)


~~Happiness is an Attitude~~

Hotchick---I started crosstraining seriously in March (yes, an injury from doing too much of the same thing--STEP!!). Anyway, at the suggestion of those wonderful VFers, I ordered a spinning bike from a company in San Diego ( Anyway, they shipped it to me. I bought some Spinervals workouts and am now HOOKED. Yes, the music is the pits but you can block it out pretty good. The workouts are intense. I suggest you start with Sweating Buckets---Coach Troy made it especially for beginning cyclists and experienced folks wanting to work on technique. It's the least intense of the ones I've done thus far (Suffer-O-Rama, Uphill Grind, and SB), but it's still a really tough workout. You truly will be sweating buckets. This morning, I did Uphill Grind, which simulates hill climbing, and I was fried after I finished. It's more intense than Interval Max I, if you can believe that! I've noticed that since I started doing Spinervals, my legs are more toned and I've lost a bit of the cellulite on my bum & upper thighs. You should do only a couple of these workouts a week because they are so intense. Hope you decide to take the Spinerval plunge :) suzanne

Hi everyone,
Thank you again for your advice, Nadine you made me laugh about your heart rate going up by listening to Robert Shermans voice, I thought I had it bad (ha, ha).
Thank you Debra also for the link for the spinning bike, I am going to look at it right now.
Suzanne, these spinerval workouts seem to be all the rage now, and they sound very good and tough, but I may need music with a good beat or groove to motivate me to use those tapes, everything has to come together for me that is why I love Cathe, the intensity, the music, the moves etc.. I will have to think about the spinervals, or maybe just order one first, which would you recommend.


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