Ride! - Legs


Hello Cathletes -

I got the Ride! DVD with the XTRAIN series and am considering getting a bike. I was just wondering, for any of you out there that already spin, is it considered a leg workout and cardio - or just straight cardio - would you do a leg workout the day before or the day after you did a spinning DVD? Do you get DOMS in your legs after spinning?

I appreciate any feedback.

Thanks!! :D
I consider any spin DVD, a cardio workout. I did a spin workout yesterday, and today I did STS plyo legs and Xtrain Legs. I do get DOMS in spin workouts that include squats and seated hill climbs. I didn't experience DOMS with Ride. Ride is my new favorite spin workout, tough but fun and a huge calorie burn. : ) Good luck on your bike search.
Thanks for the feedback - really appreciate it. Just trying to get a feel of how I would use spinning in a rotation. :)
I haven't done Ride yet, but I have CycleMax. I wouldn't want to do a leg workout the day before, because I need fresh legs to make it through. But I'm fine to do a leg workout the day after.

Spinning works your leg muscles in ways that no other workout (including running) does. There is definitely a learning curve. I was truly humbled the first time I tried! :eek:
Proform Bike sold at Amazon, Sears and Walmart is a good starter bike.
Yes, you will have DOMS but bike at your pace. Good to purchase biking shoes and gloves too.
Besides some DOMS from spinning, I wanted to offer a word of caution. When first starting to spin or cycle you may (more than likely WILL) experience some pain from sitting on the seat. The pain will be in the area near your pelvic floor bones. The pain is temporary and goes away in a day or two. Unfortunately for me, the pain returns each time I take a few months off from spinning or cycling. Funny thing is I forget all about it until that second day when I am reminded by my funny walk, lol.
There are a lot of excellent pointers and recommendations on spin bikes in this forum and the 'new and upcoming workout' forum that were posted just before and after CycleMax came out.

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